First ever post, and one hell of a rough realization

I started on MFP October 2011, between October to July 2012, I lost over 25 lbs, and 2 sizes and was dead set on accomplishing my goals and was dedicated, committed and finally proud of myself and my accomplishments.
In July 2012, I got a promotion at work...which meant longer hours and I was unable to make it to the gym before their childcare program shut down for the evening. Summer barbeques, parties, lack of time to go to the gym, redirected focus....well, I'm sure you've all heard this story before.
Here I sit, one week into 2013, a mere 5 lbs shy of my starting weight in October 2011. All my hard work, everything I wanted, undone at my own hand. I saw 200 lbs on the scale today. I SWORE I would never see that number again, but there it is. Haunting me, taunting me, reminding me that my committment faltered, my dedication wasn't real, that I don't care about myself or my life as much as I claim I do or else these changes would come naturally. The decision to change my body and my life are real, but why are my actions working so hard against me? How can I stop being my own worst enemy?
I am a 25 year old mother of a beautiful 5 year old boy- don't I owe it to him to be healthy? Don't I owe it to both of us to be happy?


  • camaraden
    camaraden Posts: 14 Member
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.
  • HelpWanted220
    HelpWanted220 Posts: 31 Member
    Uuughhghhh the lowly 200 mark I have seen and have surpassed it. I swore to myself that if I EVER saw it at all I would "do the deed" and here I sit with three kids and over 200lbs and miserable. My feet hurt, my knees hurt and all for WHAT!!!! I am with you we need to get back reign of ourselves and do it for US!!!
  • lisainwestphilly
    lisainwestphilly Posts: 3 Member
    I have a remarkably similar story. Lost 60 and have gained about half of that back in the past 4-5 months. Rejoining MFP after a 6 month hiatus. Looking for new friends if anyone's interested.
  • Don't beat yourself up! Just use this realization as your motivation to get the scale moving back in the other direction again! That's what I'm doing. I was so bummed after Christmas when I got on the scale and saw my highest weight ever. I decided that now is my time to stick to this. I have three kids and I want them to be proud of their mom. Best wishes to you!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.

    I would LOVE to, but my son has to be at school at 8am, and I start work at 830a, and there is no daycare before 11am.
    I've tried working out at home early in the morning, but my downstairs neighbors very politely said this was an issue. They have a 2 year old so i can see how me jumping, lounging, skipping at 5am is an issue.
  • dlecorchick
    dlecorchick Posts: 37 Member
    Let's do it!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I have a remarkably similar story. Lost 60 and have gained about half of that back in the past 4-5 months. Rejoining MFP after a 6 month hiatus. Looking for new friends if anyone's interested.

    There is never such a thing as too many friends!
    I gained back 20 of the 25 lbs I lost--- what was the damn point of that??? I don't remember the joy of a single burger or bowl of ice cream but the disappointment of seeing that number is stinging real hard
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I can't imagine how hard it must be with a 5 year old--good luck to you!
  • I work out on my lunch break at a gym nearby. This might work for you?
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I have the same problem and what I started doing is going to the gym at lunch time. Awesome for me and it doesn't affect my son.
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.

    I would LOVE to, but my son has to be at school at 8am, and I start work at 830a, and there is no daycare before 11am.
    I've tried working out at home early in the morning, but my downstairs neighbors very politely said this was an issue. They have a 2 year old so i can see how me jumping, lounging, skipping at 5am is an issue.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.

    I would LOVE to, but my son has to be at school at 8am, and I start work at 830a, and there is no daycare before 11am.
    I've tried working out at home early in the morning, but my downstairs neighbors very politely said this was an issue. They have a 2 year old so i can see how me jumping, lounging, skipping at 5am is an issue.

    Maybe a workout DVD right after work? (I know that is sooo tough!) Jillian Michaels has 2 dvd's with 25 minute workouts--30 day shred and ripped in 30. The are my go-to's when life gets busy.

