Yoga for the (very) chubby girl?



  • Thank you for that amazing responses! You all have really built up my confidence in joining a class! (Though before going to the first class I think I might take a look at some YouTube videos first to get some clue as to what i am doing) Thanks also for the links to blogs I am going to check those out as well! :)
  • gdelp
    gdelp Posts: 20 Member
    This video may help you. It is very inspirational:
  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    Dont know if it's been posted but I saw this story a while ago and found it very inspiring! :) Good luck to you! X
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I thought like that for the longest time about boot camp. I finally sucked it up and tried it. Best thing I ever did. You'll find that life is much more fun when you approach new experiences with the attitude, "I'll never know unless I try. The only true failure is never having tried in the first place."
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Start with youtube. There are TONS of yoga routines that you can try if you don't want to do it in front of people. There is nothing bad about yoga, its all good. All exercise requires some time of range of motion. Yoga enhances your range so that you can dig deeper during workouts, so I would definitely say start yoga now!
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I wanted to start by saying that I myself am about 100 lbs overweight and it was recommended to me that I try yoga as well. I found these DVDs by Megan Garcia, who is a plus-sized yoga instructor. Her website is if you'd like to check her out. I just ordered the dvd's and can't wait to get started. I think it will be really motivational to see someone larger like me being able to do it!

    Best of luck to you! You've got this :)
  • jfthomas76
    jfthomas76 Posts: 34 Member
    Started doing yoga at 288lbs and love it - if you're not comfortable with a class there are some great free videos on
  • Yes...I am about 100# overweight too, but a good "gentle" /beginner yoga class IS possible. I do it and love it. In yoga, you listen to your body.
  • af41553
    af41553 Posts: 13 Member
    You can do it! The thing about yoga is that classes can be intimidating. If you find a studio where they have beginner level classes try it. Also, look for restorative yoga as a beginning option. It is basically breathing and getting in touch with your body and organs on a deep and meditative level. You don't have to have any experience and the positions are mostly lying down and held for long periods of time. No experience is necessary other than a willingness to reach another level of challenge for yourself. This may help get you comfortable with the yoga studio without pushing yourself too far. I would always suggest starting out with a studio and live instructor before doing videos to ensure that you are performing the flows safely. Once you have a little professional experience and advice from a knowledgable instructor. Try out some videos (gaiam is much recommended).

    Be open to the new experience. Remember that you are not competing with anyone but yourself. To summarize yoga "We are already whole in the state of yoga. Like a sculptor who removes everything that is not the statue, nothing is added. The art of revealing beauty is in remoiving that which conceals it. Our work, our practice, is to chisel away at everything that is not our TRUE SELF"

    Enjoy the journey! :)
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Don't be embarrassed, just do it. If you wait, you may never get there and believe me, you won't get all the poses correctly, a part of your flab is going to make funky noises and you may accidentally let out a bit of gas. But we have ALL done it. Only thing I can suggest is finding something and sticking to it. It's the sticking to it that is the hard part.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I wanted to try it too but I'm very overweight too... I was going to wait. I don't see how I can possibly do any of the moves or whatever they're called being as fat as I am.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Ask your local yoga studio(s) what their emptiest class is and see if you can work that into your schedule. If you've never done yoga before I would suggest going to an instructor first- just to be sure you're holding the pose correctly and they would be also be able to help if you needed a variation of a pose.

    I love yoga and try to do it 5 times a week.
  • Go for it! Don't let your weight hold you back from trying yoga. If you don't feel confident going to a classroom, try buying a yoga dvd. About a year ago, they had a show called Namaste Yoga on the fit tv. So you might even check your cable/satellite channels. Or check youtube... I never thought I would enjoy yoga, but I love it.
  • LizCO2DC
    LizCO2DC Posts: 92 Member
    Yoga is for every shape and size. There will probably be some poses that are more difficult for you, but you will be so excited as they get easier and easier with every class. Plus, yoga is so refreshing and relaxing while also being a great workout for your body. I just recommend that you research a good studio that is more targeted towards people who are there to practice for themselves. I know that I have been to studios in the past where students are more focused on being better than each other, which can be a really unnerving experience for those new to the practice. Good luck, and definitely go for it! Nothing makes me quite as happy as yoga.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I started using "Yoga: Just My Size With Megan Garcia" (2005). This dvd made me really comfortable with trying yoga. Another good resource is the book, "Big Yoga" by Meera Patricia Kerr. It really does help with flexibilty, balance and confidence.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Just found this.. wondering about buying it as I would like to try yoga, too, but definitely feel too nervous to go to classes.

    Abby is a great person and teacher. If you're going to do yoga at home, try her out.
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    At my yoga studio there are men and women of all shapes and sizes and all fitness levels. Yoga is one of the least judgemental practises, in my opinion. People are there to focus on themselves, not each other (unlike how I feel about many gyms and other similar places). I would say to go for it! Yoga can be modified for every single level of fitness and knowledge and is the absolute most amazing thing I ever did for myself. I started 2.5 years ago and I will never, ever stop. :)
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I wanted to try it too but I'm very overweight too... I was going to wait. I don't see how I can possibly do any of the moves or whatever they're called being as fat as I am.

    One thing I have learned from years of doing yoga is that everyone struggles with something. People who are very strong are often stiff as boards. People who are flexible often struggle with poses that take a lot of strength. And no one walks into a yoga class for the first time and does the poses you see pictures of. Those people have taken years, or decades, to achieve those poses, and they are also genetically predisposed to be able to achieve them.

    There are some unique challenges to doing yoga when you're very overweight, but there are also a lot of rewards. Don't wait until you're thin to start living your life and doing what you want to do.
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    I started doing yoga in a class at my college at 258 lbs a year ago. I loved it! It's very centering for the mind, and the stretching is good for the body. I found that I could do anything the other people could do, which was inspiring. I would say just go for it! No one will be focused on you, just on holding their own pose.
    Or, if you feel too uncomfortable to start in a class I suggest following a video on youtube or getting a yoga DVD. Do that until you have the confidence to go to a class!

    I have nearly as much weight to lose, but yoga is amazing. Personally I prefer classes to dvds that way an instructor can help me make any necessary physical adjustments if I happen to not be in a pose correctly. If you are really shy the back of the room allows for some "privacy" but the instructor can still see you and help if needed. Also, I completely agree with the statement that 98% of the time everyone in the room will be trying so hard to focus on their own poses and breathing that they won't be able to pay attention to you and any errors you might make. Don't be afraid, step out of your box, challenge yourself, and love yourself enough to allow for new experiences in your life NOW not "when you lose some weight" that's how we let our lives pass us. (speaking from personal experience on that one)
    Find a beginner's class, meet your instructor, have fun, and be proud that your tried something new. Good luck!
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Go and Google DDPYoga, it's great, very adaptable and EVERYONE can do it, make sure you check out Arthurs video, it's inspiring and sure to make people who think they can't do something that really they can!!