
joepolo70 Posts: 8
edited January 8 in Introduce Yourself
Getting ready for my first vacation since starting my new life. I've been on this journey since Feb '12 and have logged over 335 days straight and lost 100 pounds, 12 inches, reduced meds, etc. On the 13th my wife and I are sailing out of Baltimore on a 7-day cruise. Anyone who has been on cruise ships before know that one of the biggest things about them is the "FOOD". They have enough food to kill an elephant. LOL. I'm not really concerned but one thing I do hate is the fact that I'm going to lose my MFP logging days if I don't log in while on the cruise... :( I guess I'll have to suck up the extra cost of using the internet. :)

Anyway, as most of us know by now, diets don't work but lifestyle changes do. I've also learned that for the long haul I have to be realistic and not worry too much about day by day weight loss/gain, but more on the ultimate goal of living healthy. It amazes me when people ask me what I'm doing to lose weight and then as I explain it to them, you see this look of horror in their face like they were hoping I was going to tell them there is this miracle pill or something. Recently I just started telling people this story. "Well, I met this guy named Jack that introduced me to another guy that sold him some 'magic beans', and I told him to hook me up and he did". They seem to get a kick out of that one but most people don't wanna hear that it can be rather simple if you set your mind to living healthy.

I love reading all the posts, even though I don't really post myself, it's great to read all the journey's that people are on.


  • ccostagliola
    ccostagliola Posts: 24 Member
    The good thing about cruises is that there is a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. They also have the exercise equipment. Enjoy your vacation!
  • awaterbuffalo
    awaterbuffalo Posts: 13 Member
    I travel for a living and sometimes I feel like I am on a permanent "food vacation". I try to eat like I do when I am home. I look for steamed foods, baked/broiled fish or chicken, and treat myself every once and awhile. Don't cruises have gyms? I'd take advantage of that so that you can enjoy a few Mai Tais. Splurge on the Internet so that you can stay on track. Wishing you lots of luck!
  • AdnerbW
    AdnerbW Posts: 8 Member
    When I lost weight about 5 years ago it was also a life style change. I started Eating fresh healthy food and walked about 3 hours a week. It worked wonders.

    Enjoy your vacation
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