Five Months Till Summer Challenge!



  • TexanAngel79
    Im in!!! I have a bikini addiction and want to look good in one!!

    HW:: 135
    CW:: 126
    GW:: 115 Goal BF: 15%
  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
    I would like to join please. On my way from the Uk to las vegas to get married then San Fran & California in July. I am so motivated right now. I even continued my exercise and logging over Christmas and new year (never bebn known before)
    Start weight 200lb
    Current weight 172lb
    Goal Weight 147 lb

    The goal weight seems so far and the date is getting closer and closer......27 weeks! (july) Eeek!!!!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I am in!! I DO NOT want to feel as bad as I did last year when we visited the swimming pool. I was so uncomfortable with myself and felt like the biggest girl there at times.

    My last weigh in, I weighed 229. My goal for this summer is 175!
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm in too. The last time I joined a group it definitely helped.

    Starting weight: 165 lbs (highest weight)
    Goal weight on 6/21: 140 lbs

    I know this is going to be hard, but I'm going to try my best. It's a little over 1 lb/week. I used to always be in the 140's so I know it's doable. Once I get back on track I should already be in the 150's.

    Oh and I'm going to Hawaii for my honeymoon the end of March so it's on!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm in. That is my goal also. Plus June 21st is my birthday!

    SW - 218
    GW - 180
  • Jessicarae0688
    I'm in! I started getting on board and the holidays got in the way so I haven't lost anything but I haven't gained either. Ready to kick it up a notch for that swimsuit! I'm READY for the pool!

    Starting weight: 215
    Current weight: 208
    Goal: 115
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm in! I have a slightly earlier goal though..I am doing a Florida/Bahama in early May. I started MFP the day after Christmas. I have only lost a pound since then..but my energy levels are higher and starting to see muscle definition. I really am not too concerned with the scale- more with tightening up the flab :)

    SW: 147
    GW: 127
  • LenkaSil
    Hi everyone, I'm in too! Great idea!

    I'd like to lose remaining 7 kg/15 lbs after gaining 15kg/about 33 lbs when I was sick and on meds 4 years ago. I managed to lose about 9kg/20lbs during the past 3 years, as I was slowly allowed to introduce normal food again to my body and to slowly start working out. It's a bit complicated as I travel I lot, so changing lifestyle and environment can get in a way of any routine, but so far so good! I'm in the Czech Republic atm, but planning to move to Vancouver BC, Canada in a year or so. I'd love to meet some people already and once I get there we could perhaps go for a jog, go for a hike or do some yoga at Stanley Park! :)

    We can do this! x
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone! :) I would love to join :)

    SW 170
    GW 140
  • alanna81
    I'm in! I decided to make June 21 (start of summer) my goal, and my sister and I are going to add money to a "new clothes fund" every payday... Don't want to be baggy this summer!

    SW: 246
    CW: 207
    GW: 145

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Time4MomTrish
    Time4MomTrish Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in! I am a 32 yr old mom of 5. My youngest are twins and they are 2 1/2. So I have declared that 2013 is my year to take time out for me and get back into shape :)

    SW Dec 31, 2012 - 204lbs
    CW Jan 8 - 196.4lbs
    GW ??? - 140lbs
    I would like to join as well! I am new to Fitness Pal as of this morning so I don't know how to actually "join." Help!?

    SW/CW: 160
    GW: 120
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've been here a while and lost a lot of weight. (see profile pics) However, I am no where near what I would call a beach body. Since the end of pool season last fall my focus has been getting into as good as shape as possible for Pool Season 2013. Pool Season around here starts in late May, so I have a few weeks less to work with. However, this challenge lines up with my goals pretty well so I will join it.

    I had a little bit of sat back with family dinners and a slight injury over the Holidays, but I'm back at it this week. I don't have a goal weight but I will post it anyway. I also take pictures on the 1st of every month, hopefully the Feb Pic shows some progress.

    I currently lift 3 times a week, and run 3 times a week in preperation for Half Marathon in early May. My ultimate goal would be to have some visible abs by Memorial Day. Cause Frankly, in my mind June 21st means the summer is 1/3rd over.

    SW: 309.6
  • KayleighJustine2013
    This is a great Challenege!! I have a wedding to attend in August but would like to be in shape for the summer so I can lay out by the pool and not feel insecure!

    Starting Weight: 160lbs
    Goal Weight: 130lbs

    Ultimately my goal is to feel and look better. I'm not sure if a goal weight of 130lbs. is achievable or not, but that's what I'm shooting for currently.
  • agerig152
    agerig152 Posts: 13 Member
    YES!! I have been looking for something like this! I am going to post a bikini shot on Friday and then hopefully once a month to show my progress.

    SW: 175
    CW: 159.6
    GW: 130 (by June 21st)
    Ultimate goal is to get down to 120!
  • r5wr
    r5wr Posts: 203 Member
    I am so in. I need to have a good confident summer for once.

    SW: 200
    CW: 195
    GW: 120 ish
  • vleebow
    vleebow Posts: 49 Member
    Count me in! As I've gotten older, gravity has began to take place and although I'm in fairly decent shape, I tend to carry most of my weight in my a*s. LOL. I would love to firm up and be comfortable in a swimsuit.

    SW: 133
    CW: 131
    GW: 118

    Let's do this!
  • Wickedwitch22
    Hi would love to join in - haven't been able to lose the weight from when I was 1st pregnant 8 years ago.

    Current Weight - 167
    Goal Weight - 120

    I just need help with things to eat because I'm so damn picky.
  • ukredhead19
    I really would like to join this challenge...I am finally ready to start losing the baby weight I've put on with my 2 kiddos. Last fall I wore my maternity bathing suit (not pregnant!) because it was the only thing that fit and that is just miserable. I want to be able to buy a NEW one this year and not look like a beached whale.

    I struggle with yo-yo ing too, but MFP helped me before and I know it can help me lose again!

    GW (for summer): 175 (that is my pre-2nd kid weight)
    Ultimate Goal: 135

    Also, i'm short too only 5'2"...looking forward to getting to know you all over the next 5 months!
  • tiawna
    tiawna Posts: 95 Member
    Count me in! My goal weight is 135 lbs! I currently weigh 174 lbs. Would love to get into a swimsuit or tank top this summer. Haven't worn either in years...