Fibromyalgia, Fodmaps and Dieting

Hello everyone, I wouldn't mind being supported and also offering support to anyone in my position - needing to lose a lot of weight, and coping with Fibromyalgia.. For those who don't know Fibroymyalgia is a condition where you have chronic pain, chronic fatigue and often IBS too. I have a restricted diet i.e on a low FODMAP diet and you would think losing weight would have been easy but I have at least maintained my weight after initially losing a few kilos. I trawl through all my recipe books and get very disheartened because all the yummy low fat recipes have food items that I can't eat.


  • Hi

    I also have Fibromyalgia as well as PSA so I know exactly how you feel my dear and it means I am very restricted as to what I can do with regards to exercise, mainly becasue of the PSA

    I have loads to lose and have only just started and it all feels a bit daunting but we will get there
  • Ah...someone else that is on here that has FM. I need a friend/buddy to help motivate and understand how hard it is to exercise through the pain. I've gained weight due to the meds and lack of being not mobile. I started on this site yesterday hoping watching what I eat help for now with my weight until the days I can get out of bed to move. I'm here for you.
  • Hello!

    I just signed up for myfitnesspal today. I also have a lot of weight to lose, and I have Fibro and IBS. I've lost a lot of weight before, and unfortunately I found it again :(

    It's really challenging for me to find the energy to work out, shop and prepare meals. I work 50 hours a week, and finding any energy to do a single other thing is quite overwhelming for me. I'd really like to find some friends on here who also have Fibro to help support each other, in a positive way.

    I strive to be a 'no-excuses' kind of person with my every way except diet and exercise. I've done a very poor job with it, and I'd like to turn that around.

    I'm looking forward to sticking with it this time, and I look forward to us Fibromites supporting and helping each other out!
  • I joined back in December, as the company I work for was doing a healthy holidays contest, and recommended this site. I too work full time plus, have weight to lose (alot), and just can't motivate doing anything for myself after I get done with everyone else. I am tired of the pain, and the IBS and all else that goes with Fibro, and would love to just feel healthy again since being diagnosed almost 10 years ago. I will help support and would like support!
  • For a newbie....what is a FODMAP??
  • I too have fibromyalgia and would love to have more friends who understand. Anyone can feel free to add me.

    I am also unfamiliar with the term FODMAP....
  • CheriLMT
    CheriLMT Posts: 220 Member
    I also have fibromyalgia, IBS, and I also PCOS which makes it especially difficult to lose weight. The pain.....ahh!.....everyday it never goes away...I am newly diagnoses with the fibro so the doc has just started kinda trying out meds to what is gonna is now just the pain...its the overwhelming fatigue everyday of my life I am so tired. But I am hopeful that I can lose the weight(100lbs) that maybe it will be easier. I am sorry that we have met this way and that you all are struggling with this but it is nice to talk to people that understand.
  • Like I said I have Fibro and PSA and I also have Sjogrons syndrome BUT I have b=never heard of FODMAPS ? can anyone enlighten me please ??? thanks
  • I'm sorry to read there is more of us but I'm not surprised. FM is affecting a lot of us which is unfortunate because no one is able to help us get control of this disease. I am not working due to this horrible disease and I praise those of you who continue to work on a daily basis. I can barely keep up with my children and home, yet there are some of you working more than 40 hrs a week outside the home. Right now I'm trying to lose the weight by counting calories. I don't want to rely on exercise due to FM symptoms. I do have a stability ball and free weights at my home for when I have a good day to workout. Let me know what exercises everyone is doing. :flowerforyou:
  • Shreck - You sound like you might feel guilty because you can't work outside the home. Sounds to me like you have a full time job in the home!! Sometimes that is all we can manage, and you should be proud of what you do. I am lucky to have a job where I have alot of paid time off, so on days when the pain is unmanageable I just work from home, or take the day off. I have been at this job for 17 years and if something happened, I probably wouldn't be able to find another job that could work around my Fibro. If we all just do what we can, than be proud of that!! Good luck with your weight loss. They keep telling me that walking or swimming is the best thing. In Northern Wisconsin, it is hard to get out and walk, brrrrr and we don't have a public pool, so we have to pay big money to use the hotel pools, and those often aren't made for "swimming". But those are excuses I have to get over, just don't know how?
  • FODMAPs are short chain carbohydrates and monosaccharides which are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, including fructans, galactans, fructose and polyols. The term is an acronym, deriving from "Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols".

    From Wikipedia!

    Where some people react to Salycilates, Amines and Glutamates in food, my IBS seems to be linked to FODMAPS. All of these are naturally occurring chemicals which make your food tasty. I never reacted before but as the years go by with Fibromyalgia (over 20 years) other ssymptoms such as IBS kick in. So now I can't food with garlic or onion and a whole bunch of other things which I really enjoyed.

    Fibromyalgia is hard to live with and unfortunately led to my marriage failing after being together for 18 years.

    Thank you for your support. I will do my best to support you too :-)
  • I too have fibromyalgia and arthertist i had right knee replaced need left one done and just started yesterday also. I also have mid to low back pain. I start and stop and don't stick to much but feeding my failures. I could use all the help anyone has to offer. I need and want to make this one work,thanks for those who know and understand the pain.
  • cindyhanson58
    cindyhanson58 Posts: 11 Member
    I deal with fibro as well... it has been hard. I like lifting weights, but the pain can be extraordinary. but, enjoying my activity helps in other ways. Certainly helps how I feel about my day. I also have IBS. fustrating
  • I work 25 hours a week as an Exec Assistant, and am technically enrolled in Honours programme at Australian National University, in painting workshop. I now walk 5 days a week because I have to go to and from work. However I have no energy and it's too painful when I try to paint, so I am on leave (again). I can't seem to do both because I use the same muscles and it really gets me down. I have only been working for 12 months (my last job was 11 years before that - I had a fibro flare up in 2001 and then a slipped disc requiring surgery in 2007). I can't rely on exercise to lose weight because if it's too ppainful it becomes counter-productive. So it was very easy to gain weight. I have to lose half my body weight - and at least 20 kg to keep Diabetes away. It is overwhelming. I hate planning the meals because I have to make sure i don't have too much fat, enough fibre and protein AND make sure I am keeping withinfodmap plan. I was eating a lot of hot chips when I was going out because it was one food I could buy everywhere. BUT NOT GOOD FOR ME. Sigh. Looking at my recent eating I am still falling 10g short on fibre a day.
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    I also have FM and am having a major flare up as we speak. Haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet but feel free to add me.

