Starting fresh, anyone want to join me?!

So, I'm starting over! It's going to be a full overhaul of my lifestyle. I'm knocking out calories and picking up an active lifestyle. I'm looking for friends to motivate and help give me a push when I need it. Of course, I'll do the same! This isn't going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!


  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Sure, send me a request :) I'm 30YOF, log daily
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me up!
  • Hi! I'm just starting today, too. Actually, I've been "starting" forever, but today is my Day 1 on this website. I'm still in the process of figuring out how all this works, but understand that this whole 'accountability' thing works best if you have people on here that you are accountable to.
  • jwoods31822
    jwoods31822 Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me, I am needing some support to kick this in the butt once and for all.
  • Oooh pick me!! I'm new and would also like a friend who will keep me motivated. :-)
  • We could all use a little support! Feel free to add me, I'm also just starting out!
  • lulu113
    lulu113 Posts: 14 Member
    HI! I'd love to join you! I dont really have anyone in my life right now who is also on a weight-loss journey so I'm definitely looking to share this experience. I think the accountability will give me a boost..
  • Hi, I'm doing the same thing. Going to keep writing down all that I eat and working in some exercise every day. That's my goal at the moment. I'm starting small, I guess, but am tired of being overweight. Best wishes to everyone here!
    - Brenda S.
  • I'm in, I just joined the other day.
  • pksd
    pksd Posts: 34 Member
    Started few weeks ago. Very motivated right now. Looking for someone to help me stay that way also.

  • Hi, I just started last week and I am very motivated. Please add me if you like. I am trying to log on every day. My husband is also trying to loose weight, so I need to get motivated to keep him on track as well.
  • lindan70
    lindan70 Posts: 18 Member
    I am commiting to a life style change for health reasons. This time I'm doing strictly for me, not for anyone else. I always start off strong for the first couple of weeks, then I start to lose motivation. I could use some movitivational friends to keep me on track!
  • I'm just starting, as well! Feel free to add me!:)
  • Today's my first day too. I would love to meet others who are also just getting started. :)
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    joined a few days ago. have been doing really good since i've joined. have learned so much in a few days. wish everyone the best in reaching the goals they wish to reach. we CAN do this. feel free to add me if anyone would like. i'll do what i can to help out and provide motivation and support.
  • You will do amazing feel free to add me! im ready to help and support in anyway i can :) and I need all the support i can get :)
  • I am here for anyone! This is day one for me and I kno it is going to be a very difficult journey for me and all the friends I can get to help would be awesome!
  • nic_ci
    nic_ci Posts: 110 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...I've been doing this for a little over a year...most people don't stick with it...I had over 50 friends last January( a little overwhelming) now I'm down to 10...the rest fell off the wagon...on the food truck in this case...I will try to motivate as much as I can!
  • Necygirl
    Necygirl Posts: 1 Member
    Just starting myself. Hope to encourage and be encouraged!!:smile:

  • On the same boat, but it's a new year, and it's time to take care of me. Feel free to add me, would love to support :)