Honey & Cinnamon Drink

I hope I am posting this under the right category, if not I apologize.

So I was wondering if anyone has tried the honey & cinnamon drink that claims to aid in weight loss? I have kind of hit a plateau so I was browsing for natural ways to get past this because I don't want to resort to harmful supplements & I came across dozens of sites which claim that if you mix cinnamon & honey with water and drink a half a cup when you wake up & a half hour before bed that it will aid in weight loss and prevent fat from sticking. Does anyone know if there is any truth to these claims? Has anyone tried it?

PS: Here is a link to a website which can better explain what I am talking about: http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/How_to_Lose_Weight_Using_Cinnamon_Powder_and_Honey


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    As Biden would say it's a bunch of malarkey
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Yeah, this sounds like a lot of stuff.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I hope I am posting this under the right category, if not I apologize.

    So I was wondering if anyone has tried the honey & cinnamon drink that claims to aid in weight loss? I have kind of hit a plateau so I was browsing for natural ways to get past this because I don't want to resort to harmful supplements & I came across dozens of sites which claim that if you mix cinnamon & honey with water and drink a half a cup when you wake up & a half hour before bed that it will aid in weight loss and prevent fat from sticking. Does anyone know if there is any truth to these claims? Has anyone tried it?

    PS: Here is a link to a website which can better explain what I am talking about: http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/How_to_Lose_Weight_Using_Cinnamon_Powder_and_Honey

    Can you define what you mean by plateau?

    Also....the only thing I know that keeps fat from sticking is teflon and Pam cooking spray...and I'm not going to drink half a glass of either of those.

    Just stick with a calorie deficit, do some exercise, wait for results, rinse, rest, repeat.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    I hope I am posting this under the right category, if not I apologize.

    So I was wondering if anyone has tried the honey & cinnamon drink that claims to aid in weight loss? I have kind of hit a plateau so I was browsing for natural ways to get past this because I don't want to resort to harmful supplements & I came across dozens of sites which claim that if you mix cinnamon & honey with water and drink a half a cup when you wake up & a half hour before bed that it will aid in weight loss and prevent fat from sticking. Does anyone know if there is any truth to these claims? Has anyone tried it?

    PS: Here is a link to a website which can better explain what I am talking about: http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/How_to_Lose_Weight_Using_Cinnamon_Powder_and_Honey

    Can you define what you mean by plateau?

    Also....the only thing I know that keeps fat from sticking is teflon and Pam cooking spray...and I'm not going to drink half a glass of either of those.

    Just stick with a calorie deficit, do some exercise, wait for results, rinse, rest, repeat.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    By plateau I mean my goal was to loose 40lbs... I've lost 20 so far & can't seem to loose more no matter what I do. I have been very strict with counting my calories, I exercise religiously every day and when I'm not exercising I am still very active from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I'm not sure what else to do at this point.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    I attempted to include your response in my reply but apparently I did that wrong. Sorry I'm still learning how to do this lol.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I tried doing some of the honey and cinnamon ideas once but I wasn't watching what I ate at the time so I don't believe it affected me any. I think some of these natural ideas can be good for the body, but I think because there is such a weight loss craze that if something shows weight loss even over say 6mos-1yr they tout it as a possible weight loss suggestion.

    I don't think the drink is going to do what you are looking for it to do. Nothing works immediately.

    I would change up you exercise routine or maybe cut back on the exercise for a week. Also remember that what you are doing right now is not going to reflect on your body right away. It takes a few days for the body to register the changes in diet and exercise. What I did last week has now hit me in the last couple days.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I tried doing some of the honey and cinnamon ideas once but I wasn't watching what I ate at the time so I don't believe it affected me any. I think some of these natural ideas can be good for the body, but I think because there is such a weight loss craze that if something shows weight loss even over say 6mos-1yr they tout it as a possible weight loss suggestion.

    I don't think the drink is going to do what you are looking for it to do. Nothing works immediately.

