ideas for snacks after work

I need some help with ideas on what I can eat for a snack after work. I'm a substitute teacher during the day and some evenings and weekends I work retail. My problem is I will eat a quick dinner(usually 400-500 calories) then go off to work for about 5/6hours, I get a quick break, where I drink water and might have some pretzels. When I get off at 10pm or later I'm hungry and I still have calories left usually 100-300 calories depending upon the day. Any suggestions for snacks?????



  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    My new find is Greek Yogurt. I got the light and fit with blueberries and then I added about 4 blackberries. I added the blackberries strictly for taste. It was less than 100 calories and VERY filling, plus the added protein is great.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    It depends partially on what you are eating for those meals...what are you typically short on? protein? healthy fats?

    I teach. It is easiest for me to keep on hand one of the following:
    *nuts (good fats, protein, fiber)
    *fruit (fresh is best--apples are easy to toss into a bag and take with you, easy to eat. a clementine is a small sweet quick snack also)

    since i don't like processed stuff much, these are my best 2 suggestions.
  • sherrielafleur
    My breakfast is usually a yogurt, and sometimes just a half a cup of cereal for a mid morning snack, so I avoid yogurts for the rest of the day just because I like variety! Lunch is usually a sandwich and a serving of low fat pretzels, my dinner is always different! I'm just looking for suggestions on a snack to eat when I get home late from work. Popcorn, or a hard boiled egg, lowfat cottage cheese is all pretty low and I'm getting tired of the same old, same old.
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    I have non fat yogurt and sugar free (smuckers is my brand) jam for flavor, with truvia when I am cutting the carbs. One serving of 6 oz with 2 tbls of jam is about 100 cal. But having it in am, I can see that it would be too much.

    I have had fruit. Sometimes I would have lowfat string cheese (I prefer the fit n active brand at Aldi at 60 cal per piece). I recently made turkey burger sliders sans buns. Divided up 16 oz into 8 burgers. Seasoning and feta cheese was added too. Think it came up to be about 90 cals per. I have in frig to heat up.
  • AliciaAnne1984
    A few of my favourite (super easy) snacks...

    1. Half an avocado with some balsamic vinegar
    2. Hard (or soft) boiled egg on toast
    3. Watermelon, basil and cinnamon (new summer favourite)
    4. Healthy mix plate - chop some raw vegies, cheese and fruit
    5. Bake a low fat banan cake using applesauce instead of oil. Cut it into portions and freeze. Heat a piece in the microwave.
    6. Banana and natural yoghurt
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Nuts.. in their shells.. (you'll need a nutcracker I do this at my desk at work lol)
    Granola (not a bar, just granola)
    greek yogurt with a banana
    Organic natural peanut butter on celery (the kind that is made up of peanuts only)
  • SandraAtGong
    SandraAtGong Posts: 4 Member
    Semi healthy Banana split, with low cal whipped cream, sure it isn't perfect, but it tastes great!

    Fruit salad.

    Saw a snack with canned tuna & mayonnaise , in celery sticks. Kid's version had a cheese slice sail ... for those whimsical nights ?
    I plan to try it soon maybe with salmon.

    I teach at night and find if I make waldof salad the night before, it is a good snack that last 1/2 cup. Well any salad for the last break.

    Plan to make a savory rice slice and use that for a snack for the next day or two, any quiche or frittata may be another high protein snack.

    Good luck, and great topic.
  • sherrielafleur
    Thanks for the ideas! Please keep them coming. something quick to make and eat since when I work I'm already up late! Many ideas include peanut butter, which I detest(don't ask me why, I don't know why)!!!! And my daughter is allergic to treenuts(she's fine as long as she doesn't eat them), so we don't usually have those in the house. Also I don't eat anything from the sea! No fish! I know I'm picky but I am eating more veggies than ever!
  • mollysmomma81709
    mollysmomma81709 Posts: 30 Member
    I really like a chocolate Snack Pack pudding at night. It's only 100 calories or so ( I think the low fat ones are even less) and it helps me with my sweet tooth fix. Try dipping strawberries in it and YOWZA!! delicioso!!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    How about some good, high-fiber and low-cal crackers (I like Kashi and wheat thins), a low-fat string cheese, and a couple of baby carrots or sugar snap peas? Or a cup or two of unsalted, unbuttered popcorn?