Juice recipes and tips?

Khisalandra Posts: 100 Member
edited January 8 in Recipes
After watching the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and hearing about all the benefits of juicing, I've purchased a Breville juicer. However... I have no idea what to expect from juices. The closest I've had to something like that is Jamba Juice smoothies, and I always get just fruit ones, never had anything using vegetables.

Does anyone have any tips or good recipes for starting out?


  • flutterfly1974
    flutterfly1974 Posts: 8 Member
    My best friend & her hubby started juicing after watching Sick, Fat & Nearly Dead too. They did great.

    Biggest tip- do not go straight to just juicing. For 2 weeks you basically need to be just a vegetarian. No dairy, if you do meat- make it fish. You will end up suffering from some kind of muscle spams & be in pain due to the shock to your system.
    You just have to acclimate your body.

    When making your juices- do fruits & veggies separately. (A few apples w/ the veggie blends are ok, but nothing more than that) Your body can't process them both at the same time.

    Watch the ratio of how many veggie to how many fruit juices you do- remember fruit is high in natural sugar. A great way to start the day is with a fruit blend.

    Breville is a great juicer from what I've been looking up. Did you get the cold press one? Those are the best. I'm saving up for that one :)

    There are tons of juicing recipes online. I think there's a message board on here too for some of those.
    If you buy Naked Juices- they have the recipe on the side of the bottle if you find a flavor you like.

    If in a rush & buying a pre-made juice in the store- make sure it doesn't say concentrate on the bottle. Just 100% juice. So Odowalla I believe is not good if just juicing.

    These are all tips I learned from reading up before venturing into the juicing world. Plus what my friend & a health nut co-worker have taught me.

    Hope it helps & good luck.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    As soon as i get home i'll pull out my "JUICING BIBLE" and give you some recipes.
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