    Also, you may have to control the food more carefully if you can't work out.. (another bummer, I know)

    Good luck.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Get back to it! you know how.
    Would a mat or anything help for working out at home? I have a 5 and 3 year old and I have a gym membership but its still so hard to get there with the kid hours and going right from work feels horrible to take them from daycare and put them into daycare again. I can go alone and leave them home with the husband and then I don't see them... get home and its bedtime...
    SO I've started in the AM and its HARD, but hoping it helps. Stinks thats not even an option for you :(

    You will find a way!!!!!! Good Bye 200!!!!

    Nutrition is 80% - That you can do anytime!
  • starryskies_16
    starryskies_16 Posts: 31 Member
    I have a similar story too. I lost 46 lbs over a year ago on a different weight loss programme, and was determined to take it all the way to my UGW and never see myself back over 200 lbs. I ended up having to drop out of that programme due to money constraints, and though I was determined to stick at it and carry on on my own, I saw every single one of those 46 lbs go right back on. Now I'm having to start that battle all over again.

    I think what we have to do is realise that we are human, we slip up and lose our focus, but as long as we have the attitude to do right and the determination again to do our all and get back on the path to where we want to be, we can succeed. It doesn't come naturally at first - it's a struggle to fit it all in at times, but the first step on the way is to get it in your mind that you will give it another go and give it your all come what may. At the end of the day, if we do not try, we certainly will not succeed.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Congratulations for realizing it! I just want to say that I see so many people talk about not having time to go to the gym. I have not stepped foot into a gym and I lost 118 pounds in under 10 months. Yes, it's healthier to work out. It's just not the only way to lose weight.

    Good luck to you!
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    The way you're describing your child care needs, it sounds like you're single? That would make it very difficult indeed.

    Do you have any other trying-to-lose-weight buddies you could trade child watching with? You watch in the morning, she/he works out, they watch in the evening/afternoon and you work out? Or the other way around?
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Lost lots of weight on three other occasions at least... The difference needs to be that you don't think of this as a diet but rather a shift in your lifestyle and even if things change and the workout can't happen as easily you can still watch what you eat. Park further away, take the stairs instead of the elevator, create a step or get a step to use while you watch TV instead of using the recliner, there are so many small things that you can do that its just a matter of choosing to do so... I hope that this time is my true lifestyle change... I've only been under 300 pounds for a stretch of about 6 months just after I turned 30. After I was 25 years old I have been over 300 pounds the entire time except for that short stretch of time when life got really difficult. I am almost back under the 300 pound mark and pray that I may stay there for good. Good luck with making the change a permanent one. I have some very good friends that I am now having to report to each and everyday and it is helping but mostly this is something that I've now turned over to a higher power and I am trusting in my faith in Him to help me make this a permanent change. He helped me to stay sober since April 22, 1988 and He can help me do this if I let Him.
  • drlauram
    drlauram Posts: 40 Member
    For me, planning (and prepping as much as possible) my meals at the beginning of the week is key. I am much more likely to have a loss on those weeks. Also, I do things like park 10 min walk from work so I get at least 20 min of walking in, take the stairs when possible (6th floor), and if I have a break at work I try to go for a walk or do some deep breathing. Stress definitely plays a role in weight gain and with your new, more stressful job, it makes sense that it has played a part for you. I know you can do it! Don't give up!
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 100 Member
    I too, have realized how fast it comes back on when you don't watch it. I'm getting myself back on track but having a partner who doesn't respect the need to have the chips out of the house doesn't help my willpower. I'm going to the gym on my lunch break as well. It's not much, but it's better than nothing at all. Anyone else looking for new friends, feel free to add away.
  • suchastruggle
    suchastruggle Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 38 and have yo-yo'd since I was 17. Every time I get close to my goal, I screw up and start re-gaining. I think the fact that I'm on the downhill slide to 40 just might push me to try harder this time; that and the fact that all this yo-yo'ing isn't exactly heart healthy. I want to be a healthy example for my kids. Send me a friend request and we'll do this together! Just know you are wonderful as you are; losing the weight will make you a healthier you. And you deserve that.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Perhaps in the evening, you and your son could "work out" together? Take walks, play on the Wii or Xbox (if you have either), heck, just run around the house with him a bit. Something is better than nothing in terms of exercise.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :)