Oct. Wedding: Me vs. the Bridesmaids dress...

The Facts:
- I am to be a bridesmaid (for the 9th time) in Oct.
- The Bride insists that we order our dresses NOW!
- I am on a mission to drop some major weight this year. I would like to lose at least 5 lbs every month, I realize this isn't much of a loss for each month but hey 5 x 12 = 60 which would put me pretty close to my goal weigh. But it also means that by the time the wedding rolls around I should be 50+ lbs lighter!!

So....Do I buy a dress that fits me now and have it taken as needed later?
OR....Buy a smaller dress therefore putting more pressure on myself to lose the weight?



  • sjr4291
    sjr4291 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going to be a bride in July and I've actually ordered a dress 1 size too small, so like you said...I have to the weight and have no choice! :)
  • JCupelli
    JCupelli Posts: 16 Member
    I would order a dress that fits you now and then have it taken in as you lose. This way if you don't happen to drop what you are aiming for you wont have to order a new dress. Regardless if you make it to your goal weight or not your body will change and you'll need alterations to have a good fit if you lose the weight. On the plus side a tailored dress looks better than one off the rack!
  • AnikaP81
    AnikaP81 Posts: 59 Member
    Even at 5 lbs per months, as you said, you will be about 50 lbs lighter by the time the wedding comes around... I have dropped two dress sizes after losing 25 lbs... I think ordering one size smaller than you need right now is actually pretty safe, because by the time the wedding comes around that size smaller should actually be too big, even if you lose less than 5 lbs/month ;) Unless you fall completely off the wagon, but THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN :)
  • Ashley578
    I think you should buy a dress that is one (maybe two) sizes smaller than you would wear now. It will help keep you motivated to fit into it and even if your smaller by then it's a much better feeling having to bring it in a little compared to letting it out (which sometimes is next to impossible with dresses)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Always a risk buying a dress that's too small for you. It's MUCH easier to have one taken in then out (I'm a bridesmaid in March for my sister's wedding and have to have mine purchased a few months ago taken in - yay!). That being said it could be good motivation to lose the weight. Is there any reason that they have to be ordered now. Could you talk to her and see if you could put it off for a month
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Buy a dress that fits now!!!
    Anything can happen in the next few months. We all have the best intentions but sometimes life gets in the way. Work, family or even personal situations can interfere with our plans (coming from someone who gains 25+ lbs after being struck by a car and unable to exercise for a few months). Stress to lose weight can interfere with losing weight. There is nothing worse than worrying about getting into a dress.
    Are you picking your own style? If so, I would discuss with the salesperson or a seamstress what style would be most suitable for taking in. Some styles don't alter as well.
    Or just try talking to the bride. Set another date a little ways down the road that lets you lose some weight but still allows the dress to be in on time. Maybe with a future solid date of order she may relax a little.
    As a recent bride I understand the worry about everyone getting their dress. Mine put it off to the last minute and paid extra because of it. They still made it.
    Good luck.

    If you decide to go ahead and buy smaller - remember weight loss is not linear. Many people experience plateaus so estimate conservatively. 5 lbs a month may be easier at first but the lower in weight you get, the harder it is to lose.
  • JCupelli
    JCupelli Posts: 16 Member
    Buy a dress that fits now!!!
    Anything can happen in the next few months. We all have the best intentions but sometimes life gets in the way. Work, family or even personal situations can interfere with our plans (coming from someone who gains 25+ lbs after being struck by a car and unable to exercise for a few months). Stress to lose weight can interfere with losing weight. There is nothing worse than worrying about getting into a dress.
    Are you picking your own style? If so, I would discuss with the salesperson or a seamstress what style would be most suitable for taking in. Some styles don't alter as well.
    Or just try talking to the bride. Set another date a little ways down the road that lets you lose some weight but still allows the dress to be in on time. Maybe with a future solid date of order she may relax a little.
    As a recent bride I understand the worry about everyone getting their dress. Mine put it off to the last minute and paid extra because of it. They still made it.
    Good luck.

    If you decide to go ahead and buy smaller - remember weight loss is not linear. Many people experience plateaus so estimate conservatively. 5 lbs a month may be easier at first but the lower in weight you get, the harder it is to lose.
    Well said! :)
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    When I was in a wedding a year ago, I bought my dress the size I was then (ordered the dress more than a year before the wedding, a little overkill, but my friend stresses easily). I had it taken in when it got closer to the wedding.

    It did suck when I bought it because I had to buy it as a "plus size" which was an extra 50 bucks. And then I spent about another $100 having it taken in after (I had lost about 2 dress sizes before the wedding). So, I guess, just a buyer beware type deal, it might cost more than you anticipate, but there's still the you never know what will happen before factor to it as well.
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    I would ask how much can be taken in if needed. Some dresses have detailing that can only be altered a bit. I know as I was in a wedding a few years ago and my dress had to be taken in a lot and it was close to the point that they wouldn't be able to do it.
  • Mandamanda93
    Mandamanda93 Posts: 213 Member
    Also be aware that if you lose a substantial amount of weight (more than one or two dress sizes at most), it's very difficult to have it taken in well because of all of the extra fabric. It can be done, but it will take more time and more money to have it fit the way it needs to fit. I'd order a size down, but more than that.
  • DeborahBatewell
    DeborahBatewell Posts: 147 Member
    I'd go with everyone to pick it out.Then I would find out how much time the dress shop needs to have your dress ready and order it by then. If she's a true friend she'll be understanding.
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you for your input!! :flowerforyou:

    I went and tried on a few dress and the 18 fit ok but the 16 was just a bit too tight. I went ahead and ordered the 16.

    So when I loose a few pounds it should fit nicely but when I loose a few more I'll have to take it in...and that people, is my goal! :laugh:
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    So...the Size 16 that was in the store was bigger than the size 16 that arrived yesterday. So glad that I didn't go for a size 14!!!

    But I WILL fit into this by Oct!!


    *The zipper could go up farther I just couldn't reach it...Next time I will make sure my man is home to help! :)

    I plan on posting up pics of my progress at the end of each month. :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Best wishes!

    The last time I bought something a size too small as incentive, it was like a slap in my face every time I saw it hanging in my closet, and I think I ate even more to comfort myself. I eventually donated it.