Looking for other mummy fitness pals !!

Hi ,

I'm mum to my beautiful daughter who is 7 months in 2 weeks . I am currently rotating tae-bo boxing ( Video) with Running 6 days a week. This is my second week and feel like i'm in control , finally. Prior to this plan , i have found it really hard to lose weight ... gym didn't work for me as it was far away , so i would just not go : ( Tried buggy fit in early days after birth , which helped a great deal in getting my strength back . This time i'm aiming to do 1 hour workouts for 6 days a week( 1 day rest ) but at the moment , it's 20 min workouts . I'm cooking batches of soups on sunday's , ready for me to eat at lunch in the week. My fav is my jamaican cabbage soup , much tastier than the regular cabbage soup . Both my partner and i are losing weight together , which is great because i can't imagine what it's like trying to lose weight and your oh eats crap lol
Good new's for me tho , i didn't put weight on over xmas ( or i must have burnt it off already ) . Will be weighing in once a week but to be fair , i am considering doing measurements instead as scales don't determine fat , water , muscle.
I want to drop 3 dress sizes by the summer , that's my goal !!!

What's your plan ? How do you fit it all around your child/children ? What's your goal?


  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    Hiya, I'm mummy to our daughter whose nearly 3 yrs. It's been a struggle fitting in fitness while she was younger, but the thing that saved me was buying a running buggy. I started when she was 6 months old, she loved it, and starting so young she came to grow older realising that mummys fitness is a time for me and her to bond while running, chatting about the birds (albeit me out of breath) etc.

    As she got to 1.5yrs, I invested in a heavy duty toddler carrier you wear on your back. Our runs continued but with me carrying her. We did this until about 3 months ago, but she's too heavy now. Luckily (from an fitness point of view), she's started nursery part time so I get 3 mornings a week to myself and this is when I exercise now.

    I yoyo a lot, I lose weight, love what I look like, then get complacent and undo all the hard work. My hubby is RAF and goes away often...when he does I eat healthier as when he's home he's one of those lucky people who can eat anything and look like they train so hard. It sounds like your partner is very supportive..I'm jealous!

    I only joined mfp yesterday but am loving the support and motivation it gives to keep up the hard work. I run 3/6 days a week for 40 mins, and also doing the 30 day shred which I started 10 days ago. It's 20 mins of high intensity cardio/strength workout that gives amazing results. I didn't believe it, but I've seen great results in 10 days so far. I just want to lose 2 dress sizes...hopefully by summer we will be super fit together!

    So sorry I've waffled on, your workouts and goals seemed similar to mine hence me replying. Good luck!
  • rhalpin86
    I'm a new mommy.i have a 5 month old. I'm determined to fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans and get toned up.
  • Tasha12345
    Tasha12345 Posts: 8 Member
    i have a 10 month old, Ollie, i have a treadmill at home and doing the your shape on xbox.

    Mondays and fridays: I run on the treadmill whilst ollie has his breakfast and xbox during his naps.
    Tuesday and thursday: I walk on the treadmill for around 30-45minutes once ollie has gone to bed.
    Wednesday: once ollie has gone to bed, i will run on treadmill and xbox

    Saturday (maybe Sunday): quick runs on the treadmill. My partner will watch ollie.

    My other half is supportive but he is one of these skinnies that can eat ANYTHING. but he is in training for a marathon so evetually hes gonna be eating so much!
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Hi ,

    Thanks for replying . I'd love a running buggy , just there a bit pricey : ( Will save for one tho . Yeah my partner want's and need's to lose weight too , so that's why he is very supportive. What's 30 day shred ? x
  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred..it's on amazon for very little and I've heard it's on youtube for free also. It's 3 levels of workouts, and you're meant to do 1 per day for 30 day, gradually building up to level 3. It's very tough, you feel like dying. But it's getting great results, there's a large group of people on here currently doing it, check out the groups section. As it's just 20 mins a day it appeals to busy people.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Aahhh wicked , i'll give that a try in month 3 as i'm including spin class now so see how i get on with that . Thanks for explaining ! xx
  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member
    No probs, happy spinning!