Anyone doing Beachbody Insanity?



  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I just finished the Recovery Week and have "only" lost 11 lbs. However my cellulite all over my body is about 90% gone (and I had a LOT), my skin is shiny and healthy, I have muscle definition all over (where I was just jiggles before) and don't jiggle when I walk any more. And, the kicker came last night. I mistakenly bought 3 pairs of jeans FIVE years ago that were 2 sizes smaller than I needed and a slim cut. Tried them on last night just to see where I was and they went ON. ALL THE WAY. Couldn't even get them up to one of my thighs before starting Insanity. I'm wearing them now and I'm never taking them off! Been following the meal plan 100% except for 3 days, did the exercises on the days I was supposed to and gave up ALL coffee, pop, sugar, and white bread; and I'm never going back. My energy is through the roof and I can't WAIT to see what month 2 brings!

    This makes me want to actually OPEN my Insanity package. I have been fearful of it because I have ZERO stamina. But after your success with it so far, I am totally ripping that package open and starting STAT!

    Awesome! Do will change your life. And I had zero stamina as well. Don't be afraid, and if you are, that's ok! Between you and me, I CRIED EACH DAY the first week before each work out. I was scared I couldn't do it, wouldn't finish, wouldn't see results, and scared to DO the workout LOL. It's ok. Dig deep...if I can do it, you can do it!
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I just finished my 2nd round of Insanity,it's awesome it's a love hate relationship but push through and you will see amazing results!!
  • mikedean441
    I started last week, in combination with my new Diet and lost 11 pounds in 6 days.

    Down another 2.5 already this week, so cant complain about it at all.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Also I heard that you don't start seeing real results until the 4th week. And when I said I haven't seen any huge changes I mean I haven't dropped insane pounds and inches. I have dropped a few inches but my pounds are around the same.
    Dude, you already have a slim tight body ofcourse you won't see HUGE results.

    I did it for a month and dropped 6 kilo and 2 sizes, month 2 is a real ***** though
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I just restarted another cycle this week.
    My calorie intake has been at or under where it should be, and so far I haven't seen any weight loss.

    The last time I did Insanity, I dropped a good amount of weight, but more importantly, I lost inches.......especially around the waist.

    Additionally, even though I was sore from the workout, I felt to love those endorphins.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I've done it 3 times since July. One full round, one max cardio round and last week I started another full round.

    I was somewhere around 208 when I started in July, I'm now 165. Coupled with eating properly and running, I've gotten great results!

    With anything, not all exercises are for everyone, so you need to evaluate your fitness level first. However, it can be done! In the beginning I was horrible!! I couldn't even do a full 30 second move without stopping 2-3 times, but now I can finish a whole workout!! Pure Cardio & Cardio Power & Resistance are my fave!

    Good luck!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I highly suggest taking before pictures and weighing yourself as well as measuring. Even if the scale doesn't move you're probably losing inches.
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    I have done insanity in the past and I had actually ended up gaining weight from it. I lost about 5 inches collectively but gained about 5 pounds.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I would definitely recommend getting a HRM - not so much for calorie burn (although that's nice) but to check your heart rate. Insanity is so tough it's good to know when to back off. It's also useful in checking progress over the weeks.
  • Ive done it and saw a huge difference !! Im on my second round gotta love insanity =]
  • nurn08
    nurn08 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on week 2 of Insanity and feel the same way as you. I know I shouldn't be focusing on the scale to measure results but it is so hard not to!. I as well would like to lose around 20lbs. I have lost 1.6lbs in the first 2 weeks so far but the scale flucuates daily and some days can be rather discouraging. MFP recommends 1200calories for my goal as well. I think I am going to try and follow that then add around 300-400cals for workouts...we will see how this goes!
  • CrimsonAffliction
    I did it about 40 days and went from a size 8 to a 4, though only lost about 12lbs.

    Yeah i got a bit to lose....Im at 173 but to be within my BMI i need to be about 145-150ish. Have really no desire to go lower or to be super thin. I like to have a little meat just not as much as i have :)

    just to add... I wasn't super thin.
    I went from being in the 150s to 143.

    even when I was at my lowest weight of 117, I STILL couldn't wear a four!
  • jbradley1993
    Wow, this is so inspiring. Good for you! I have just finished week one of the programme, and am loving it!
  • jbradley1993
    I just finished the Recovery Week and have "only" lost 11 lbs. However my cellulite all over my body is about 90% gone (and I had a LOT), my skin is shiny and healthy, I have muscle definition all over (where I was just jiggles before) and don't jiggle when I walk any more. And, the kicker came last night. I mistakenly bought 3 pairs of jeans FIVE years ago that were 2 sizes smaller than I needed and a slim cut. Tried them on last night just to see where I was and they went ON. ALL THE WAY. Couldn't even get them up to one of my thighs before starting Insanity. I'm wearing them now and I'm never taking them off! Been following the meal plan 100% except for 3 days, did the exercises on the days I was supposed to and gave up ALL coffee, pop, sugar, and white bread; and I'm never going back. My energy is through the roof and I can't WAIT to see what month 2 brings!

    Wow, this is so inspiring. Good for you! I have just finished week one of the programme, and am loving it!
  • jbradley1993
    I have done insanity in the past and I had actually ended up gaining weight from it. I lost about 5 inches collectively but gained about 5 pounds.

    Muscle weighs more than fat...