Trying to kick the booze is hard

I could better reach my goals with out the beer but I enjoy it so much, plus it helps to take the edge off a fulldays work. I am doing better, went to a 12 pack a day to Mondays only....minus one day last week vacation.


  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    I noticed you said that it "takes the edge off a full day of work". Are you working out daily? Our bodies relieve stress naturally after exercise. I would have never believed it (I dont drink, but I relieved my stress more "naturally" if you know what I mean), but after working out after a long day of work I feel as though my body is saying "ahhhhhhhh".....

    Kudos to you for dropping the 12 pack a day to just Mondays. That in itself is a small victory! Good luck :)
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I can't seem to get away from drinking either!... My boyfriend drinks beer daily and im a bartender! Haha.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    I noticed you said that it "takes the edge off a full day of work". Are you working out daily? Our bodies relieve stress naturally after exercise. I would have never believed it (I dont drink, but I relieved my stress more "naturally" if you know what I mean), but after working out after a long day of work I feel as though my body is saying "ahhhhhhhh".....

    Kudos to you for dropping the 12 pack a day to just Mondays. That in itself is a small victory! Good luck :)

    i think he means after work work not a work out. and i feel the same way it was hard for me to not go home and make a mixed drink or have a beer with my family but how many calories i was consuming really made me think and i just stoped cold turk mionus having some here and there but not nearly as much as i was before hand,
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    Wow, Jason. That must be very tough. Keep up the good work setting reasonable and obtainable goals. You can do it!
    I could better reach my goals with out the beer but I enjoy it so much, plus it helps to take the edge off a fulldays work. I am doing better, went to a 12 pack a day to Mondays only....minus one day last week vacation.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Yep, kicking the alcohol is a challenge. But I find that there's a particular timeframe when I REALLY want an adult beverage (typically somewhere between 4:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon/evening) and that if I can push through that without indulging, I'm good for the night. Maybe you're that way? Procrastination can be your friend!

    For me, the biggest problem with giving-in to the temptation to drink is that drinking leads me to give-in to the temptation to munch. Vicious cycle.

    Good luck with it, and bravo on the cutting back!
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Its hard when your social life revolves around drinking. I'm struggling with the same thing. I'm not even sure I want to quit entirely, but have been seriously considering it.
  • svtrich
    svtrich Posts: 24
    I could better reach my goals with out the beer but I enjoy it so much, plus it helps to take the edge off a fulldays work. I am doing better, went to a 12 pack a day to Mondays only....minus one day last week vacation.

    I love my beer also:drinker: .but after the beer its time for a big Taco Bell Nachos,IN & OUT burger with fries,or other junk and in the morning I feel like:sick: . 12/29 was the last beer I no junk food!! Now I feel great!! I cant say that I'll never have another beer. just not drinking for now.just do it one day at a time:bigsmile: good luck Rich
  • Best wishes to you in making/maintaining these changes. =)
  • Hi I'm new to this too and I had a problem with drink a ltr. Bottle of wild turkey every 2 days
    I know drink only on weekends and in moderation but found it hard to do and
    Still have a little trouble I found exercise has helped me a lot with taking my
    Mind off of wanting a drink :smile:
  • tris57
    tris57 Posts: 15 Member
    Yep, kicking the alcohol is a challenge. But I find that there's a particular timeframe when I REALLY want an adult beverage (typically somewhere between 4:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon/evening) and that if I can push through that without indulging, I'm good for the night. Maybe you're that way? Procrastination can be your friend!

    This. I get this on a friday evening or a saturday afternoon. After a certain point it just feels too late to start, so if I can busy myself until then I won't bother. A cup of tea also helps.
  • i agree, alcohol is my one weakness(diet wise)
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Wine is my weakness particularly when I get in after work, when I am home alone and bored and especially when I feel low. I have made a New Year commitment to myself as I know the wine is one of the big reasons my weight loss has not been as good as I had hoped, I am not drinking at home for the whole of Jan ( I don't go out very much especially in Jan) and after this if I feel great maybe I will continue! The alternative is limit to Friday and Sat I am hoping its going to kick start my weight loss in a big way.
  • @Vicky....oh yes, I know that so hard...
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    I think it is fantastic that you have been able to cut it down to just Mondays already. Maybe you can now start cutting down the beers you have that day until you are just happy to enjoy one beer on a Monday night?
  • It is by far the biggest calorie consumer I have. Im not interested in bingeing on choc or chips or anything else, but ooh my wine at the weekend.
    I used to drink quite a few days in the week too - 1/2 a bottle of wine here or there, rarely beer at home but I would if I Went out.

    So I am going to make the biggest effort ever to knock boozing in the week on the head. It does me literally no good and the only thing I ever ever get out of it is a sore head for work, or being overtired. Which I always always regret. Two glasses of red gives me a hangover - so I should have done this a long time ago. I also used to drink on sundays, but have put a stop to that too. Aside from weight wise, it worries me health wise.

    So its Tuesday, and I last drank on Sat. I have no intention of touching a drop until Friday, if not Saturday, but I know I will saturday as my friend is visiting from Berlin and well, we will!

    I am confident in this measure though. Already on day 3 of no booze (rarely used to go three days) my stomach is soooo much flatter. That is a feeling that no glass of wine is worth!
  • hannahomom
    hannahomom Posts: 3 Member
    Keep at it. Giving up everything (especially vices) is tough. Unfortunately, beer sabotages dieting because of the calories and carbs. I had to give up all alcohol (after IT got the better of me). It was hard. (actually it sucked.) BUT I feel better than I ever did when I drank. Haven't really found a substitute for "taking the edge off". Feeling healthier helps Life's still good lol You'll get there :)