First Week In & the Scale Didn't Move! :(



  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Bear in mind that various factors can cause your weight to fluctuate a number of pounds in a single DAY. You may have lost fat (generally the goal for weight loss) but there may be other factors involved that can affect what the scale says.
  • slimforparis
    slimforparis Posts: 51 Member
    It is very cheering to read these comments as I feel I did my best this week but my weight also stayed exactly the same.

    I am taking consolation in the fact that I did not put any more weight on and I did not spend the first week of January as I normally would eating up all the leftover Christmas cake, Christmas cheese, Christmas nuts, Christmas pudding, Christmas cream, Christmas biscuits etc. Or even worse buying boxes of Christmas chocolates in the supermarket just because they are on sale and polishing those off too!!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I understand completely. Hang in there and don't give up. That loss will show. Whether you see it on the scale or in the way your clothes fit. I know its frustrating.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    No one "builds muscle" in ONE week!!!

    Thank you. I rolled my eyes at everyone who said that.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Honey, my scale hasn't moved in a few months. Puh-leeze. Exercise some patience, will ya? It doesn't happen overnight!
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    No one "builds muscle" in ONE week!!!

    Thank you. I rolled my eyes at everyone who said that.

    This. Glad someone said it.
  • Do not rely only on scales - try the tape measure - BMI too. And do your trousers feel different? Scalesmay also be broken!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing.
    8 weeks for your friends to notice,
    and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.

    Give it 12 weeks... DON'T QUIT!

    You didn't gain the weight in one week, it's unrealistic to think you'd lose it in a week.
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    There is no need to get overly excited with losses just as there is no need to get overly discouraged without losses. Just keep going. Evaluate in a month. If you are not pleased with what's happening then change a few things. I think everyone who has posted has been very kind but realistically, you may not see a weight loss for a long time. It doesn't mean you are not putting in the effort. Obviously you are.
  • ggv1978
    ggv1978 Posts: 10
    Give it time, also try doing cardiovascular exercise's instead of weights. Don't rely so much on what the scale displays it's how your body feels.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    try cutting carbs. carbs hold a lot of water weight so dispensing of those in your body will help you lose both the carbs and the water (and when your body is low on carbs, it uses mostly fat for fuel).

    one more thing. you could also be underestimating your calorie intake or overestimating your exercise calories, or both. either one of these, if you are off enough, will completely stall you.

    make sure you are measuring out all of your food portions and whatnot and if you have the money i'd invest in some type of heart rate monitor and let that determine how many calories you are burning.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat!! How do you feel? Are your clothes fitting a little differently? It's possible you are gaining muscle. That's a good thing! Don't be discouraged. Keep at it. You'll see the changes you want. I always remind myself that it didn't take 8 days to put it all on, and it won't take 8 days to take it all off!!

    :sad: :sad: :sad: YOU CANNOT build muscle in EIGHT days........
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    It's been a week. Don't stress, you are doing everything you need to do to get to where you want to be :) The first THREE weeks on here I saw no change then BAM a decrease, then another a few days later, then another.... the month of December (when everyone tends to gain), I lost almost 7 lbs!! You COULD go on a fad diet and loose weight quickly, but I would NOT recommend it because those aren't meant for long term so (after spending alot of money) you will probably just gain the weight back. That's why so many people try 10 different fad diets before realising that you just have to eat healthy, excercise, and wait....

    What you are doing is changing your eating habits and your lifestyle. Your body needs time to adjust. Think of it like this, you didn't GAIN all that weight in a week, you can't expect to LOSE it in a week. Progress needs patience. Set small "mini goals" and celebrate the NSV (non-scale victory). Put in the time and effort, and you will get the results you want :)

    Feel free to friend me :)
  • dellamac
    dellamac Posts: 16 Member
    throw your scale out..dont look at it for at least two months..keep doing what you are doing and you will be fine.

  • Whitnit809
    Whitnit809 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all so much for your support, what an awesome group of people. I am definitely going to keep at it and maybe the scale will move in a week or two. To the few sarcastic people-- I realize Rome wasn't built in a day. I was just surprised to see no change. I can do without the negativity though--thanks!

    The rest of you are freakin' great!!!!!!!!!!! Big hug to each of you!!
  • hollyhilton13
    hollyhilton13 Posts: 3 Member
    I started tracking my calories on March 1, 2012. I never exercise (bad I know). But since March, just through portion control and watching what I eat, I went from 172 to 149. I am still not at my goal weight, but it takes time. Don't beat yourself up. You are going to do great!!!
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    When I have been very good and don't see the scales move, I just try to remind myself that it's really about getting myself healthy, and eating well while doing lots of exercise can only make you healthier, so don't give up! That's why this community is so great, when you are feeling down you can post something like this and everyone can boost you back up so you can keep on truckin'. :flowerforyou:
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    Eight days is not enough time to gauge anything. I have felt your frustration though. I would recommend giving it about 6 weeks and THEN if there isn't any movement be depressed.
  • This is me starting over again as well. This time it is all about patience and persistence good luck to you!
  • I totally understand your frustration! Hang in there! Remember, this is a LIFE change. I obssess over the scale too. If your scale doesnt motivate you further when it does not move, I agree with the memeber that said, "ignore it for a few months."
    I have worked out like a madwoman this week and have recorded every single thing that I have eaten and I have gained 2 pounds! (of water...) but that number makes me crazy. Just keep on, one day at a time.