First ever post, and one hell of a rough realization



  • CncViper
    CncViper Posts: 2 Member
    My story is the same, I lost 60lbs. I gained 30 back, It's horrible!
  • One trick I used was I would put on up beat music and dance while I cooked supper and cleaned up after. Then my 3 girls and I would race up and down the hall of the house. The other thing we would do is I used the girls as weights. I would lay on the floor and left them up with my feet, since everyone got a turn or 3 that worked my legs.
  • I'm just starting, but I understand the frustrations you face. I've been dealing with weight struggles my whole life, I'm really hoping that this is the change and community I need to make it happen for good!
  • TeraGC
    TeraGC Posts: 40 Member
    I feel your pain... I'm starting over this year,(again) my fortieth birthday is one year away and I know that if I'm ever going to lose it. I have one last shot at this. I know finding time to exercise is so hard but add as much walking as you can - all throughout the day and adjust your diet a little to help compensate. Good luck and keep us posted
  • I don't have a child but my gym is 40 miles from my home in the city where I work. For insurance purposes I must go 12 times per month and I car pool with someone who is not able to do the gym yet. Thus, at least 1 day per week to get a good, long work-out, I leave my home city at 4:30-4:45 in the a.m., hauling all my clothes, etc. I have no motivation to do this at home - sort of a case of "I have to pay for it" to do it. It is really hard! Don't get home until at least 6:00 at night and in winter in North Dakota, if the roads are bad, that makes it worse. I sympathize with you as it is so easy to have the backsliding, etc.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    You owe it to both of you to be healthy. First off, though going to a gym is certainly fun, you don't have to go to a gym to exercise. You have a little boy - go outside and play with him. Walk, ride bikes, play soccer ... exercise while spending quality time with your child. Also, there are a million workout videos - some available free online. Workout in your livingroom either in the morning before he gets up or in the evening after he goes to bed. Though I no longer have children at home, I do have a dog who sits home all day while I'm at work. I would feel guilty going to a gym to workout knowing she's alone there needing a good walk. Afterwork we walk 20-30 minutes. Then I do some sort of workout video before dinner. I save a lot on gym memberships, too!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    One trick I used was I would put on up beat music and dance while I cooked supper and cleaned up after. Then my 3 girls and I would race up and down the hall of the house. The other thing we would do is I used the girls as weights. I would lay on the floor and left them up with my feet, since everyone got a turn or 3 that worked my legs.

    ^^This sounds like SERIOUS fun!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I don't have a child but my gym is 40 miles from my home in the city where I work. For insurance purposes I must go 12 times per month and I car pool with someone who is not able to do the gym yet. Thus, at least 1 day per week to get a good, long work-out, I leave my home city at 4:30-4:45 in the a.m., hauling all my clothes, etc. I have no motivation to do this at home - sort of a case of "I have to pay for it" to do it. It is really hard! Don't get home until at least 6:00 at night and in winter in North Dakota, if the roads are bad, that makes it worse. I sympathize with you as it is so easy to have the backsliding, etc.

    Your insurance requires you to go to a gym? Do they know it's 40 miles from your workplace? I would check with them to see if you can do alternate exercise. That just seems very micro-managed!
  • awe....ok. you've had your pity party now it's time to turn that into the motivation to climb back onto the 'take care of me time" bandwagon. When you are at your lowest, you are at your closet to being highly motivated. again. the only trick is to catch yourself a little sooner next time. and recognize your progress and triumphs. Do you know how many people and how much weight is gained from November to January 2 each year? Tons- average 10 to 15 pounds and YOU ARE STILL DOWN 5!!!!!

    IT's really, really hard to keep the long view, the big picture, but you, we have to. If you hadn't worked at all, how much might you have gained versus 5 pounds down now? Learn from how you moved through your year- summer is harder for you than you might have thought - working out at the gym might not be an option if you have a more demanding job. Or, your job 'benefits' may not be worth the cost and toll to your health. Hiking? Walking? those can be done any time, anywhere. Activity is as important as the food choices you make.