    I would change up you exercise routine or maybe cut back on the exercise for a week. Also remember that what you are doing right now is not going to reflect on your body right away. It takes a few days for the body to register the changes in diet and exercise. What I did last week has now hit me in the last couple days.

    Thanks for your response. I don't expect it to work immediately or be any kind of miracle solution, I'm just looking for something to restart my weight loss. I have been at a standstill for 2 months now, actually I have gained back 3lbs.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I'm not sure about keeping fat from sticking but cinnamon is great to keep your sugar levels stable. Also honey (raw honey, see if you can find a honey farm or check whole foods because the stuff on grocery shelves is overheated and watered down) is great for you as long as you don't go overboard. So while I'm not sure about people's claims on the mixture, it's not going to hurt you and worth a try.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I drink this twice a day with a tbsp of organic apple cidar vinegar, not for the purposes of "weight loss" directly, but because it boosts your immune system and the vinegar helps to cleanse your liver. A healthier, better feeling and functioning body MAY indirectly affect weight loss, much in the same way that drinking water does, etc. Either way, it's a win! Who doesn't want their body to function better?
  • Dammitviv
    Dammitviv Posts: 117
    By plateau I mean my goal was to loose 40lbs... I've lost 20 so far & can't seem to loose more no matter what I do. I have been very strict with counting my calories, I exercise religiously every day and when I'm not exercising I am still very active from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I'm not sure what else to do at this point.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't getting enough calories, it can slow your progress.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    By plateau I mean my goal was to loose 40lbs... I've lost 20 so far & can't seem to loose more no matter what I do. I have been very strict with counting my calories, I exercise religiously every day and when I'm not exercising I am still very active from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I'm not sure what else to do at this point.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't getting enough calories, it can slow your progress.

    No I don't eat them back because to my understanding to loose weight you need a calorie deficit which would be created by the calories I burn beyond what I eat, if I wanted to maintain my current weight then I would eat what I have burned.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    By plateau I mean my goal was to loose 40lbs... I've lost 20 so far & can't seem to loose more no matter what I do. I have been very strict with counting my calories, I exercise religiously every day and when I'm not exercising I am still very active from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. I'm not sure what else to do at this point.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't getting enough calories, it can slow your progress.

    No I don't eat them back because to my understanding to loose weight you need a calorie deficit which would be created by the calories I burn beyond what I eat, if I wanted to maintain my current weight then I would eat what I have burned.
    The calorie goal that MFP gives you has a calorie deficit built into it so that you should lose regardless of whether you do any exercise or not. The goal it gives you is based on the assumption that you will log exercise and eat those calories back, otherwise it would give you a higher calorie goal with planned exercise already factored in.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you, that is something I did not know. I have seen many people on here say that they do not eat back those calories in order to create the deficit so I assumed all along that was the right way to do it. I guess I will start eating them back & hope I can start loosing weight again.
  • mharding03
    mharding03 Posts: 3 Member
    I just want to know has anyone done this and it worked? ... I've been hearing a lot about it lately.

    "Cinnamon and Honey formula for weight loss:
    This should be prepared at night before going to bed.

    1. Use 1 part cinnamon to 2 parts raw honey. 1/2 tsp cinnamon to 1 tsp honey is recommended but can use more or less as long as in the ratio of 1 to 2. --- so 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp raw honey is ok too as an example.

    2. Boil 1 cup...that is 8 oz of water.

    3. Pour water over cinnamon and cover and let it steep for 1/2 hour..(30 minutes)

    4. Add honey now that it has cooled. Never add honey when it is hot as the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the raw honey.

    5. Drink 1/2 of this directly before going to bed. The other 1/2 should be covered and refrigerated.

    6. In the morning drink the other half that you refirgerated...but do not re-heat it...drink it cold or at room temp only.

    Do not add anything else to this recipe. No lemon, no lime, no vinegar. It is not necessary to drink it more time in a day...it is only effective on an empty stomach and primarily at night.

