Question for SAHM's!

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
Hi ladies! I'm a SAHM and my husband usually works 12+ hours a day. I don't belong to a gym. I have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. For the past week I've been loading up the kids in a double stroller and walking/jogging for about 2 miles. According to my HRM I usually burn about 450 calories every day. For some reason I don't know if this is enough!

How else can I eek in some exercise? I have a treadmill but it's in the basement and I don't want to bring my son down there. He's also getting me up VERY early (around 4am!) but I keep thinking if I'm already up I should go and do a dvd or something. How do you ladies sneak in exercise with kids??? On top of everything else we're in the process of moving. I just feel like I need to put ME first for once but it's so hard!

Any suggestions??


  • candicemcl
    my kids are all school ages now but my youngest only goes 2-3 days a week. I would suggest naptimes maybe pop in a dvd, or get on the treadmill, even if you can only get 10-15 minutes here and there its still something right :-)
    Awesome on walking though that's awesome especially pushing 2 kids
    I am going to try the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as its only 20 minutes and although most days do have kid free time it doesn't mean I am not busy, but I know I can make myself fit 20 minutes into it to workout to make me a better person and be here a long time to enjoy my kids
    Good Luck!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    maybe ask some other SAHMs in your community/neighborhood if they're willing to exchange babysitting services? You can watch their kids for a few hours so they can go do whatever they need to, and then another day they can return the favor.
  • libra1021
    libra1021 Posts: 19
    Is joining the YMCA an option for you? I love mine! I've only been a member for a couple of months but they have a daycare on site and I take my 9 month old with me. He loves his "social time" and I can peek in the windows at him as much as I want.

    I'm a SAHM too and I find that most of the other people in the gym during lunch time hours are other SAHM's, and we're all on the same mission, so it's nice.

    It's pretty cheap and once you're a member you can get your 5 yr old involved in weekend activites, day camps in the summer, etc. I also take advantage of free personal training sessions and free nutritional meetings etc.
  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    I do walk away the pounds!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I'm a stay at home mum too and I've been doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, its good because it is only 20 minutes but my goodness you feel it, if I was you i'd try and work it in with nap times too. Mine dont have naps anymore so I normally try and squeeze it in whilst they are eating breakfast or playing in the play room but if they do wander in they find it quite fun to try and join in or sit on the sofa and watch. Another dvd I've jusy started using on the days I dont have the energy to do the shred is the winsor pilates circle dvd. That is also only 20 minutes but mostly floor work so isnt as strenuous as the other one which is nice because some days I really dont have the energy but it helps with the toning (apparently... i've only been doing this one a week but my sister in law swears by it!
  • hsougaris
    I'm a SAHM of two 4 and 5 year old girls. My husband also works 12+ hour days. This is the first year I've managed to actually get to the gym. The YMCA near me is brand new and my 4 year old loves the child watch room while my 5 year old is in school. That said, if you can't get out, anything Jillian Michael's is amazing. I bought myself Jillian Michaels for Wii and I get a great strength training work out from that on the days when I just can't fit in a trip to the gym. I would also suggest a beginners pilates dvd. It doesn't seem like its that hard when you're doing it but the next day, wow do you feel it. Good luck!
  • NaturalMom
    I am in a very similar boat lately. Sounds like you don't have the luxury of nap-time anymore. That's when I get all my "me" time. I only have one daughter, tho, and she is 17 mos. I walk a lot, too, and do yoga during her nap-time. I also splurge on a babysitter once a week so that I can go to the gym. I belong to a Mom's Club that offers trades on babysitting services; I haven't tried it yet, but there are many moms who love the service. Am looking forward to seeing what others have to say because I could use a few new ideas myself. Good luck!
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I hope you don't mind my stopping by with some suggestions as I am not a SAHM, but I do know how hard it is to fit in some me time!

    Nap time is the perfect time to pop in a DVD or to pick up some weights (building muscles means burning fat even when you're just sitting). Bedtime is another good option. If they both go to bed at the same time, perfect! Put them down and then do your workout.

    I have 3 children - a 6 year-old, an almost 4 year-old and a 17 month-old. If I were a SAHM I would most likely work out in the afternoon when my youngest was napping and oldest in school. At that point, I would encourage my middle child to join me. I think it's a plus and teaches kids healthy habits. But, if he did not want to, he could always sit near where I am and color or "read".

    But since I am at work all day - I have to stick to working out at bedtime. I usually put my youngest to bed around 8 and then workout while the older two play, read or draw. I try and keep my workouts to 45 mins or less. And I am just now getting over the guilt that I am taking some "me" time. I have found that it makes me a better/happier mom in the long run and since they are right there - I can still talk (okay - gasp :tongue: ) with them.

    Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred is a great one - quick and efficient.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    been there, done....

    pedometer, min 10k

    dance with your babies! keep the music on thru out the day, you'd be amazed...

    the double pram was my god-send...hooah for you...keep it truckin' !

    #1 "...don't covet thy babies plate...!"
  • sparklebritches
    DVD's and recumbent are my best friend. I allow my almost 3.5 year old to play computer learning games and my toddler goes back and forth between helping her and trying to topple me and/or endlessly requesting things.
  • kellyc63
    kellyc63 Posts: 1
    I dont know where you live, but there are a few national chains called "StrollerFit" and "Stroller Strides" that are just for this purpose! You put the kids in the jogger and it is a 60 minute interactive workout with your kiddies.

    I did StrollerFit for a year and shed all 63 lbs I gained with my son and then some! Its something worth looking into. I know they both have websites if you google them.
  • kcross69
    kcross69 Posts: 1
    I know how you feel! My husband works 12 + hours 4 days a week, and we have 3 kiddos, 5 and 3 year old boys and a 2 year old girl. it can be really really hard some days to get anytime. But, I usually use my wii fit everyday, which the kids think is hysterical and even try to join in with me sometimes. I also have a good friend whom I have been getting together with in the mornings and we workout together, she has 2 kids and the kids watch a show or play in her playroom. Another good may to get some movement in is to put on some music and dance. Your kids may think you look silly, but it is a fun way to burn a few extra calories.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    First... let me say this... 450 calories IS enough if that's what you can do. 450 calories is a good burn! It's important to remember that you have a 5 MONTH old, and a 4 year old... taking care of them is most important. The fact that you're getting them out and walking with them in the stroller... fabulous!

    I know this is going to sound stupid... but I turn household chores into a workout.... I do lunges when I'm vacuuming, Calf raises when I'm washing dishes, Squats when putting dishes away.... wear ankle or wrist weights while you're working around the house.

    The things is... make sure that you also take time to rest. I truly believe that when they rest... you should too... quiet time. If you don't... you will burn out, feel stressed and you won't be the mum that they deserve and you won't have as much control of your eating.
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    Wow 450 is a great amount to burn...definitely will help you lose in the long run. I'm lucky if I get half of that in a day.
    If you feel like you need some strength training/body sculpting, there are some great 10 min videos out there for that....check out exercise tv or netflix if you have it. 10 min solutions has a good one too that breaks down each problem area into 10 mins.
    As your little one gets older, he'll be able to entertain himself a little two boys are pretty good about playing cars while I workout...doesn't mean I don't get asked to do a billion things by my 4 yr old but I just press pause and come back to it in a minute or so.