Training for a half marathon



  • thanks OP for posting your question. i'm running my first half in june. started training a few months ago. the longest race i've done is a 10k. over the weekend i ran 6.44 (my longest to date). great suggestions/tips everyone. question what is GU? is it really important to use chafing cream? i've never had any problems so i'm not sure if i will need it i'm also not sure what's it's like to run 10 miles so who knows maybe i will need it? good to know there may be porta potties on the route. ;)

    for a half are coach would never had us take any GU... for us he would say "every two things of waters you drink, drink one poweraid" and he would always have us put I chafing cream he would give us Vaseline on are arm pits and legs... he always told us you never know what my happen when you run faster in a race..
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