30 Day Shred (January 2013)



  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    I did the first day on the 6th, but do to work & schedule, I missed yesterday. If you have been working out, It's not that intense. I think if I don't finish this it'll only be because it gets tedious doing the same thing day after day without variety. However I'm in to try it with you.
  • I'm already on it....today is my day 10 of level 1. Count me in :)
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi Im doing it again after 3 week break, this time i want to finish, and would love some friends push me on, i promise to spur you on too, so feel free to add me :)
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    I did day 2 level 1 - burned 233 calories.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    I just started this morning... if you make a group I'll join!
  • Bsloop45
    Bsloop45 Posts: 28 Member
    I just completed Level 1, Day 2. =)

    I also have tried it before and was almost done with level 2, and didn't end up finishing. I AM finishing this time around.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    I'm in as well hun !!
  • rizzaG
    rizzaG Posts: 110
    Goodluck to you all! Last year I did 30DS before starting Insanity to assess my fitness level. It definitely is a great workout. I'm now doing second round of Insanity.
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    Hi All!

    DVD is being shipped now...should get it in the next 1-2 days. I too will be joining this challenge.

    Is there a group started up for this yet?
  • brit1970
    brit1970 Posts: 6 Member
    starting tomorrow
    how did everybody get on
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I started yesterday for the second time. Level 1 is not as hard as I remembered it being but my arms are killing me today because I am using much heavier weights. I got through level 1 easily enough last time but hated level 2 and only made it to day 8. This time I really want to finish it so any motivation would be greatly appreciated!
  • kullyg
    kullyg Posts: 17
    I started on Friday 4th Jan, have missed one day so far due to lack of time. will do session 4 when I get home today.

    I am aching a little but not sweating as much as I thought I would, so have been doing other things such as yoga and zumba.

    I watch it on youtube, no point in buying the dvd. I have got some weights though and use the 2kg and the 1.1kg for the last exercise which is side lunges with upward row. I find that the hardest part.

    Feel free to add me or start a group up.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    ive never got past 4th day but i'll try! lol
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    I did it April last year , it was great - I was so much stronger and fitter by the end.
    I just started my 2nd round yesterday so if there's a group going I'll join !
  • ooh yay. I just tracked down my DVD and was planning to start tomorrow. I would LOVE some extra motivation/accountability! I have attempted it before, day one kicks butt...very sore the following day. Wish I didn't know what I was in for! But the success stories are too hard to ignore!
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member

    Im starting today too. Had made up my mind to do it and then I saw your thread. Always better to do it with some friends.
    I did it last year and lost weight and inches but due to holiday eating I really need to do it again.

    Add me if you want a shred buddy :-)
  • coz1979
    coz1979 Posts: 120
    Hey hope you dont me joining in?!? I started day 1 level 1 yesterday my ribs are kiling me today!!!
  • amylouise71
    amylouise71 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi would love to do this with you too, today will be my fourth day, it's a tough workout but short which is what I really like about it and already feel like I have lots more energy.
  • sunnsand201
    sunnsand201 Posts: 12 Member
    I started Day 1 yesterday (Jan 7th) and this is my first attempt at it. The before and after pics made me a believer along with all of the success stories here on MFP. I'm in & please feel free to add me/friend me. Let's keep each other motivated and accountable for our actions. (Work-outs and Nutrition!)
  • lisagyo
    lisagyo Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! I just did my second day of level 1 last night. I did a round last February with 3 lb weights, this time I'm using 5 lbs. The push ups and lateral raises still kill me!