How do you break the addiction to fast food?



  • 14kat
    14kat Posts: 5
    I left all $$$ at home to avoid temptation while I was out!
    Good luck
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I cut out HFCs from my diet, including sodas.

    Started eating clean, and making burgers at home, when I compared the burgers from home to the ones from McD's, the difference was amazing.

    I still eat at McD's when I truly don't have time, but I can taste all the preservatives and chemicals and it grosses me out. My digestive system also tells me it isn't happy, believe me, when you stop eating all those preservatives and chemicals, you will wonder why you ate so much of that stuff in the first place.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    My husband and I got a real eye opener when went on a budget. I figured out how much we were spending on going out for food, at the grocery stores, and at the Farmers Market for three months straight. We were shocked.

    Now I spend about one quarter of that total, cook from scratch, and we all actually feel better. Maybe once every two months, we will go out for food.

    We are eating so much better now and it's a huge savings on our food bill.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Point your car straight ahead and don't go there.

    Just don't buy it if it doesn't fit your day.

    Voldemort has not cast a junk food compulsion spell on you - just don't buy it.

    (for me, it also helped when my teen daughter got a part time job at one of the fast food chains...and you fully realize that the burgers are made by 15-16 year old teen boys for whom showering is optional...)
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    When I first started MFP I wasn't ready to stop my fast food addiction, but in order to stay in my calorie goal I had to really pre-plan my fast food meals. That is where you should think about starting. My breakfast was oatmeal from McD's. lunch was chili and a side salad from Wendy's. Dinner was an al fresco burrito and a side of refried beans from Taco Bell. This was all in my calorie range. Then, once you realize how much money you're spending and the crazy level of sodium in all the foods, you should naturally start to want to cook at home. Go to the grocery store every week, buy a few things that can be made in a hurry (frozen veggies, pre-mixed salads, etc.) for when you're super duper hungry and the fast food lane will become a distant stranger.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    I wasn't really hip on much fast food in the first place, but all I can say for anything is moderation. =]
  • Jessruns
    Point your car straight ahead and don't go there.

    Just don't buy it if it doesn't fit your day.

    Voldemort has not cast a junk food compulsion spell on you - just don't buy it.

    (for me, it also helped when my teen daughter got a part time job at one of the fast food chains...and you fully realize that the burgers are made by 15-16 year old teen boys for whom showering is optional...)

    Hahaha that is an excellent (and hilarious) point.
  • Corkline
    Corkline Posts: 107
    It looks like you're craving the taste, so I also advocate for meal planning and cook from home... Then take it with you. Pepper Plate is my preferred meal planning app. is a good place to start.

    Change the habits around you going to get fast food too...I literally rerouted my drive to work to avoid Starbucks for a month.

    And,once you cleanse your cravings, you can reprogram your palate!

  • miriameam
    miriameam Posts: 7 Member
    I used to eat fast food during the weekday because I honestly coulnd't image what else to eat. It was so delicious and convinient. I lived like this for about 3-4 years until I had to have a serious sit down with myself and set two goals:

    1. Money: Mentally set aside $5 every day. I had the option of using it on eating out or it went into a "Ipad" account at my bank. Every Friday, I could transfer $5- $25 to this little secondary savings based on my savings. My goal was to buy myself an Ipad, but you can use it for anything.

    2. Making lunch: whew! this was the difficult part. I made a little calendar for myself
    Monday: Sunday dinner left overs
    Tuesday: Sandwich. PB& J was the most common one.
    Wednesday: Tuesday night left overs
    Thursday: beans and rice (a staple in my home- i just use brown rice and pinto peans. top with cheddar, tomato or salsa, olives, and avocado if i have it. Eat it with tortilla chips)
    Friday: Thursday left overs

    But with both goals it took baby steps. First, I stoped buying soda pop to go with my meals. It would save me like $1.5 per day and about 150 calories too! Then I wouldn't get sides. Just buy a hamburger,no fries because i had chips at work or just the teriyaki bowl, not the double entree with an eggroll.

    With all this, its not to say I won't eat out. I still get Chipotle when everyone at work orders and get In n Out when I having an awesome day cause I worked out in the morning. I just only do this once or twice a month instead of everyday.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.
  • picthat01
    picthat01 Posts: 2 Member
    For about 2-3 weeks eat just fruits and vegetables, as much as you want, anytime you want. You will find that you feel great and the craving for sweets will diminish. Also, you will lose weight at the same time. It worked for me and I no longer crave sweets. I've also lost 20 pounds and have learned to crave the fruits and veggies. Just a suggestion.