1200 Calorie Meal plan

I am on a 1200 calorie meal plan and am not sure how to cut down to so few calories. This is my first day and so far all I have had is a 4 pack of cheddar crackers with peanut butter-130 calories. What do you eat during the day to stay around 1200 calories? How many meals? I've heard a lot of people say to eat 6 meals a day but with work I don't have time to do 6 meals a day and its hard for me to get access to snacks at work, even if I bring my own.


  • jenniferlynn2477
    jenniferlynn2477 Posts: 39 Member
    I do the 1200 calories a day, but that is my motivation to exercise so I get more calories to eat. I did 2 hours of bike today for 800 calories, so instead of the 1200, I get 2000. But I do fruit (berries), pretzels (pretzel sticks you get quite a few) and of course drink a lot of water. I would say make sure you are exercising so you get more calories through the day but still stay within your goal.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Well to start, dont eat cheddar crackers with peanut butter. Instead do celery or an apple with peanut butter. It is about changing your food into something else that has less calories.
  • wildfirediva
    Remember the Calories on MFP are NET Calories you may have them set at 1200 but if you are doing it right and exercising/being active you may be eating a TOTAL well above 1200. If your are only taking in 1200 calories TOTAL and you are working out regularly your NET Calories are way under 1200 calories and it just gets you hungry, weak and discouraged.

    Try to keep your calories above your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (the minimum total calories needed to function/lazier than a lazy day) and at a reasonable Deficit (700-1000 calories) below your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. The activity estimates on MFP are a little high, I recommend a Heart Rate Monitor or Body Media Fit Link to keep you honest about how much you are burning in a day.

    Customize your MFP goals and your macro nutrients (Protein/Fat/Carbs) to get at leat 80-100g of protein a day. Make sure the carbs and fats you are getting are from quality sources (fruits, veggies, nuts)
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I'd recommend lots and lots and lots or fresh raw veggies. I'm eating lunch right now: celery sticks, carrot sticks, red pepper sticks with 28g of Marie's Light Creamy Ranch, plus half a whole grain English muffin with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge and one light mozzarella string cheese. This is a common lunch for me and keeps me full for ages, but those veggies have so few calories! ;-)

    If you don't care for raw veggies, maybe try to work them in gradually? Tastebuds change as they become acclimatized to different foods.
  • kms1104
    kms1104 Posts: 110 Member
    I'd recommend lots and lots and lots or fresh raw veggies. I'm eating lunch right now: celery sticks, carrot sticks, red pepper sticks with 28g of Marie's Light Creamy Ranch, plus half a whole grain English muffin with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge and one light mozzarella string cheese. This is a common lunch for me and keeps me full for ages, but those veggies have so few calories! ;-)

    If you don't care for raw veggies, maybe try to work them in gradually? Tastebuds change as they become acclimatized to different foods.

    I agree with this... I usually start by 'adding' to my diet... the fresh fruits and veggies, THEN once my body gets more used to those again, I cut back on the other stuff.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    1200 is quite low to keep up particularly if you are exercising. You will naturally feel more run down and lathargic. The best way to stick to it though, is lots of veggies, think greens, but any veggies will do the trick. High protein foods with fewer calories, think lean meats, turkey, chicken, fish, etc. The Laughing Cow cheese is great, too! As well, you can try sandwiches (I'm a big bread lover), but just make a half sandwich and pack it high with turkey/chicken sandwich meat, some cheese, and veggies!

