5'5 women-opinions wanted on weight

Hi! So I'm 5'5 and about to turn 19. I am 142 pounds, curvy, with biggish breasts and butt. I want to keep my hour glass frame but am not sure what my goal weight should be. Like would 120 look too thin or just right? I really just want to get to 125 and am not sure if 120 would be even better? Thanks!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It depends on your frame, but I am an inch shorter and look really good at 125ish.
  • alexiaschulz
    alexiaschulz Posts: 33 Member
    I'm just over 5'5 and I was 143 when I started MFP. My goal weight is 128, which I reached and then lapsed a bit back up to 130. I actually think I look just fine now, but I am 36 and have a kid, so it's a different stage in life. 120 might be low-ish, why not get to 125 and see how you look and feel? You could be 125 with muscles and look awesome, and 120 with no muscles and look scrawny, so it's more about how you look and feel than a particular number.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Go for 125 and see what you think at that point. I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 150. *shrugs*
  • onfiresis
    onfiresis Posts: 22 Member
    i'm 5'6" with a medium frame and 120 always made me look like i had chicken legs and arms. i think 125-130 would be good unless you have a small frame and then 120 is probably fine.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm going for 130s (not a defined number) with muscle
  • I am 5'5" - 5'6" and started on here at 148. My original goal was 135, but I have since adjusted that to 125. Right now I am at 130 and would be very happy even staying this weight. :)
    I still have my boobs (although I have lost one size).... and I still have a 'figure'. For me, 125-135 is a decent range. :)
  • I'm just over 5'5 and I was 143 when I started MFP. My goal weight is 128, which I reached and then lapsed a bit back up to 130. I actually think I look just fine now, but I am 36 and have a kid, so it's a different stage in life. 120 might be low-ish, why not get to 125 and see how you look and feel? You could be 125 with muscles and look awesome, and 120 with no muscles and look scrawny, so it's more about how you look and feel than a particular number.

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    also going to depend on the amount of lean muscle mass you have.

    i'm medium frame and i looked ridiculously thin at 125. i've also always had boobs so at 120 i looked like a stick figure with a lollipop head and huge boobs :laugh:

    i personally think i looked my best after a few years of serious weight lifting and eating more calories. at that point i was 135-145. which is somewhat close to what i'm trying to get back down to
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think it really depends. I use to weigh 120lbs and people always told me I looked sick and I was to thin. I got so sick of hearing it.
    Then I had my first child and lost the baby weight and was sitting around 129 an to me I looked good. I wasn't too skinny and was comfortable and that time I felt skinny. Right now I am 165 and my goal is 130. Once I get there I will reassess but just remember you can set your goal and adjust when you get there :)
  • nicholemers
    nicholemers Posts: 7 Member
    I am an inch taller and I look my best in my 130's. I went down to 125 once and was told I looked sickly. Really it depends on your frame. Just keep it healthy :)
  • nakire
    nakire Posts: 1 Member
    I think you need to focus not on your weight number but look at your muscle tone. Someone your size at a very fit 142 will look much better than someone at 142 with poor muscle tone. Muscle weighs more than fat so fit person will look smaller, and better, even at the same scale number. It's more about fat to muscle ratio and overall body shape. And different people have different figures. You sound like you have a good shape so I'd suggest upping some cardio and serious strength training – do it right and you won't get big muscles you'll get a gorgeous firm figure.

    If you want to have a goal weight I would say that 120 is too thin. Why not aim for 130 or 125 and then see you you look?
  • I was 150 and honestly it looked great! That's a great goal weight! :)
  • I'm 5'5", 140 was my original goal weight but I like it better at my current 133; start lifting weights and you will keep your curves :)
  • Thanks! I think I'd be happy with 130 too, and 125 would be a dream lol
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    You sound exactly like me. My goal weight is set at 120, but I'm at 124 right now and really don't need to lose more. I'm not particularly happy with my body, but what I'm unhappy with can be remedied by putting on muscle. I imagine I'll settle out around 128-130 when it's all said and done.

    If I were you (knowing what I know now), I'd set an initial goal weight of 130 and lift weights the entire time you're losing weight. Track your body fat % throughout. When you get to 130, it should be easy to tell if you need to lose more weight or specifically work on building muscle.
  • Hi,

    I'm 5'4 and My ultimate goal weight is about 55kg (but I'll be happy anywhere between 55kg and 60kg) so that's about 120lb - 130lb... I cannot remember EVER weighing that much - its always been much more! So I cannot wait to get there. I used the body gallery to find someone my height, similar body shape and goal weight to see how it MIGHT look and I'm excited haha.

  • Thank you! This really helped me, I've been cutting calories and walk 8 miles a day plus an hr of strength workouts.
  • Thanks! I'll definitely do that :)
  • That picture exactly my goal! Thanks!
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I am 5'5 and I'm in the low 110's, I'm not sure of the exact number as I don't weigh very often rather I go off my jeans :) I am a long distance runner however, so have quite a low BF percentage as well.

    If I were you I'd focus on BF rather than weight like the others have said, tone looks so so good!!