June Starters - April 12



  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    This week's report - no change :(

    Start Weight = 208.5
    Lw = 187.5
    CW = 187.5

    Maintaining is as good as a loss in my books! Don't be hard on yourself.

    I agree! It's not a gain!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Just put me at 142 for this week and then on Monday I will "re-weigh" and just list my exercise time as reported by my hrm. I WILL do c25k for real this time!!
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    Morning ladies been away visiting my parents this week and just got back last night.
    Its actually started to warm up here as well so i will be doing a load of gardening today. I've decided to actually grow my own salad and veg this year so need to get a plot started in the garden. guess it will count as my exercise today.

    SW - 180
    LW - 142.8
    CW - 140.8

    loss of 2lbs! I am amazed cause I haven't been eating that well this week but maybe a change in diet has helped.
  • amandadaisylotus
    So I'm thinking of dropping my gym membership. I simply do not have the time to get in there. Especially because the little boy I watch may be getting kicked out of his preschool for choking someone. So guess who gets to up her part time job to a full time one? Me. I'll be watching him from 9 am till 5 pm. I know I can work in exercise with him (and they have a wii fit so I can do that too). I just don't see myself getting into the actual gym any time soon. I don't know if I should just keep my membership (it's only Planet fitness so it's only 21 bucks a month) or put it on hold until the fall when he goes to public school (yikes) and I'll have a little more free time.

    Any ideas of incorporating exercise with him other than the usual running around the park? He's a very active ADHD 5 year old boy; he needs an outlet for his energy AND his aggression that is safe, fun, and hopefully tiring.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    So I'm thinking of dropping my gym membership. I simply do not have the time to get in there. Especially because the little boy I watch may be getting kicked out of his preschool for choking someone. So guess who gets to up her part time job to a full time one? Me. I'll be watching him from 9 am till 5 pm. I know I can work in exercise with him (and they have a wii fit so I can do that too). I just don't see myself getting into the actual gym any time soon. I don't know if I should just keep my membership (it's only Planet fitness so it's only 21 bucks a month) or put it on hold until the fall when he goes to public school (yikes) and I'll have a little more free time.

    Any ideas of incorporating exercise with him other than the usual running around the park? He's a very active ADHD 5 year old boy; he needs an outlet for his energy AND his aggression that is safe, fun, and hopefully tiring.

    Amanda- Do you want a straight answer? From experience... I run a daycare. On top of having my 2 youngest home all day I have 4 others come in (my hours are 6:30-5:15 most days). After they go home I do dinner and cleaning duties as well as fit in time with my other kids. I work out after my 2 youngest go to bed, or if I start late like today (8:15 am) I get up early and work out before the other kids come. Most people work 9-5 and come home to other things. What makes you think you don't have the time??

    If you didn't want it straight I apologize. I just don't want you so see you cheat yourself.

    As for your question, it is hard to fit in a good cardio work out with a child. Running little races, frisbee, biking, soccer are all great ways for him to burn off some of that excess energy and for you to get in a bit of a work out. Best of luck to you!
  • shannahrenee
    I have really exciting news. First the weigh in
    LW 190.5 (i think)
    CW: 189

    but that's not the exciting part.

    Last night I GOT ENGAGED!!!! Words can not describe how excited I am and I couldn't wait to tell you guys this morning :bigsmile:

    Now I really need to get back to losing weight.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Yay Shannah!!!!!!!! Did you set a date??
  • shannahrenee
    Yay Shannah!!!!!!!! Did you set a date??

    not yet. i was so shocked last night it took everything I had just to call like my sisters and a couple family members. I'm still in shock. He told me last night though that he was game for whenever and the sooner the better.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Yay Shannah!!!!!!!! Did you set a date??

    not yet. i was so shocked last night it took everything I had just to call like my sisters and a couple family members. I'm still in shock. He told me last night though that he was game for whenever and the sooner the better.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    sorry... I just realized that I didn't post my weight here Wed.... I changed my ticker (was really bummed)... I'm still up :sad:

    SW 230
    LW ?
    TW 205.4

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I almost forgot my weigh in

    LW- 155.4
    CW- 151.9 (Same as earlier this week)

    Excercise goal: 120 mins Actual- 230 mins!!

