I don't have a routine


I don't have a gym routine but I go randomly and just do the same machine every time (elliptical for either 30, 45 or 60 mins.. and I choose different workouts on it each time)

E.g. this past week I went gym on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and yesterday. I'm wondering whether to go today. I probably will - in fact yeah I've decided I will

Can someone please help me create a routine?

Do I need a rest day?

Also I know I NEED to start with weights/resistance machines too and I can't just get by on cardio.. advice re. that would be v helpful.........

Thank you xxxxx


  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    This is my usual work out schedule. Maybe it will help you

    • Circuit Training
    • Shoulders
    • Abs
    • Arms (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps)
    • Abs
    • 5K Training
    • Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
    • Abs
    • 5K Training
    • Circuit Training
    • Chest & Back
    • Abs
    • Abs
    • 5K Training
    • Cross Fit Train
    • Light to Moderate Cardio (1 hour)
    • Abs
    • Rest Day

    You can find a lot of work outs at bodybuilder.com or musclestrength.com
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    A lot of women on here recommend the following, check it out and see what works best for you. And absolutely involve strength training into your routine. Good luck to you!

    New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women
    Starting Strength or
    StrongLifts 5x5 (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/560459-stronglifts-5x5-summary) <- this link has some videos.

    Edited to add: If you have a smartphone, there are tons of workout apps, I recommend Jefit, but there are many others!
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    At the moment I'm doing alternate days of cardio (which is either C25K or an easy gym session, e.g walking, bike, ergometer etc) and strength training e.g Body Pump classes. When I'm back at uni next week I may switch some Body Pump classes for a home workout dvd such as The Firm: Total Body Toner which is purely using handweights, no cardio. It has given me good results in the past doing alternate days like this. I've not been having rest days. If I'm tired on a cardio day then I will just simply walk on treadmill for 30 mins so that I'm at least burning something.

    Hope that helps
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    My routine is very simple, I do mix it up every so often but as a general this is it


    This is the routine I do in this order

    treadmill 15 Incline 3.5mph for 10 minutes (Warm Up)
    Barbell Squats 3x10 (Legs/Butt/Abs) (5 Minutes)
    Bench Press 3x10 (Chest/Biceps/Abs) (5 Minutes)
    Dumbell Rows 3x10 (Back/Abs) (5 Minutes)
    Kettlebell Swings 3x10 (Legs/Butt/Abs/Arms) (5 minutes)
    Cable Pull Downs 3x10 (Triceps) (5 minutes)
    Calf Raises while holding barbell 3x20 (5 minutes)
    Deadlifts 1x10 (legs/Butt/Abs/Arms) (5 minutes)
    treadmill 15 incline 3.5mph for 15 minutes

    This is my 1 hour workout, It hits the major muscle groups with compound exercises. When you are just begining to work out especially with weights i think a full body workout is best vs a split body part workout. I lift as heavy as i can, every 2-3 weeks I add more weight on to what i am currently lifting, i may only be able to add 2.5 lbs, but im adding something. for instance, when i did barbell squats for the first time, i think i was squatting 55 lbs, now im squatting 150 after 6 months. When i did my first bench press, I could barely do the 45lb bar, now i am lifting 75lbs.

    Hope this helps a little, i am no expert by any means, just wanted to share what i have been doing
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    If you are just talking about doing cardio machines, you can go 7 days per week if you like. However, I would follow the previously posted advice on weight lifting.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    A lot of women on here recommend the following, check it out and see what works best for you. And absolutely involve strength training into your routine. Good luck to you!

    New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women
    Starting Strength or
    StrongLifts 5x5 (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/560459-stronglifts-5x5-summary) <- this link has some videos.

    Edited to add: If you have a smartphone, there are tons of workout apps, I recommend Jefit, but there are many others!

    ^This, forget the machines and use free weights and SQUAT!!!!
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    Check out Jamie Eason's LiveFit program. Completely free 3 month gym routine :) That's what I'm doing
  • ajustice4
    ajustice4 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for sharing this...I often go to the gym and do a little something for cardio then strength but I def needed a plan!
  • amberpryor
    In my experience, if I take a rest day, I am 10x less likely to work out the next day. In other words, if I get out of my routine, I may stay out for quite awhile. So my rest day just involves less strenuous activity, like walking or lighter yoga. Or if you mostly only work out your lower body (with the elliptical), then you could switch to your upper body for your "rest day" to give your lower body a rest.

    My routine is this:
    MONDAY: Running with intervals
    TUESDAY: Strength training (whole body)
    WEDNESDAY: Running
    THURSDAY: Running with intervals
    FRIDAY: Yoga (whole body)
    SATURDAY: Long distance run
    SUNDAY: "Rest day" - usually walking
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    You've all given me some very good ideas and advice, thank you very much!!! Xx
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    A lot of women on here recommend the following, check it out and see what works best for you. And absolutely involve strength training into your routine. Good luck to you!

    New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women
    Starting Strength or
    StrongLifts 5x5 (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/560459-stronglifts-5x5-summary) <- this link has some videos.

    Edited to add: If you have a smartphone, there are tons of workout apps, I recommend Jefit, but there are many others!

    ^This, forget the machines and use free weights and SQUAT!!!!

    Words of wisdom.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    This is my usual work out schedule. Maybe it will help you

    • Abs
    • Abs
    • Abs
    • Abs
    • Abs
    • Abs

    so what you are saying is that you want abs.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    What are your goals?
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I advise you take Sunday as your rest day - for obvious reasons.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    What are your goals?

    Stop it! Just give some advice! No need to worry about details.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    What are your goals?

    Inquiring minds would like to know.

    Just working out for the sake of working out isn't going to do a whole lot. What your routine consists of will gretly depend on your goals are. If you want to run marathon, you need to spend a lot of time running...if you want to be lean and muscular, you need to hit the weight room and chill on the cardio. If you just want to watch t.v. while providing your body with some heart healthy cardio then a treadmill, stationary bike, or elyptical machine ought to do the trick.

    I want to maintain my lean mass and also run a 5K in March...eventually I'd like to build more muscle when I'm done cutting the fat...therefore my routine:

    Monday - 2 mile Run
    Tuesday - PM Weights (starting strength)...usually just a 30-45 minute walk at lunch
    Wed - 1x10 HIIT for 5K
    Thur - PM Weights and 30-45 minute walk at lunch
    Friday - 2 mile Run
    Saturday - AM Weights (no cardio at all)
    Sunday - Off...sitting on my *kitten* watching football or just out playing with the kiddos at the park