Anyone doing Beachbody Insanity?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Yeah i've given up meat, pop, white products, dairy products except for the occasional cheese (cuz i love it), And I HAAAAAAAATE TOFU. So it makes it that much more challenging to follow!!! :(

    So don't follow the nutrition program then and just eat how you've been eating.

    I haven't followed the program because I don't eat crappy and most of the recipes in there are things that I eat any way -- lots of yogurts, sandwiches, salads, grilled chicken, fish, pork, pasta, eggs, cottage cheese -- so I saw no reason to use their plan although I have made a few things from the meal plan because I was looking for something different.
  • travelistadiva
    travelistadiva Posts: 52 Member
    This makes me want to buy Insanity. I was thinking about it. Now I may really give it a go.:smile:
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    As for the whey i have a Vegan protein shake called Vega. And no i dont follow the plan because i dont eat alot of meat and eggs. I eat alot of quinoa, sprouted grains for sandwiches, salads, alot of shakes, veg, fruit. I make vegetarian versions of things like chili and spaghetti. So i'm not hungry by any means. I'm just trying to find the right balance of calories. I haven't been gaining really so I'm gonna up to 1500 (thats with exercise) a day and see if that makes my body happy :) A week is wayy too early to tell my progress, if i get further and nothing changes (which is probabaly impossible with this program) I'll know im doin somethin wrong!!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    This makes me want to buy Insanity. I was thinking about it. Now I may really give it a go.:smile:

    Do it. its really awesome. Never had a workout that made me pour sweat this one! And you just feel great!!!
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I would go for Insanity The Asylum.........much more fun
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I'm on my third week of insanity and so far so good. I don't always eat well, but I do stay within my calorie limit. So far I've lost 6lbs :)
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Let me survive this one first and then maybe i'll give it a whirl!
  • kgshuber
    I started on Monday. So far, so good. Great to hear the encouraging posts from the ones who have been going through this a while.
  • SweetCollz
    Yes! I had started the program a few months ago and got fairly far in the first month but then I was in a car accident and had back problems so I had to stop. I just recently started it again and am on day 4! I'm really determined to get through the whole program. I have seen such amazing success stories from Insanity and it's definitely the hardest workout I've ever done. A lot of people say not to focus on the scale while doing the program because it might say you're not losing any weight, but your body is still transforming. I've been trying to live by this rule, even though it's hard because I'd like to lose at least 20 pounds. I am going to start logging my calories in here so I can balance calories consumed and calories burned but according to Myfitnesspal, it calculates that I should only be eating 1200 calories a day. I'm wondering if this is too little since I am doing such a high intensity program. Also, I noticed that Insanity is not an option in the Myfitnesspal exercise database. Can any of you fellow insaniacs help me out? When you log your exercise, what do you usually log it in as? Thank you in advance!

    I hope you choose to try Insanity! I really don't think you will regret it! :)
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes it is too little,. and i thought the insanity manual was giving me too HIGH of a number, theres my problem! Being told so many diff #'s so im gonna start somewhere in the middle and see where that gets me!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    "Also, I noticed that Insanity is not an option in the Myfitnesspal exercise database. Can any of you fellow insaniacs help me out? When you log your exercise, what do you usually log it in as? Thank you in advance!'

    Get a heart rate monitor and create your own category, that's what i did. Your HRM will tell you your duration and cals burned.
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Yes! I had started the program a few months ago and got fairly far in the first month but then I was in a car accident and had back problems so I had to stop. I just recently started it again and am on day 4! I'm really determined to get through the whole program. I have seen such amazing success stories from Insanity and it's definitely the hardest workout I've ever done. A lot of people say not to focus on the scale while doing the program because it might say you're not losing any weight, but your body is still transforming. I've been trying to live by this rule, even though it's hard because I'd like to lose at least 20 pounds. I am going to start logging my calories in here so I can balance calories consumed and calories burned but according to Myfitnesspal, it calculates that I should only be eating 1200 calories a day. I'm wondering if this is too little since I am doing such a high intensity program. Also, I noticed that Insanity is not an option in the Myfitnesspal exercise database. Can any of you fellow insaniacs help me out? When you log your exercise, what do you usually log it in as? Thank you in advance!

    I hope you choose to try Insanity! I really don't think you will regret it! :)

    I just started Insanity last week! Do you have a body fat monitor/scale? Many people (including myself) focus way too much on the scale and BMI. It's all about body fat %. If you can figure out how many calories you burned doing Insanity, like tracking heart rate throughout, you can customize your own workout in the Exercise section.

    Keep it up and good luck!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    MFP is giving me like 1250 and BB is giving me 1900 so im gonna go with 1500-1600 a day
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    and so if i burn 500 that day i should re-eat that too, so 2000 total. Yikes. Just seems high but ill try it
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    I've done Insanity a few times through. I got ridiculous results, which are actually my profile picture :) It works!! Feel free to friend me if you want to talk shop, have questions etc.

  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    MFP is giving me like 1250 and BB is giving me 1900 so im gonna go with 1500-1600 a day

    That's a pretty good figure. I think MFP low-balls a bit and BB goes way high. When I did Insanity for the first time I stayed around 1400-1500 I saw some great results (I'm really short so I kept the cal count a little lower).

  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes! I had started the program a few months ago and got fairly far in the first month but then I was in a car accident and had back problems so I had to stop. I just recently started it again and am on day 4! I'm really determined to get through the whole program. I have seen such amazing success stories from Insanity and it's definitely the hardest workout I've ever done. A lot of people say not to focus on the scale while doing the program because it might say you're not losing any weight, but your body is still transforming. I've been trying to live by this rule, even though it's hard because I'd like to lose at least 20 pounds. I am going to start logging my calories in here so I can balance calories consumed and calories burned but according to Myfitnesspal, it calculates that I should only be eating 1200 calories a day. I'm wondering if this is too little since I am doing such a high intensity program. Also, I noticed that Insanity is not an option in the Myfitnesspal exercise database. Can any of you fellow insaniacs help me out? When you log your exercise, what do you usually log it in as? Thank you in advance!

    I hope you choose to try Insanity! I really don't think you will regret it! :)

    Do you have a heart rate monitor? That's your best bet on figuring out your calorie burn. It's different for everyone of course based on height and weight. Polar's run reasonably inexpensive and are pretty accurate. 1200 calories are way too few! For Insanity you want to be up at least 1400-1500. You are exactly right about hiding the scale. In the first few days of a workout program you're actually likely to see a bit of a rise in the scale before it goes down. This is because your body is retaining water and building muscle. But don't give up, keep pushing play and it will go down. Actually when I did the program, I saw the most dramatic changes on the scale during recovery week. The true story is going to be told in your measurements and the way your clothes fit.

    Are you working with a Team Beachbody coach? I'd love to help you out if you're not! (that goes for anybody :-) )

  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    This makes me want to buy Insanity. I was thinking about it. Now I may really give it a go.:smile:

    You won't regret it, seriously :smile: It's hard work but SO worth it!
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    Btw, i'm now vegetarian and I don't think i could even consume that many a day now WITHOUT eating total crap.....

    Have you considered Shakeology? They make two vegan flavors. I have mine every morning and they are absolutely amazing. So good for you too!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Ok., ill try that! Thanks!!