    I've been kickin butt this week at the gym. If I can keep it up I'll have to set my goal higher for more of a challange. lol

    Shannah- That's exciting!! You'll have to share pictures as you start picking stuff out. :wink:

    KJ- No worries! It will be off before you know it!!!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm only 1.7 lbs away from my ideal BMI. It's so wierd! lol I was talking to an ex yesterday and I realised the absolute BEST part of all this is my confidence! I"m more confident than I've EVER been! I feel GREAT! I feel HAPPY! My ex told me I was looking really good and I looked better than when we dated and you know what?? I AM smaller than when we dated! I was an 11 at that point! I'm less than a 9 right now! (Not 100% sure what though! lol I need to go shopping!) He commented that my current bf must be making me really happy because he's never seen me so happy. While Al DOES make me happy I think the difference is now I make MYSELF happy!

    I realised while at the gym yest. that just a year ago I refused to go anywhere alone. I was way too self concious. Now I go shopping alone, to the gym alone, for walks with just me! I LOVE it! I'm almost glad I gained all that weight. It's helped me shape myself and my confidence. Last time I was this size I thought I was too big. (HS!)

    I'm just going to revel in this awesome feeling today! Nothing can bring me down! I wish I could share this feeling with you all! (Although I know you've all had the "I'm just awesome" feeling. lol)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm only 1.7 lbs away from my ideal BMI. It's so wierd! lol I was talking to an ex yesterday and I realised the absolute BEST part of all this is my confidence! I"m more confident than I've EVER been! I feel GREAT! I feel HAPPY! My ex told me I was looking really good and I looked better than when we dated and you know what?? I AM smaller than when we dated! I was an 11 at that point! I'm less than a 9 right now! (Not 100% sure what though! lol I need to go shopping!) He commented that my current bf must be making me really happy because he's never seen me so happy. While Al DOES make me happy I think the difference is now I make MYSELF happy!

    I realised while at the gym yest. that just a year ago I refused to go anywhere alone. I was way too self concious. Now I go shopping alone, to the gym alone, for walks with just me! I LOVE it! I'm almost glad I gained all that weight. It's helped me shape myself and my confidence. Last time I was this size I thought I was too big. (HS!)

    I'm just going to revel in this awesome feeling today! Nothing can bring me down! I wish I could share this feeling with you all! (Although I know you've all had the "I'm just awesome" feeling. lol)

    Thank you so much for sharing this!!! And congrats on being only 1.7 away from your ideal BMI.... What an accomplishment.... YOu have really been amazing the last several weeks... I think something just totally clicked for you!!! I'm so incredibly proud for you!!! keep up your awesomeness!!!!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    You know KJ- It feels like that! Like a switch flipped and I GET it. lol I really have you guys to thank!! I don't think I would've been able to stick with it without this support!! I'm soooo glad I go tthe courage to post on the original JS thread!

    When I tell people about MFP I make sure to tell themt o find a group to report to. It really is one of the BIGGEST parts of it all. I:heart: you guys and I've never even met you!

    I thank each and every one of you for helping me acheive this feeling!!!!!!!!
  • amandadaisylotus
    So I'm thinking of dropping my gym membership. I simply do not have the time to get in there. Especially because the little boy I watch may be getting kicked out of his preschool for choking someone. So guess who gets to up her part time job to a full time one? Me. I'll be watching him from 9 am till 5 pm. I know I can work in exercise with him (and they have a wii fit so I can do that too). I just don't see myself getting into the actual gym any time soon. I don't know if I should just keep my membership (it's only Planet fitness so it's only 21 bucks a month) or put it on hold until the fall when he goes to public school (yikes) and I'll have a little more free time.

    Any ideas of incorporating exercise with him other than the usual running around the park? He's a very active ADHD 5 year old boy; he needs an outlet for his energy AND his aggression that is safe, fun, and hopefully tiring.

    Amanda- Do you want a straight answer? From experience... I run a daycare. On top of having my 2 youngest home all day I have 4 others come in (my hours are 6:30-5:15 most days). After they go home I do dinner and cleaning duties as well as fit in time with my other kids. I work out after my 2 youngest go to bed, or if I start late like today (8:15 am) I get up early and work out before the other kids come. Most people work 9-5 and come home to other things. What makes you think you don't have the time??

    If you didn't want it straight I apologize. I just don't want you so see you cheat yourself.