    This works for most people. Inches are lost before any measurement on the scales. This program will cause significant inches lost...but you will reach a plateau and may not lose anymore. This is because the cinnamon and honey cause a cleansing effect in the digestive tract and cleans out parasites and other fungus and bacteria that slow down the digestion...causing a toxic build up. (Lowers pH) Once this is all cleaned out then you will most likely have the weight loss slow down."
  • CINNAMON77_00
    CINNAMON77_00 Posts: 50 Member
    I saw the honey cinnamon post on facebook and tried the one for an infection...2 tablespoons of cinnamon and some amount of honey. Needless to say only a teaspoon of the cinnamon was actually part of the drink, the rest was at the bottom of the glass...and I could barely get it to my mouth much less drink it, it was SOO strong.... Good luck if you go that route...my tummy couldn't handle it. :(
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I just want to know has anyone done this and it worked? ... I've been hearing a lot about it lately.

    "Cinnamon and Honey formula for weight loss:
    This should be prepared at night before going to bed.

    1. Use 1 part cinnamon to 2 parts raw honey. 1/2 tsp cinnamon to 1 tsp honey is recommended but can use more or less as long as in the ratio of 1 to 2. --- so 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp raw honey is ok too as an example.

    2. Boil 1 cup...that is 8 oz of water.

    3. Pour water over cinnamon and cover and let it steep for 1/2 hour..(30 minutes)

    4. Add honey now that it has cooled. Never add honey when it is hot as the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the raw honey.

    5. Drink 1/2 of this directly before going to bed. The other 1/2 should be covered and refrigerated.

    6. In the morning drink the other half that you refirgerated...but do not re-heat it...drink it cold or at room temp only.

    Do not add anything else to this recipe. No lemon, no lime, no vinegar. It is not necessary to drink it more time in a day...it is only effective on an empty stomach and primarily at night.

    This works for most people. Inches are lost before any measurement on the scales. This program will cause significant inches lost...but you will reach a plateau and may not lose anymore. This is because the cinnamon and honey cause a cleansing effect in the digestive tract and cleans out parasites and other fungus and bacteria that slow down the digestion...causing a toxic build up. (Lowers pH) Once this is all cleaned out then you will most likely have the weight loss slow down."

    You know what causes significant inch loss? A moderate calorie deficit and time. You can help it along with a balanced, nutritious diet, and regular exercise. If you're up for it, strength training could be the cherry on top. That's what works, it just takes a bit more effort and patience than a special drink, so it's not quite so attractive.

    Your body doesn't need internal "cleansing". Unless you have particular medical problems, your liver, kidneys, lungs and digestive system should work just fine to get rid of waste.
  • BrennaLockwood
    I have been drinking the tea for a few weeks now. Not every night but a few times a week. When I don't drink it I feel incredibly constipated (a usual for me, TMI? Probably...). I can tell the difference when I don't drink it. Honey is full of enzymes and can help fight off sickness. As for weight loss, I can't say that I've lost a lot of weight (I am post pregnancy and hormones seem to be getting the best of me) but I can tell you that I feel better. You need to mix your cinnamon well. I don't typically drink the stuff at the bottom. It tastes better warm, not hot because it will kill the enzymes.
  • buckramismyfriend
    buckramismyfriend Posts: 1 Member
    I started drinking this drink prepared as recommended and in the amount recommended and I am thrilled to say it completely shut my appetite DOWN. I was having problems with stress eating. Eating like a chain smoker smokes. I was putting on weight rapidly. That has come to a screeching halt. I feel better overall and I literally have to force myself to eat at regular meal times. I thank God I came across the information at just the right time. Eating everything in sight was making me feel hopeless and very tired.
  • Eroshound
    Eroshound Posts: 2 Member
    I found that this really helped control my appetite, gave me energy, and satisfied my need for sweets. I would recommend it, but keep in mind use RAW honey and Ceylon cinnamon. Don't heat the honey, just the cinnamon. Good luck!