Marmite, question for fans

Man, I love Marmite. But, I live in the US, so I didn't grow up eating it. I found it a year or so ago and have loved it ever since. I eat it on toast, especially with eggs. My question is this, what else do people eat it on/with, especially those of you who are dieting.
I am looking for suggestions. Thank you in advance.

Oh, how similar is Vegemite? I want to try it as well.


  • JSheehy1965
    Vegemite is the Australian version of Marmite...tastes pretty similar, but I prefer Vegemite. I have it on bagels, I put a teaspoon in stews or ground beef when I'm making burgers, I love it with cheese. It's good if you toast bread in the broiler, spread some marmite on the bread and then put cheese on top and melt that under the broiler.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Vegemite is the Australian version of Marmite...tastes pretty similar, but I prefer Vegemite. I have it on bagels, I put a teaspoon in stews or ground beef when I'm making burgers, I love it with cheese. It's good if you toast bread in the broiler, spread some marmite on the bread and then put cheese on top and melt that under the broiler.

    Definitely going to try it in burgers, thanks! I have had it on cheese toast as well and loved it, but gave up on cheese (not happy about that) to lose weight. I may break that rule because it was so good that way though...
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I LOVE Marmite but it is so very high in sodium . . . .

    I used a recipe for Marmite-stuffed chicken breasts and made a vegetarian version using a Quorn roast. It was delicious.
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    This thread caught my eye because I've been reading up on B vitamins and found out Marmite is LOADED with them! Especially niacin and thiamine.

    I'm hunting some Marmite today at the grocery store. Interested in what everyone suggests to eat it with... so far, the toast/cheese idea seems to be the way to go.
  • bandedsandi
    bandedsandi Posts: 122 Member
    I LOOOOOVE Marmite! I have Marmite-tea every now and then, a spoonful of Marmite stirred into boiling water - YuM! Also add it to soups and stews instead of salt and spices.

    Nothing beats a hard-boiled egg with Marmite on though...
  • MeganGibson13
    Love, love, love Marmite! Definitely one of the foody things to come from England :-)

    Try it as a marinate for chicken wings, you only need a little oil to loosen it and some seasoning, I like to add a little chilli flake for that extra kick then simply bake in the oven... Yummy!

    Also it's scrumptious in mashed potato...
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    I am so trying it with a hard boiled egg now. Thanks!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Man, I love Marmite. But, I live in the US, so I didn't grow up eating it. I found it a year or so ago and have loved it ever since. I eat it on toast, especially with eggs. My question is this, what else do people eat it on/with, especially those of you who are dieting.
    I am looking for suggestions. Thank you in advance.

    Oh, how similar is Vegemite? I want to try it as well.
    Marmite - on toast, dunked in tomato soup.
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    I've had marmite and super low fat cream cheese on toast/crackers etc.... mmm.... it's very yummy and certainly jazzes up plain cream cheese!
  • zoeengland2000
    Cheese & marmite sandwich mmmm or as I think may have been suggested before a cheese & marmite toastie.... Marmite is a big downfall for me as I love marmite on toast with real butter...but that's a no no :-(
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    It's great on buttered toast with a slice or two of ham on top!

    There's a tv chef over here called Nigella Lawson, and she has a recipe for Marmite Spaghetti, very simple and only 430 calories per serving! (If you leave out the parmesan :wink: )
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I am from Canada and I had no idea what Marmite was so I had to Google it. At first I thought you were talking about marmalade. :laugh: I really love marmalade but not so sure about Marmite. It would be interesting to try!
  • auerita
    OH MY GOD.
    i love marmite so much.
    one thing i like about marmite is when im eating low fat cottage cheese i put some marmite in with it and it tastes amazing. its worth a try its heavenly, Trust me!
    i also love it in salads as a extra flavoring :)
  • floydypants
    floydypants Posts: 52 Member
    Vegemite is very similar, I prefer it though, I find it just a bit less harsh on the taste buds!

    I spread it on toast and then make cheese on toast. It is good to use in recipes too as other people said.

    I think there is a Marmite cookbook.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    When I was growing up it was Marmite "soldiers" dipped in a soft-boiled egg.

    You can have a peanut butter sandwich with Marmite but think the jury is still out on that one.
    Can't beat Marmite on buttered toast.

    PS - Vegemite tastes a bit sweeter with less of a "tang", still nice though. Also try Bovril on toast.
  • floydypants
    floydypants Posts: 52 Member
    I think Bovril is better than Marmite for a hot drink (^for whoever up there said about that)
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Man, I love Marmite. But, I live in the US, so I didn't grow up eating it. I found it a year or so ago and have loved it ever since. I eat it on toast, especially with eggs. My question is this, what else do people eat it on/with, especially those of you who are dieting.
    I am looking for suggestions. Thank you in advance.

    Oh, how similar is Vegemite? I want to try it as well.

    Love my Vegemite and my Marmite on a fresh out of the oven chive & parsley buttered baguette, with eggs, or with cheese and tomatoes [broiled], or with avocado for breakfast, with a generous serving of a humongous mug of lemon tea.

    I'm absolutely delighted to have read that you'd developed a love for it.

    Like JSheehy, I too much prefer vegemite to marmite because marmite is quite on the sweet side, whereas vegemite just gets to your taste buds as it should, as you'll eventually discover - with just the right build-up of flavours.
  • JSheehy1965
    My husband hates marmite and vegemite...I'm British and he's American (I live in the US) and when I gave him some, he didn't read the label and thought it was a chocolate spread and put it thickly on bread. His face when he ate it was a picture. He doesn't know that I put it in stews and ground beef or he wouldn't eat

    I forgot about soldiers with a boiled egg! I'm so having that this weekend.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    This is one, you'd possibly not know about. Whilst a teen, many of my Aussie/Kiwi peers would snack on what I'd term - the potato chips with vegemite/marmite sandwich. It was very much like Lays [the brand] and their choices were either the original or with vinegar.

    The health-conscious version would most likely be air baked fries or dehydrated crisps with vegemite or marmite.
  • chipmunkcheeks76
    marmite goes with absolutely everything!! Cheese, toast, in cooking, but must be thickly spread!!! :smile: