HELP!!I can't shake off the weight

mrsnych Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,
I'm hoping to get a little feedback on weight loss.
I've always been really active, running, dancing, walking etc. For a long time, I have been a gym rat and have been burning calories left right and centre! I eat tons of veggies, lean proteins like egg whites, cottage cheese,chicken,fish, and a healthy portion of carbs or starches like couscous or quinoa or yam.
l CANNOT lose the weight. I'm in good shape but I really want to trim down and lean up. I do tend to snack at night, but usually it's air popcorn or rice pudding. I drink at least 8 cups of water a day, and on occasion splurge on a glass of wine every 5-6 days( I'm thinking since I work out, it shouldn't make a huge difference). Where am I going wrong?????Do I need to switch up my workouts??I do alot of cardio, squats, pilates...any suggestions??


  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    could you be pregnant?!
  • MadHatR5
    MadHatR5 Posts: 33 Member
    Sounds like you are doing everything right. You might be right about switching up your workouts.

    From Shape Magazine Online:

    Continuing with the same routine will help you maintain your current muscle tone and strength, but to get stronger and reshape your body, you have to add some variety. "Increase the weight, sets or reps; vary the pace (take a few counts to lift or lower the weight) or order of your routine; or completely change your moves," says Brian Sutton, a personal trainer who specializes in sports-performance enhancement for women. Often you'll feel the effects of even a minor tweak -- like adding a pound or two to your biceps curls -- as a slight ache the next day. Too much soreness can mean you're overdoing it, though. If it doesn't diminish within four days of your workout, ease up.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    To lose weight, you have to make a drastic change of some kind. If your body is used to the activity, it's not going to let go of the pounds unless you change the activity or the calories or the type of food consumed. Because you're already so active, it may be harder for you.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Definitely switch up your work-out routine. Change the intensity or machine you are using. Same with weight training, do a few days with heavier weights and a few days with lighter weights. Are you logging your calories? If so, is (or can you make) your log available to view and perhaps we can help with that. Varying your calorie intake may help too. Some days go over and some days go under just to shake things up. Never go WAY under, but a hundred or so won't send you into starvation. Also, are you eating your burned calories? Try to get your carbs in before 3 in the afternoon and just do protein in the evening for a bit, that may help too. Play around with your diet and exercise and get out of the routine your body is now use to. It needs to be shaken up :-)
  • "I do tend to snack at night"

    I reckon you start there...
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I am looking forwards to reading some answers to this question too as I feel quite similar - no matter what I do I don't seem to lose weight as quick as I think I should be doing. I know I do slack at the weekends a bit but only over my 1200 cals by about 300 and I've usually worked out anyway so I didn't think that would make much difference :(

    Good tips about changing up workout routines though! Going to give that a go! Although I'm on my hols this week anyway so my routine is going to be broken as will have no gym access (argh!!).
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You should be eating at least 1200 cals plus your exercise cals. I'm serious about this and some people don't agree with me but when I was eating just 1200 and working out, I didn't lose. When I started eating within about 50 cals of what I was supposed to, including exercise, the weight started coming off.
  • mrsnych
    mrsnych Posts: 7
    Wow! thanks for all the advice you guys. i think i'll switch up my workout. i was thinking of starting the P90X video series. i know their philosophy is muscle confusion so i think that may be key. hopefully that works
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Another thing you might try is more weight training. I'm not sure how much you do, if any, but I've found that even doing it 3x a week has really helped me slim down. Keep in mind that the scale may go up since muscle weighs more than fat, but you should definitely notice a difference in the way your clothes fit.

    Other than that, I agree with everyone else on here who says to switch up the routine :) good luck!
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