So frustrated!

I am so frustrated today. I am meeting my calorie goals and exercising almost every day. The past 2 days I have done 50 and 55 minutes of cardio respectively. I just want the scale to budge a little so that I get some type of positive reinforcement. It seems when you go from comepletely sedentary to exercising daily, you should see some reward! It is no wonder people get frustrated and give up. Let's hope the plateau breaks soon as I need some positive reinforcement to keep me motivated to do this.


  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    I'm having the opposite problem. I've lost 4 lbs in 2 days. i think my scale is broken
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    I know that feeling...been "stuck" for the past 2 months after losing 45lbs...

  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Don't give up!

    It will happen, just stick with it and keep your eye on portion sizes for your food intake.

    You are worth it and it will happen.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    It's only two days. You need to be a bit more patient.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I am just starting and you would think that such a change in eating and exercising would be bringing some immediate results but so far I am not seeing a reward for the hard work and sacrifice. It is supposed to show the most results at the beginning but I am not seeing it. Ugh!!!
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    It isn't only 2 days. I have exercising daily for a week and have just bumped things up over the last 2 days to see if I could get better results.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    How long have you been doing this? It can take a month or more depending on a whole lot of individual factors.

    Your body needs time to adjust to increased exercise and to changes in diet. It operates in such a way as to maintain equilibrium so changes need time to affect the entire system. A change on the scale is just a tiny indicator.

    Also if we saw your diary we might be able to make suggestions that help you. Weight loss is largely determined by what you're taking in...exercise can bump up metabolic rate (which also takes weeks) and certainly is good for your overall fitness level but most of it is about your food intake.
  • 52in13
    52in13 Posts: 38 Member
    Keep it up! A plateau is not two days, wait a week and see what happens. You have to build some muscle so it can burn those calories.

    Whatever you do, don't give up.

    If you keep at it and it doesn't work, go to the doctor and have them check your TSH levels (your thyroid). There are new studies that show that what they thought was normal really isn't. I just got diagnosed last year with hypothyroidism.
  • OlyOtis
    OlyOtis Posts: 70 Member
    Change things up. If you stick with a similar routine your body adapts. Try sprints instead of cardio for example. Lift heavy wights for low reps rather than light weights for high reps. Keep the body confused.
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Food wise, you should open up your diary to let people know what it is you are eating. How many calories are you eating a day? If you are working out every day, you should be eating more. Do you eat your exercise calories back? Working out a lot means your body needs more fuel. And you also need to be eating the right foods. Just because you are staying within your calorie range, doesn't mean that you are eating the right foods.

    You should also take measurements instead of just depending on the scale. I've gone several times where I've stayed the same weight for a while, yet I've lost several inches. The scale isn't always your friend, but you can see general improvements with measurements.

    Also, if it's only been 2 days, you can't really expect to see big results. You need to give it some time. You can't expect to see immediately dramatic results.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    It isn't only 2 days. I have exercising daily for a week and have just bumped things up over the last 2 days to see if I could get better results.

    When I first started working out, it took three weeks for the scale to move. After those first three weeks, the pounds started coming off consistently and steadily.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Changing up your exercise intensity can cause your body to retain water. Remember it is new to this too and is probably freaking out a bit. Give it some real time and if your eating is on target you will see a loss :)
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Its hard but you WONT see results right away. This is a marathon not a sprint!! The thing I tell myself is that I didnt put the weight on in 2 days, how can I expect it to come off in 2 days?? Just keep up the good work, it will all pay off in the end!!!
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Also, get a scale to weigh your food and a heart rate monitor to see how much you are burning in exercise. Sometimes MFP is way off on the calories burned and also when I eyeball things for size they are WAY off what the scale says :)
  • MSM3M3
    MSM3M3 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't get frustrated sometimes you are losing weight
    its just the way the process works u can lose 5IBS of
    fat but it was converted into 5IBS of muscles so your gonna
    stay the same weight that's if your doing strength training
    that is. that's why i love those high tech weighting scales
    tell you everything.
  • NJSunshine13
    Slow and steady wins the race. It could just be water retention or something. Keep up the exercise and eating right. You WILL see results. I know it's frustrating and you want to quit, but this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle and there's no quitting. Stay strong. We will give you the positive feedback. To hell with the scale :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Be patient. You need to look at things longer-term. You can't expect to see results over days, it's more like weeks and months. I know it's hard at the beginning when you're so motivated, and excited to see change. It will come, it just happens slower than most people expect. Try and find something else to keep that motivation going, other than seeing a drop on the scale.
  • sammyleebun
    Hello. Take a look at what you are eating and how much water you are consuming.. I had such a hard time getting back to the basics. Keep your head up.. I only weigh on Sundays.. so try to pick one day and see if that helps.. You can do this.. be patient..
  • Caletagirl
    Caletagirl Posts: 47 Member
    Don't give up. I have just started and I'm determined to not go on the scales. I have been doing hardcore exercise the last week and I am aching and tired but I am determined. Your body will take time to adjust but stick with it. Maybe give yourself a longer time to weigh yourself? It might mentally make you work harder. I am weighing myself in 5 weeks, will also give me time to get into eating the right foods and portions.
    Good luck :)
  • Bella431
    You really should only weigh yourself once a week. You are going to bounce daily, so don't give up......just stay on track! YOU CAN DO IT! :smile: