I am new! Looking for support!

Hey everyone,
I used myfitnesspal this summer to track my weight and food but never utilized the community support. I fell off the wagon around september and gained the 20 lbs I had lost. So I am ready to give it another try! I would like to loose 30-40 pounds but most importantly I want to be strong. I have been working out 3 or 4 times a week and watching what I need. I realize though I need to check in with others and be held accountable or I start to cheat and get lazy. So I am thinking this site will help me keep on track!
I work in health promotion and want to be an example of living a healthy lifestyle! Feel free to add me, and ask for any support from me as well!


  • alicat084
    Just sent you a request. =) You can do it!!
  • bliedungc
    I'm sending you a request as well. I'm hoping to keep up with all the efforts I'm making to get to where I want to be and am afraid that I may not, without support. We can do it together! Good luck!
  • mdalay
    mdalay Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks you two! I am looking forward to motivating eachother!
  • rockstar4Him
    I'm new too! We can do it together! Adding you
  • amatheson28
    amatheson28 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I used this app for a short time before, but did not utilize the community. I believe it will help and I am looking for friends too!
  • janetcboyd
    keep up the good work. what I do is every morning I put 1 of my exercise tapes in and do 1 mile every am. when I get home I walk outside for about 1 hr or so. its helped me to lose 11 pds in 2 months. even thou its hard but my body is important. the older we get the harder we have to push.
  • janetcboyd
    my name is janet