Hello! Back on the wagon and trying to stay this time!

I've been using myfitnesspal in phases for 21 months the site tells me! But every time... I am great at logging everything for a few weeks then I fall off the wagon again and forget everything! Trying to get back into healthy eating and exercise and trying this route this time cause I've never used the blogging/community side of things before and sure everythings work a shot right?! I'll add anyone who wants support and to be supportive :)


  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am on everyday, except when I was sick at the holidays. Always welcome new friends.
  • cassno
    cassno Posts: 1 Member
    Add me. You are telling my story. I need to lose over 50 pounds. Started again last week. Lost 2. I will take it! Walked indoors today. Kept my food diary and didn't cheat! We can do this!,,,,
  • melaniejo527
    melaniejo527 Posts: 73 Member
    Feel free to add me as well... back on the wagon as of today... have a wedding in 7 months that I need to get serious about!
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    hello everyone. just signed up at the beginning of the year. starting my journey with a positive attitude. really like the way you can log your calories and food. it's opened my eyes to what i put in my mouth. great people on here...so much support and motivation. think that makes it so much easier to stay focused and to push myself. if anyone would like to add me, feel free. i will do what i can to help motivate and support those who need it.
  • stoutsfitgal
    stoutsfitgal Posts: 8 Member
    Same here, girl! MFP is one of the only strategies at weight loss and becoming healthier that has shown me results and worked with me. I have fallen a number of times, but I'm back and determined to stay on! We got this! Anyone reading this is free to add me. Support both ways is ALWAYS appreciated! Let's trash this weight!
  • maya88j
    maya88j Posts: 29
    Just started using my fitnesspal hoping to be more dedicated and motivated currently down 20lbs but have been alil unmotivated since the holidays but yes good luck with staying on the bandwagon:wink
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I've been using myfitnesspal in phases for 21 months the site tells me! But every time... I am great at logging everything for a few weeks then I fall off the wagon again and forget everything! Trying to get back into healthy eating and exercise and trying this route this time cause I've never used the blogging/community side of things before and sure everythings work a shot right?! I'll add anyone who wants support and to be supportive :)
    I don't know if this will help or not, but it did me. Instead of saying you're 'trying to stay this time', say YOU ARE STAYING ON TRACK THIS TIME. It's all mental. You either want it bad enough to do it, or you're not ready. Make changes one at a time, not all at once, like you're on a 'diet'. If you DIET, you will feel deprived. Make room for some of the not so healthy things with exericse, perhaps on the weekend, or whatever works. Change things slowly. I know what worked for me, and it won't work for everyone, but this is how I did it.

    I started walking. Only 15 minutes per day, slow enough for me to ENJOY it and want to do it again the next day. 2mph at first.
    I added 5 minutes after a few days, to walk 20 minutes, then 30, and so on.
    I started getting horrible leg pains while & after walking, so I had to start rubbing them out afterwards.
    I started walking even longer.
    I got callousses, blisters. Tried bandaids, tape, you name it. Nothing worked.
    Saw a podiatrist, found out my shoes were the wrong size! Got fitted for orthotics.
    Got fitted for running shoes to walk in. Praying I'd run in them someday.
    Noticed that my thighs looked a little bit toned on top.. hmmm progress... so I decided that I needed something to inspire me. Asked for people to donate one penny per mile to raise money for St. Judes. Problem solved.. I had to be accountable.
    Thighs rubbed together so much that they were raw.
    Bought Glide. Used it, it worked. It feels gummy and greasy but hey, I was pain free and once you start sweating, you feel kind of gross all over anyway. Eventually you learn to LOVE sweat. Weird, but true.
    Started logging food and realized I was eating garbage.
    Started eating more veggies, lean meats.
    Started eating breakfast.
    Started cooking more meals from scratch.
    Started to check out menus BEFORE I'd go out, plan what I was going to eat and stick with it.
    Bought some UA bras, shirts.
    Eliminated toxic people from my life. One of my biggest accomplishments. No regrets!
    Started C25K and had leg pains start up yet again. Boo. Rubbed them out again post-workout and learned how to properly stretch afterwards. That usually stops the pain immediately.
    Noticed my thighs were no longer rubbing. Yay.
    Tripped over my dog and broke my toe and foot.
    Started biking.
    Sat on the toilet lid without having it sink in. Yay.
    Started back walking, with a boot.
    Got shots in my foot and started C25K again
    Got athletes foot. Got meds.
    Finished C25K and by the end of Nov, had walked/biked/jogged 1,000 miles for charity.
    Now I jog about 3-5 miles every other day.
    Down 40lbs. Down from a wayyy too small 16 to an 8.
    Blood pressure is down and I dropped one medication for it.
    No longer pre-diabetic.
    Etc. etc.
    I still have a lot of things I can improve on, but I'm still adding things...one step at a time!
    Was it easy? Hell NO! But I'm worth the effort. I want to live. I want to see my grandkids grow up. I want to be active, do what I want and be happy.
    YOU CAN DO IT! Tell yourself that you are and start now!

    I apologize for this being so long, I just wanted to try and encourage you and let you know that with the right attitude, it can be done!
    Good luck! :)
  • rizzogogo
    rizzogogo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! 5'5'', 30 F here looking to win with MFP! I've been on and off for a few months but I really feel committed this time. It would be great to have some motivation/buddies!
  • Feel free to add me. I have been on here for some time, but like you I do well for a few weeks and then slide back into old habits. It is very important for me to lose weight as baby plans are in the very near future. I would like to be baby ready and have a healthy pregnancy.
  • @ TrailRunner61 Awesome!!! Thank you for sharing. I can relate to many of things that you had to overcome from the foot and leg pain to raw thighs. You are an inspiration!:happy: