Support Needed

I am 48 years old and heavier than I have ever been in my life. I am new to myfitnesspal. I don't drink sodas; drink lots of water every dayand don't eat junk food. I have had thyroid issues since I was 16 and if I don't exercise I gain gain gain even though I don't over eat. I am up every day at 4 AM to get ready for work and on the other side of Houston by 6:30 AM; then work till 4 and drive home an hour. All I want to do when I get off at 4 is go home. It has been a long day and I am ready to go home and unwind and just relax before going to bed at 9 and starting all over again the next day. Overeating is not an issue for is finding the energy to force myself to drive to the Curves in another town before coming home; doing a workout and then not getting home till 6. I went today for the first time and as I was driving home and looking at the clock I got very depressed; less time with my husband; less time to unwind. How can I get myself motivated and keep myself going? I need to do this so bad but every day is a push and I like myself less and less every day. HELP!


  • Candylips70
    I have similar issues where I just don't have the energy to do anything after a long day. I am slowly learning how to eat better, but finding motivation to do anything extra is still not happening. Maybe we can learn together :)
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Is your husband supportive? Does he need to lose also? What if you came straight home, had dinner with your husband, then the two of you worked out together?
  • Lifetimegoals
    Lifetimegoals Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, dmjm1989 (what's your name?)

    First of all, let me introduce myself: I'm Paula, 30 years old, Brazilian (sorry for my English), 40 pounds overweight.

    I am sorry to read that you feel this way. I know it is really annoying to have the feeling we are wasting precious time. But you know that going to Curves is part of the quality time you give yourself. In my opinion, exercising is ultra-boring. :/ However, I try to see it as a matter of health (and in your case, it is) AND enjoyment (it's not always possible, but why don't you try doing things in a way that makes life more fun - like, playing your favorite songs on your way to the gym and singing along, taking daily pictures to show yourself your improvement after a period of time, etc.).

    Do you take special meds to control your thyroid?

    I know there is nothing I can say to make it feel better. But I understand how you feel and want you to know that you are not alone.
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Candy.....sounds good......Dawn
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    My husband is very supportive and loves me no matter what. He is a Navy man and does not have a weight problem. If he gains two pounds he starts running around our neighborhood and looses it quick. So unfortunately that is not an option for us. Plus I am very self consious doing exercise around him.
  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. M name is Mary and I am 53, and I too am over weight and have thryroid issues. I also don't eat much at all, but what I do eat goes instantly t o fat. I don't like to exercise. I am new to this website and I am hoping to lose weight. I am just telling myself to make sure that I do eat, but not to eat real bad stuff. I am trying to exercise only 20 minutes a day, and by that I mean just walk on my treadmill. I am hoping to achieve doing it this way, but we will see. Please hang in there, I have been told so many times that my metabolism has shut completely down because my body thinks it is in starvation mode. So, eat all of your meals and have some snacks, also, I heard that drinking water is SO important to rev that metabolism. I am going to try these things...maybe you till too! Hang in there!
  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    I have a husband who can eat alot and not gain, but he is in new home construction and is very physical during the day. I feel bad around my husband too because I feel like a big blob! I have struggled with my weight my whole life! How about you?
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Paula. My name is Dawn. Yes I am taking medicine and have been for 32 years. Twelve years ago I had myself in shape and was working out every day in the livingroom. while watching tv; then I had a medical issue and had to have a bone replaced in my neck and could not do anything for 4 months. After that I could not get back into the workouts and just gained gained gained. Without eating sweets; sodas; or anything that is bad for me. Very Very depressing. You are right I have to get myself in a better place emotionally. I listen to Christian music all the time in my car and today I turned off my radio because I was so depressed and then told myself NO and turned it back on and started singing the praise song that was on the radio. One day at a time. Thank you so much for the words of encourage me. And oh....your English is wonderful. :-) I deal with people in Latin America every day and yours is GREAT!
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Mary! You hang in there too. Sounds like there are a lot of people in the same spot I am. I don't know about you but it helps to see I am not alone.
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    hopetoachieve.......AMEN! I am embarressed for my husband when we go out places because he is with an overweight person and I am ashamed of myself. He does not appear to be though and will have his arm around me happily introducing me to everyone. I guess that is true love and after 24 years I guess that is a great thing. I too have struggled my entire life with it because of my thyroid. One day One day.....that is all I can say and think. Finding a way to get there though is the hard part.
  • doggymom93
    Hi everyone, I'm Susan and after reading some of your posts, I know I'm in the right place. This is new for me too, and the support here is awesome. I'm turning 50 this year, and I'm about 30+ pounds overweight. This past year I've developed high blood pressure, got on meds and am going through menopause too! I feel so old on the outside, crunchy knees and all. But on the inside I don't feel old at all...that's creating this battle in my head that's driving me crazy LOL The sad thing is that about 5 years ago, I lost 35 pounds and felt wonderful. Now I can't believe that I'm right back where I started. I'm a teacher and I'm exhausted when I get home, finding it very difficult to find energy and motivation to do anything except nap! This past summer I did the Couch to 5K program and my husband said he could tell a difference in me. Then when school started that went down the drain. I'm looking for friends who understand and can offer support and help to motivate me!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    Some thoughts - maybe look for a Curves, YMCA or other gym near your work so you can go during your lunch hour. Also, do you take any supplements? I know they aren't a cure all, but I found they have helped me immensely.
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Susan.....I agree with you; the support here seems to be outstanding. I feel what you are saying completely. Together we can do it. :-) I sent you a friend request so we can encourage each other. :-)
  • 4audacious1
    Why not come out Saturday at 3:00pm and Join Us and learn more about our 90 day challenge, I just found out about it and my goal is to lose 30 lbs, you have to check this out. I understand your frustration with having to go to work then trying to fit working out in, all the while being away from your husband some more. Do you have cable or internet why not turn to the exercise channel and workout from the comforts of your home, why not find the daily burn on the internet and try it free for 30 days. Will your husband workout with you to support your weight loss goals and efforts?

