My Husband is no help!

This sucks dont get me wrong I love my husband and he loves me but I got fat and he didnt ... I eat 1 meal and feel terrible he can eat anything he wants and still looks good .... we are both 5''4 and I weigh 35-40 lbs more then he does so I feel like an whale next to him..... I have been doing better the past couple of weeks and exercising a lot more and lost 7 lbs ... I have 68 more lbs to go and it isnt easy ... when I am home by my self I do great eating less and healthier but when my husband is home he eats terrible and i always splurge with him and i dont want to do that any more because then i will never lose weight i will keep on bouncing back and forth lose and gain ..... He is encourageing by telling me im doing good and he is proud but doesnt help at all when it is time to eat ...... please help ... what can i do to stay stong....


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Trade him in for a newer model. Why is there unhealthy food in the house, who buys it? Do you have to sit there and watch, can't you sit in another room while he eats trigger foods?
  • jenilei08
    jenilei08 Posts: 36 Member
    I dont drive he is the only transportation so when we go to the grocery store we shop together i start by putting healthy stuff in the cart and when we get to the freezer section he puts in junk and says that he isnt on a diet ....
  • kannd86
    kannd86 Posts: 42
    Tell him how important your health is to you and that even though you know he doesn't mean to, he is sabotaging your efforts to get healthier. Ask him not to encourage you to cheat/splurge even if he is indulging. It's about respect, not about dieting.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Start saving and budgeting for something important to both of you like a dream holiday or new home or car, meal plan and write grocery lists. Make sure he is stuffed to the gills with a huge high protein/ fat/ fibre meal before a trip to the store, people buy less when they are not hungry or feel sick.

    Are there no stores you can get to on your own at least some of the time? If you can sneakily stuff your freezer with healthy stuff then you have 'no room' for junk, what a shame. Or just slowly do that, overbuy healthy or on sale stuff every week, a really wide range of frozen fruit and veg or fish so that you are motivated to eat healthy.

    Why does he only think people need to eat healthily when on a diet? If you plan a family in the future I hope he will be a better example to your child. Is he willing to eat junk when out of the house then healthy at home? Is he familiar with your government's healthy eating guidelines?