    You can try options like oatmeal, or eggs and toast for breaky as they will keep you fuller longer. Try to eat balanced meals as well, so your protein, carb, fruit/veg and you'll stay fuller longer as well since you don't have time to snack. Almonds are also great, and yogurt.
  • jessepants
    jessepants Posts: 60 Member
    hot sauce on everything
  • kms1104
    kms1104 Posts: 110 Member
    And I agree with the exercise part... a couple hundred calories can add a decent snack into the mix that can hold you over :smile:
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    stay away from processed food. If you can make it at home then do it! I personally eat a lot of spinach salads with fish, fruit and goat cheese on it. My snacks are peanuts, greek yogurt, and jello.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Just curious, how tall are you and what is your exercise plan...be realistic. 1200 is VERY low. Imagine eating a normal amount of calories once you've gotten to your goal weight....hello weight gain. I highly suggest eating more than 1200 calories and adding in 30-60 cardio activity a few times a week with strength training at least twice a week.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    You can look at my diary to see. I am actually at 1100 as my max per day, so that would give you some wiggle room. Most times I don't even get to the 1100 per day.
    I do eat about every three hours, breaky about 8:00, snack around 11, lunch around 2 and then dinner at 5, sometimes I snack after dinner around 7.
    Drinking tons of water also helps keep the hungry feeling away.
    For those of you reading this please don't judge the 1100 cals, I am being supervised by a Dr for this. Once I reach my goal weight this will increase.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    The best way to make it on 1200 a day is to make sure you get enough protein and healthy fats in first, then lots of nonstarch veggies and some fruit. Higher fiber carbs and cut out the processed sugar and white carbs.

    I usually have a light breakfast- protein bar and coffee 200-250 cals
    Almonds for a mid morning snack- 80 cals
    Lunch around 300 cals- 2 egg omelet stuffed with fat free cheese, turkey sausage or ham, with lots of diced veggies. Top with salsa and guacamole or avocado slices around 300 cals
    afternoon snack- fruit- 50-100 cals
    Dinner- 4 ounces of lean protein with steamed veggies or a large salad- 300 or so cals
    late snack- protein drink or smoothie- 100-150 cals
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member

    Check out that diet plan. It has some really great meal ideas and recipes. I'm semi-following it right now, and really like the meal planning. Perhaps you can glean some ideas from it.

    PS: I don't know why they call it a cleanse. It's just a nutritious 2 week meal plan.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Well to start, dont eat cheddar crackers with peanut butter. Instead do celery or an apple with peanut butter. It is about changing your food into something else that has less calories.

    Yep, you may need to tweak what you eat. But start slowly. Just switch out one snack at a time, then start cleaning up your meals. Living on what you lived on when you gained weight is going to be a lot harder at 1200 calories a day. So I would say start cleaning up your diet, start slowly cutting out the processed stuff, and then leave one snack a day to have as a little treat where you can eat something you are craving. Small steps. But you do need to start changing your food. Good luck, and you CAN do it- there is proof all over this site!
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    There's some helpful information in this post:

    Good luck!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    hot sauce on everything

    :laugh: I couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Shal1217
    My calorie count was initially set to 1200 because I was trying to lose 1lb a week. I then quickly realized that I was eating too few calories. I don't have a lot to lose (15-20lbs) and the goal I set myself was unrealistic. I since then changed my goal to 0.5lbs/week and I now have 1420 calories which is much more realistic - I often come in under that anyway. So far I've been losing 1lb/week on average even with the higher caloric intake (I work out 4-5 days a week though).
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    A 1200 kcal meal plans with or above 80% vegetables, meat and fruits works much better than a 1200 kcal meal plan with peanut butter, bread, rice, sugar, flour, and all that stuff that is not good for weight loss.

    If you want faster results, you will have to change what you eat to vegetables, fish, chicken, etc.

    If you want your peanut butter and cheddar cheese, your weigh loss will be slower.
  • Suzid06277
    Suzid06277 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new and very confused about the 1200 calorie and BMR thing.
    Using this site's calculator I have a 1337 BMR. Now this is what I need to eat to stay the same weight,correct?
    Now, to lose 1 pound a week I need to burn 3500 calories or 500 calories a day, correct.
    So, I subtract 500 from 1337 and it is 950.
    So, it seems to me if I eat 1200 calories, I am eating 250 too much to lose weight.
    Clearly, I am missing something and am very confused!
  • Shal1217
    1200 calories is the lowest recommended amount of calories you need before going into starvation more, so in other words, it's the bare minimum.