
  • I'm not a big water lover either, but I'm getting more used to it. I LOVE apple cinnamon water. I have a 2 liter pitcher of water and I add 1 thinly sliced apple and put it in there with a cinnamon stick and let it sit overnight. I drink it the next day over ice and it's delicious!! I keep refilling the pitcher. After about 3 fills, I replace the apple and cinnamon. The last 2 days I've been drinking anywhere from 64-80 ounces of water per day!

    This sounds Yummy! Gonna try it.
  • Pettygirl
    Pettygirl Posts: 23 Member
    I never used to like to drink water and my doctor would always tell me to drink more, but I resisted for a long time.

    I finally decided to give it a try in my late 20's, and I was amazed at how much better I felt and in a short amount of time. It is often hard to realize the symptoms of dehydration and how bad it can make you feel. I try to drink 1- 2 liters a day, and I love it now!

    I drink tap water filtered through a Brita filter. I like it best at room temperature, and I chug it rather than sip it. Ahhh!! :drinker:
  • clee369
    clee369 Posts: 101 Member
    Every single person that has ever died has consumed water. maybe you shouldn't drink it
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    the taste of water out of a tap makes me gag. Well water is only marginally better, drinking it out of a fresh mountain spring YUMMY in moderation.

    But I drink it anyway
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Water is my favourite drink and always has been, so I can't really relate... but... I keep reading people post about cutting up apples and adding a couple sticks of cinnamon to water and keeping it in the fridge. If I hated water, that would be my first try. :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Drink tea or kool-aid or beer or something that you like. Hydration doesn't necessarily have to come from clear pure water.

    Beer for hydration?? Since when? Please don't tell me your a nutritionist!! lol
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I didn't used to like it either but I started drinking it with crystal light (walmart knock-off brand) and now I'm even weaning myself off of that. I am now drinking only water if I can help it everyday. ALL DAY!
  • ive been struggling to get even 4 cups a day ( or 2 reg size bottles) its insane how much I dislike water. but i find flavored sparkling water does the trick! I usually get the walmart brand and the lemon flavor or the lime are my favorites they remind me of seira mist
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    Crystal Light. It's the only way that I can drink water. I really like the orange.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    the taste of water out of a tap makes me gag. Well water is only marginally better, drinking it out of a fresh mountain spring YUMMY in moderation.

    But I drink it anyway

    I have well water. If you like the taste of metal, you'll LOVE my water! lol I drink bottled water. I used to HATE water. I was a soda addict growing up (hence the obesity), then Snapple, then Crystal Light, then as I got lazy in my old age it just became easier to grab a bottle of water, rather than spending buckoo bux on Crystal light packets to mix in or buying Snapple by the case. And it grew on me. Ice cold I like it, so much so I get a brain freeze if I chug too fast lol.

    Lemon in my water makes me gag, too. Have you been drinking tap or bottled?
  • cmurdock21
    cmurdock21 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone has given you this suggestion, but I really love the Crystal Light On-The-Go packets. My favorite is green tea raspberry. You mix a packet with 16oz of water for very little calories! Water seems boring to me sometimes and this is my go-to. :}
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Have you tried Mio?
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    Add a tsp. of cider vinegar to a large glass of water. It's not only good for you but it makes for a great cleansing. A slice of lemon in a tall glass of water is tasty and very refreshing. Good Luck :smile:
  • Keepingfaith03
    Keepingfaith03 Posts: 5 Member
    I was actually the same way for years. I still don't prefer it after drinking a sprite or something like that but I have became more tolerant to it. I started drinking more water by buying Propel flavored water. I think that was only 20 calories? And then later started using the mix packets. Most of the time now I just drink it plain.
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    I HATED water, I started drinking it ONLY from a water bottle and all of a sudden I now love it.

    I can't explain it, perhaps you don't get any smell when you drink from a bottle because the hole is smaller. I now even prefer it at room temperature. Get a bottle and have it around, it is so much better than a glass.

    Best advice I ever got, listen to your body and drink when you are thristy.

    Also, try drinking it when you are hungry, sometimes you aren't really hungry, your body is saying I need something (I'm dehydrated) and we only half listen to it and think we are hearing it say food when it is actually saying water.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    I've never been a big water fan either. I do like it super cold on a hot day, but otherwise, there's so much better things to drink (coffee), than just water. When I started changing my lifestyle and getting healthier, I realized that water is oh-so-important, even moreso than my favorite drink (coffee), so I forced myself to drink it. I hated it. Until I discovered MiO. An icy glass of MiO flavored water actually became my favorite drink! (outside of coffee).

    Now, however, recently I've been forced to cut back on anything with acid and coloring in it, and must stick with just plain ol' water. I discovered the hard way to force myself to drink it because the effects of dehydration were not awesome! I can still get limited quantities of other stuff during meals (coffeecoffeecoffeee -- I might have a problem), but for the most part, water's my new friend this year.

    It's hard, but... well. Worth it. (I hope. R.I.P. mid-afternoon-coffee-snack).

    I would suggest using MiO, I loved it! And heck, the apple/cinnamon combo sounds pretty tasty!
  • I'm not a big water lover either, but I'm getting more used to it. I LOVE apple cinnamon water. I have a 2 liter pitcher of water and I add 1 thinly sliced apple and put it in there with a cinnamon stick and let it sit overnight. I drink it the next day over ice and it's delicious!! I keep refilling the pitcher. After about 3 fills, I replace the apple and cinnamon. The last 2 days I've been drinking anywhere from 64-80 ounces of water per day!

    i couldn't get the apple and cinnamon to balance out. after i added green tea to it, omg heaven! and all the ingredients are good for your metabolism
  • Not all water tastes the same and you might be thinking, WHAT??? I can taste a difference in waters. I have not drank tap water in years. I drink only bottled water. The taste of water for me varies based on it's alkalinity. There is a body of research out there on the benefits of alkaline water (pros & cons). I do not like the taste of a "purified" water. It is less alkaline than most bottled waters. I drink spring water. The bottled water that tastes the best to me is the water in the weird shaped blue bottled name Eternal water.

    Another thing that makes water taste better to me is I prefer it at room temperature for the most part. If I am drinking it cold it has to be ice cold and I usually only drink cold water when I am outside and very hot. Just my two cents.
  • MeganGable
    MeganGable Posts: 68 Member
    I LOVE water. I feel like it’s instantly cleansing me inside when I drink it :):):):):):):):)
  • Another way I get my water in is I drink a lot of herbal and green teas made with spring water. Tea has a ton of health benefits and the combinations are heavenly. I am a big fan of Teavana. Some may think that herbal teas are pricey but the health benefits and the fact that I don't drink any diet sodas or juice now to me make them more reasonable and way more healthy. I think in the end it all balances out when it comes to costs.