    You can do this. And all this is my effort of pep talking ME too! We swear it won't happen again, this is it- but we have to eat to live, every day. we can't avoid it, so we have to always work on being mindful. I have to buy, and eat, grapefruit- apples- I have journal- and look at the time of year as well as the time of day- and most of all, we need to be kind to ourselves. you can do this.
  • I have a 5 year old little girl. I bought her a bike but she would never ride it so thinking, if i had one too maybe she would!!!! So i went a bought a bike and the very next day she started riding hers! (it was much more fun for her if i rode with her instead of walking beside her) And i didn't expect to enjoy it so much but i did! This gives me a way to get active and spend time with my daughter. Also it helps because she looks forward to that time together so much and on them days i do not feel like it, she insist that i do, so she's my little cheerleader that keeps me going!
  • Sometimes it feels good to just get things off your chest. Time to move on. Research has shown that caloric restriction is more significant than exercise in fat loss. Just start eating less. Even if you don't work out, you will lose weight. No neighbors, no schedule conflicts means no excuses. You can do this! You can add exercise when you start feeling good about yourself again.
  • anitsirhC83
    anitsirhC83 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a similar story too. I lost 46 lbs over a year ago on a different weight loss programme, and was determined to take it all the way to my UGW and never see myself back over 200 lbs. I ended up having to drop out of that programme due to money constraints, and though I was determined to stick at it and carry on on my own, I saw every single one of those 46 lbs go right back on. Now I'm having to start that battle all over again.

    I think what we have to do is realise that we are human, we slip up and lose our focus, but as long as we have the attitude to do right and the determination again to do our all and get back on the path to where we want to be, we can succeed. It doesn't come naturally at first - it's a struggle to fit it all in at times, but the first step on the way is to get it in your mind that you will give it another go and give it your all come what may. At the end of the day, if we do not try, we certainly will not succeed.

    Thank you for this.... INSPIRATION!! :bigsmile:
  • If your eating a varied and healthy diet then a little exercise can go a long way. Go on a power walk during your lunch hour, or do some yoga or pilates at home in the morning/evening, good exercises to help you tone up but low noise level not disturbing your neighbor.

    Your child is five, go round the park, your child can cycle and you can run or power walk, or go to a soft pay centre and go join in, you'd be surprised how much of a workout it actually is.

    There are lots of little ways you can exercise, even if it's butt clenching exercises at your desk , every little helps!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Wow, I don't have the time at the moment to reply to each of you individually, but I want to thank you all for your advice and words of encouragement. There have been so many wonderful suggestions, some of which I can totally utilize in my life, some which unfortunately don't work for one reason or another.
    I know that my biggest challenge will be changing my eating habits- no matter how much I do or dont work out, there is no way to out run a terrible diet.

    My goal for the rest of January will be to TRACK EVERYTHING. Even the bad stuff, because I need to be open and honest with myself.
    I'm also going to start small- I am going to make it to the gym 2x a week. There is no reason I can't leave work one day a week with enough time to make it to daycare and no reason that one weekend morning can't be spent at the gym.
    I'm starting with small goals. I've also changed my ticker--- seeing the hefty number I have to lose and having to display my current weight is EMBARRASSING, but for me, it's a huge motivator to see that number drop.

    But sincerely thank you to all of you, and best of luck as well.
    Please feel free to add me- I could use the support :)
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Welcome back and best wishes dear! Don't get down on yourself n dwell in past mistakes just move forward today!! :flowerforyou:
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Don't guilt trip yourself, your back on it and it's a new year. Working long hours is hard, I know I work long hours too. Just know you have a loads of friends on Facebook. I was 217 last week, 210 this week, so we are in the same bracket. Just do what you can. I went for a swim after work today, 45 invites and runt nearly 500 calories. Enough to see me through a bad day at work. We can all do this together. I am loving my fitness pal, it's better than a class or gym. I am self conscious and it's cheaper. Keep going girl and welcome back to your friends x
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Apols for the typos it is the iPad !
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    well anyway, i got my answer lol
  • Bozydeaux
    Bozydeaux Posts: 9 Member
    I'm right there with ya. Lost 65 pounds 13 years ago, and have allowed 45 of it to come home to roost again. I am totally disgusted with myself. I am determined to change my lifestyle for good this time and lose the weight in a slow and healthy manner. My goal for 2013 is to lose 1 pound a week - a slow, reasonable, attainable goal.

    I'll send you a friend request - sounds like we could both use the support in our new journeys!

    And anyone else, please feel free to add me. The more friends, the more support, the better!
  • I think a lot of people on this site have quit, having reached goal or got close and quit because of life or whatever and came back months or weeks later feeling like crap because they slipped up.

    I know I'm one of them.

    It's okay, OP, this community will always welcome you back. :heart: