Losing weight with little to no money.



  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I think it's cheaper to eat healthy, it just takes some planning. I prepare my family's dinners for the week on Sundays. We buy what's on sale on Sunday and I have time to prepare the food rather than grabbing more costly convenience food during the week. We eat a lot of beans, vegetables that are in season, brown rice, oats, eggs, etc. I make my own granola and protein bars also, which is way cheaper and healthier than the ones you buy at the store. We also have a farmers market type store that has dollar baskets of produce that needs to be used right away in the back. We usually plan our meals around what we can get from there. Since I do all the meal prep in one day, it works out for me to use the produce that day and once it's cooked, it lasts until we eat it that week.

    I think the perception is that eating healthy is expensive because of all of the organic meat and fancy organic packaged foods available. The reality is that if you can plan ahead and put in the effort, eating healthy is actually cheaper.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    if you have an Aldi store..it is amazing how much you save there. I buy my oats..eggs..tons of fruits, vegetables for a fraction of it costs at Kroger. I used to go because of the bad economy..now i go because it is crazy not to.
  • ImTheMadHatter
    Keep your calories in check.
    Make them count by eating healthy/filling foods and eating every couple of hours on the small scale to keep yourself just off the cliff of being hungry but giving your body a chance to make the fuel and burn the cals.
    Exercise of any sort to manage calories in/out helps a ton.
    WEIGH your food to make sure you have correct portions for accurate calorie counts.
    Pre-package your foods the night before so you have your portion control on your meals and snacks for the day...it makes it ALOT easier to manage then...(all tips from my gal pal that started this and lost 40lbs!!)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Fresh/frozen fruits and veggies are pretty cheap. Exercise by walking/running or by finding free videos on YouTube.
  • sassycupcakecutie
    Everything everyone has said!. I find it cheaper to eat healthy even though it takes more time to prepare mine and my families food! I spend way more when buying easy junk food or fast food but less time preparing it verses cheaper healthier food that takes more time to prepare. I have decided on the cheaper healthier food and longer prepare time. You can take one day a week and make stuff for breakfast, lunches, dinner and freeze them and that way it is easy as pie!

    Also I walk my son to school everyday and walk back home and then all over again when it is time to pick him up from school. That is a good 40 min round trip and so 80 mins of free exercise in one day that actually saved me gas money!

    I also use dvds that I have bought on sale or gotten as gifts along with free fitness videos on my roku, netflix,and youtube. My yoga mat was a gift as were my little weights. But before that I had gotten some for free on craigslist.

    It is possible but all it takes it some planning and committing yourself and then you will actually see yourself losing weight and saving money in the long run!

    PS: frozen veggies and fruit are usually pretty cheap.