    I will surely be here to support and assist with motivation whether you join me in the challenge or not. Do you get a lunch break, how long is it? Can you eat and then walk 15 mins one direction then turn around and walk back 15 mins...every little bit counts....Add me please to be your fitness pal
  • 9JANE
    9JANE Posts: 21 Member
    As you lose weight you will have energy to go to the gym and you will not feel so depressed:smile: You need to talk with your doctor about the thyoid issue your meds might need to be adjusted or changed. The thyoid can cause all the things you have just talked about. Talking about it helps and you need to have friends to help out.
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks 9Jane and 4audacious1. Getting the meds for my thyroid checked is on the list of things to do.

    9Jane....89 lbs lost. OMG! In my dreams. I so need to loose that much. I pray I will see it some day.....maybe.....

    4audacious1......I told two of my friends at lunch today; they wanted Mexican food and I told them sorry; that won't work for me; starting a diet; so we went to Cheddars instead. Better healthier selections there. I have an hour lunch and I think I will start doing what you mentioned at lunch time. We can go down to our basement and walk if we want and there are units of measure on the wall that tells us how far we have walked. Maybe I will see if my friends want to do it with me. :-) Thanks for the encouragement.
  • dawnmm89
    dawnmm89 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Mishy! Support is going to help for sure.
  • Texgal9816
    Texgal9816 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! Since you don't really have the time to go to Curves have you thought about exercising at home? There are walking DVD called Walk Away The Pounds(if you haven't heard of them before) I did them several years ago and lost 30 pounds the 1 and 2 mile doesn't take much time at all and you can use 2 pound weights. Just an idea for you. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • jml7132
    jml7132 Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel, I often times will sleep in my workout clothes have my sneakers by the toilet to put on after my morning tinkle grab a glsss of water and a coffee that I preset the night before and hit the eliptical trainer in front of the TV. 30 minutes.Thats all you need! If you dont make the time time will not wait for you. after a week youll do it naturally, I go to bed 30 min earlier and wake up 45 min earlier Youll see a habit forming but you must take the first step. do a 30 minute exercise video if you dont have an eliptical ,
  • Pikachv
    join a support group eat healthier and keep trying! you can`t lose weight without motivation!