Has anyone done... XBOX 360 Kinect your shape workout?

I just got this for the holidays. I was wondering if it really works. Has any one done this and if so what kind of results.


  • imaburnin
    I have this and use it. It offers a wide range of activities to do (cardio and strength training), and I find them pretty effective. Their intensity has a pretty nice range for what I need, but athletes, intense bodybuilders, or insanity/P90X folks might not find them challenging enough. The activities range from 2 to 45 mins and shows you whether it's an easy or hard thing to do; it also gives you lots of goals and praises for reaching certain milestones. One of my favorite parts of it is that it calculates each calorie lost in each activity, and you get to punch what you burned off!

    I will say that you need to make sure you have enough space in your livingroom and that your Kinect is properly placed at a good height. Otherwise, the program won't recognize all of your movements (I had a problem with that while doing the jogging part, then I had to adjust the kinect sensor). If you don't have enough space, the program won't recognize a movement (or a calorie lost).

    Ultimately, it's worth the money to me, but only with a good sized workout space. Hope that helps!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I have it. I was wondering if anyone else used it and got results. Im excited to start it. I did a little bit of it. It scans your body and then youa can see yourself through the workout.