need clean eating/raw/vegan/vegetarian friends!

I need some friends on here! I'm transitioning into veganism and could definitely use some like-minded support.

(I've actually lived a vegan/raw lifestyle in the past (for over two years) and have been trying to get back to that healthy place! I have the feeling that it will stick this time because I want it!)


  • Hi! I am a vegetarian who eats clean 90% of the time. I am interested in veganism but not sure I am prepared to make that change just yet.
  • emr0034
    emr0034 Posts: 50 Member
    I eat clean and love it! Here for you, feel free to add me! :)
  • @ suez1123 - It's a big change to make, that's for sure! I send you a friend request ;-)
  • I eat clean and love it! Here for you, feel free to add me! :)

    sent a friend request :-)
  • thevegangladiator
    thevegangladiator Posts: 33 Member
    feel free to add me or ask me anything, lowfat high carbs vegan best way to go
  • Hey there! I have been off and on vegan for a few years. I just haven't been able to stay there. I made a commitment this last weekend and so far have stayed with it...hahahah, today is only Monday! I could use the vegan friends as well since I don't have any...all my friends and family are meat lovers and yucky milk drinkers!!! (no offense, my hubby likes that white stuff too)
  • kotarah
    kotarah Posts: 25
    Oh me! :) My best friend is a raw food chef and I loooove the diet. Please add me :)
  • I eat clean also. I do not eat any dairy or meats at all and consider myself a vegetarian about 95% of the time. On occasion I will eat a piece of salmon.
  • Hey there! I have been off and on vegan for a few years. I just haven't been able to stay there. I made a commitment this last weekend and so far have stayed with it...hahahah, today is only Monday! I could use the vegan friends as well since I don't have any...all my friends and family are meat lovers and yucky milk drinkers!!! (no offense, my hubby likes that white stuff too)

    I was on a 21 day detox program last May and the last week and a half of it was Vegan, first week vegetarian. I give vegans credit
    because that was the hardest thing I think I've ever had to do in the way of dieting or eating. I didn't fail during that two week period
    but realized that a vegan diet was not for me, it was too hard. Well, my mind has changed since then and I'm thinking I might like
    to try it again, or at least start working my way back into it.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm eating clean and vegetarian. :)
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I eat a completely clean diet - and the health benefits are immense!

    I was a vegetarian for 8 years, but sorry to disappoint you now I am a meat-eating machine!!
  • skinnyplease1001
    skinnyplease1001 Posts: 20 Member
    I was a vegetarian for a while and now i am a clean vegan
  • skinnybetch78
    skinnybetch78 Posts: 34 Member
    I am turning to clean eating and toying around with the idea of going vegan. Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I'M A RAW VEGAN! I'M A RAW VEGAN! RAWRAWRAW HEAR ME ROAR!! Hehehehe sorry about that, couldn't help myself :3 Yes well anyway I'm a raw vegan however sometimes I'll eat porridge in the mornings but other than that I'm now completely raw and honestly you appreciate and enjoy the flavors of food more :)
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since I was born, and a vegan for a year and a 1/2. feel free to add me.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    what is a raw vegan? just out of curiosity.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    what is a raw vegan? just out of curiosity.

    You only eat a diet of whole foods and heavily plant based. Just really in my case nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. I'm trying to eat more vegetables than fruits at the moment but I love fruit too much to cut it down......think I'm gonna go and grab an apple now :P Yea the thing with raw is just you eat it raw. no cooking on the hob or grilling, just good natural raw and honestly I think it tastes better :)
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I eat mostly clean with the occasional cake slice with my boyfriend but I'd love some veg/an friends on here. You may all add me!
  • cmsiemsen
    cmsiemsen Posts: 78 Member
    Vegetarian here for about 5 years!
  • I'm vegetarian since only last month. I was never big on red meat, but chicken was a must at home. Last month I had a bad case of colitis/gastritis that made me visit the doctor ( homeopathic) and the treatment consists of teas, homeopathic medicine & a vegan lifestyle. Vegan is way to much work right now. I still can't have any kind of dairy products, meat or anything from animal, but there so much of that in everyday food I can't control it yet. So, I figured if I can later transition from vegetarian to vegan it might be better. I have to say it's not as hard as I thought it would be. So far so good. While all of these and I still have to loose some 45 lbs.

    It would be nice to have some vegetarian or vegan friends around here. I'm stuck most of the time on what to eat but salads, rice with vegetables or some kind of soup...