    As for your question, it is hard to fit in a good cardio work out with a child. Running little races, frisbee, biking, soccer are all great ways for him to burn off some of that excess energy and for you to get in a bit of a work out. Best of luck to you!

    Sorry, I did want it straight but I did forget to add that I also go to school full time. My nights are crammed with hours of reading dry literature and writing papers. Sometimes I'm finished at seven, and yeah I could hit the gym then, but some nights I don't finish until 10 or 11. And Saturdays are spent in 3 places 1.) downtown at a Reading camp for kids, 2.) My family pizza shop working, and 3.) my friends apartment for our DnD sessions.

    Sundays are my only "day off" I suppose you are right though. My gym opens up at 5:00 am, I could get up at 5:00, head to the gym (about 5:30), work out for an hour, head home for a shower and out the door. I have to admit I'm not psyched about getting up at 5:00 am but I've got to do something because the weight isn't coming off. And I have no idea what is up with my scale. Yesterday i weighed in at 277.0 This morning I weighed in at 285.6! I need to stop weighing in every morning.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm sorry Amanda! I meant to reply to your question.

    I think if you can- get up early or cram it in on free nights. You say sometimes your finished at 7 so I'd go from 7 to 10. You'd stay up that amount anyway on other days. Cram it in- make it work. I'd also add the play time with the little boy and the wii fit. As much as possible. I know you can do this!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Shannah!!!!!!! Congrats! We want to hear the story of how he did it! Congrats, girl! :drinker:

    And busymom, I'm so glad that you are happy. It's good to hear people be positive and show what this site can really do for people. And what we can do for each other! :) I hope your ex was thinking :grumble: haha
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member

    Sorry, I did want it straight but I did forget to add that I also go to school full time. My nights are crammed with hours of reading dry literature and writing papers. Sometimes I'm finished at seven, and yeah I could hit the gym then, but some nights I don't finish until 10 or 11. And Saturdays are spent in 3 places 1.) downtown at a Reading camp for kids, 2.) My family pizza shop working, and 3.) my friends apartment for our DnD sessions.

    Sundays are my only "day off" I suppose you are right though. My gym opens up at 5:00 am, I could get up at 5:00, head to the gym (about 5:30), work out for an hour, head home for a shower and out the door. I have to admit I'm not psyched about getting up at 5:00 am but I've got to do something because the weight isn't coming off. And I have no idea what is up with my scale. Yesterday i weighed in at 277.0 This morning I weighed in at 285.6! I need to stop weighing in every morning.

    I know you are a student Amanda, I just assumed you would be off for the summer (you know what they say about assuming :smile: ) I guess if it is important enough to do this for yourself you will make some time. You don't need a gym membership. If you find getting there a struggle then you need to find ways to fit in the exercise that is less time consuming. If you don't want to wake up at 5 to go to the gym why not start by going on a 45 minute walk in the morning. Start pushing yourself to speed walk in intervals so you are getting your heart rate up. It is hard to advise you when I don't know the situation of where you live, but if you drive or take a bus could you stop doing that and take the extra time to walk to your destinations? Every little bit will help. If you can't make it to the gym then cancel your membership, but do not use a lack of membership as an out for not working out.

    Life sounds really busy for you. I hope you are managing to find a good balance. You will feel more able to face the challenges though if you take at the very least 30 minutes most days to do this for yourself. You are worth it. Don't talk yourself out of it!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Kaja - Great Job! 2 pounds, I have to admit I am super jealous.

    Shannah - Congratulations on your engagement, I am so happy for you. Way to go on the 1.5 loss too.

    Busymom- Amazing weight loss. I had a feeling you would be reporting big changes this week, good for you!! I am so happy for you that you are happy with yourself. It makes all the difference in how you see life and how others see you. You are obviously exuding confidence.

    KJ- Don't let this get you down. You can do it. I know you can. You will be back up and running in no time, and that weight will be melting off I just know it. :smile:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I am going to have a whole page of posts if I don't stop soon...

    Amanda - sounds like you scale maybe needs new batteries, or you may need a new scale. Don't let fluctuations like that get you down, it is an impossibility.

    And Busymom- I do the same when I recommend MFP to others. As great as this site is, it is all of you that keep me coming back. Who knew you could depend on people you have never met for such support. :heart: :flowerforyou: