20-ish students? hullo

‘Allo my name is Hannah *friendly wave/handshake*
This is officially my first time on My Fitness Pal and I could do with some friends-
We can be each others own personal health-based cheerleaders *wooo*
Here’s a bit about me:
I turned twenty two weeks ago and at the same time came to the realization (or rather could no longer suppress the knowledge) that I am overweight *dramatic music*.
I don’t hate my body, but I know I am bigger then is healthy, and I don’t really like the way my clothes fit (or rather don’t fit) me at the moment. My mother yo-yo diets constantly and I grew up with a somewhat distorted attitude towards food so I am going to do this healthily, rather then starve/binge/starve/binge/cry-on-the-sofa-whilst-watching-bridget-jones-diary-and-eating-ice-cream.
Anyone who wants to join me on what promises to be an awesome journey to a healthy lifestyle (not a quick fix) then drop me a line, send me a request or something :)


  • emr0034
    emr0034 Posts: 50 Member
    I am in! Feel free to add me! :) Here for the journey!
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 22 & currently a grad student. Would love to have more friends for encouragement & support! I'll add you ^^
  • awesome! I'm a student to
  • dlrosen
    dlrosen Posts: 51
    Hey! I'm 21 and a current undergrad student. Ill send you a friend request :)
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm 18 and in college, does that count? Friend request sent :)
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    Hey! Add me if me up if its cool. I'm 21 and in college. :)
  • so counts! pleased to meet you! :)
  • Climbing_Bean
    Climbing_Bean Posts: 4 Member
    I am also 22 and need encouragement. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm 20 goin on 21 with 20 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi! I'm a student too!:)
  • lucy0326
    lucy0326 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey, Im 22, and an undergrad student! I'm sending you a friend request :D Anyone else who needs more fitness friends can feel free to add me too.
  • desi9837
    desi9837 Posts: 27 Member
    Student here!~ Got to admit that it's especially hard staying in shape on campus with all the quick eats offered :( Having motivation is definitely key.