    Maybe we should consider setting a Fibro group up.

  • Shreck - You sound like you might feel guilty because you can't work outside the home. Sounds to me like you have a full time job in the home!! Sometimes that is all we can manage, and you should be proud of what you do. I am lucky to have a job where I have alot of paid time off, so on days when the pain is unmanageable I just work from home, or take the day off. I have been at this job for 17 years and if something happened, I probably wouldn't be able to find another job that could work around my Fibro. If we all just do what we can, than be proud of that!! Good luck with your weight loss. They keep telling me that walking or swimming is the best thing. In Northern Wisconsin, it is hard to get out and walk, brrrrr and we don't have a public pool, so we have to pay big money to use the hotel pools, and those often aren't made for "swimming". But those are excuses I have to get over, just don't know how?

    Unfortunately I do feel quilty. I worked a fulltime job outside the home most of my life. I enjoyed working and contributing to my family household. NOW I feel worthless. My husband and family says they understand but my heart is broken from this. I'm not the person I used to be. I was active and outgoing. Now I stay home alone with no friends because I can't commit to any outings. I loved coaching my children sports but I can barely get out of bed to drive them to practice. I'm depressed and overweight with lots of pain physically and emotionally. So I'm starting here to hopefully see a little light in this dark tunnel of mine. Yes, I am seeing doctors for all of my problems including therapy. No, I don't want to harm anyone. I'm giving you a little bit of my background.

    My hips can't handle walking they hurt too much. Swimming is a great idea but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable doing that. No excuses, right? :happy:
  • Shreck - You sound like you might feel guilty because you can't work outside the home. Sounds to me like you have a full time job in the home!! Sometimes that is all we can manage, and you should be proud of what you do. I am lucky to have a job where I have alot of paid time off, so on days when the pain is unmanageable I just work from home, or take the day off. I have been at this job for 17 years and if something happened, I probably wouldn't be able to find another job that could work around my Fibro. If we all just do what we can, than be proud of that!! Good luck with your weight loss. They keep telling me that walking or swimming is the best thing. In Northern Wisconsin, it is hard to get out and walk, brrrrr and we don't have a public pool, so we have to pay big money to use the hotel pools, and those often aren't made for "swimming". But those are excuses I have to get over, just don't know how?

    Unfortunately I do feel quilty. I worked a fulltime job outside the home most of my life. I enjoyed working and contributing to my family household. NOW I feel worthless. My husband and family says they understand but my heart is broken from this. I'm not the person I used to be. I was active and outgoing. Now I stay home alone with no friends because I can't commit to any outings. I loved coaching my children sports but I can barely get out of bed to drive them to practice. I'm depressed and overweight with lots of pain physically and emotionally. So I'm starting here to hopefully see a little light in this dark tunnel of mine. Yes, I am seeing doctors for all of my problems including therapy. No, I don't want to harm anyone. I'm giving you a little bit of my background.

    My hips can't handle walking they hurt too much. Swimming is a great idea but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable doing that. No excuses, right? :happy:

    In many ways I know how you feel and it makes me remember my own flare up. I spent 10 years at home and lost my best friend at the height of the flare-up (and it turns out - my husband as well). Neither of them ever understand what Fibro though my husband did try. I fought hard to do art because it was the only thing that kept me sane and took me away from the house to visit art galleries and classes. It hurt though.

    We were under financial pressure and me not working became a source of frustration. He now thinks I am working because our separation prompted me to act and he refuses to concede that the reason I am working these hours now is because I am currently able to. But they are not pain free and by using a computer my right side is constantly stiff and sore. Your friends can come to you and if they truly love you they will. But sometimes it is worth choosing to have pain in order to have a "real life" - but you need to plan for it - diet and exercise before and after, arrange for a friend to help with the kids two days later etc. For me there is a two-day rule: 2 days after I REALLY hurt.

    You have to let go of the guilt - trust me- it just adds more stress on top of everything else. It may be inconvenient to others but we are the ones who can never escape the pain

    Yes I know you will not harm anyone - to be honest people with Fibro don't hurt others - our psychology means that we internalise everything. It is not coincidental that we are literally too sensitive. The trick is to find something not food related that triggers the "happy" chemicals. Exercise is supposed to do that but I find there is a point of pain when things go from being helpful and become so painful that your muscles end up in knots. Sex can help, so can laughter on a regular basis.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I also have FM and am having a major flare up as we speak. Haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet but feel free to add me.

    Maybe we should consider setting a Fibro group up.


    I really like this idea. A Fibro Group could help us a lot. As we ALL know, you just about have to have fibro to understand it. People who are blessed enough not to have it have NO CLUE how lucky they are. Anyone, everyone, feel free to add me.
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    HI All,

    There are at least 7 groups on MFP that are related to FM. Just go up to the bar above, click on the groups tab and then type in fibromyalgia...hope this helps and hope everyone is doing ok.
  • Joining a fibro group is a great idea - because only we know how painful and difficult it is to eat and exercise properly