Calorie in, calorie out

Using fitbit and myfitnesspal has brought on even more questions to me. I know you must cut 500 cal/day 7 days/wk to loose 1 lb. But Why does my calorie intake increase when I log my exercise on my fitness pal? Example: calorie intake goal: 1400, I burn 400 and the calorie intake goal increases to 1800? You would think you would want to remain at 1400 and then burn of some to have a deficit, right? Help!


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    It is 1400 NET calories. When you do 400 cals of exercise, it increases to 1800 because you NOW have 1800 to eat, because you just burned off 400. You goal is a NET goal, not a GROSS goal.
  • mrsbalzer
    Dont you want to have a deficit? New to this......
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Dont you want to have a deficit? New to this......

    MFP already has your deficit figured in. You want to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    your 500 calorie deficit is built in at 1400...ok? So to lose as you should at one pound a eat your extra exercise calories to keep your "net calories" at 1400. Many say they lose better and steady this way..that the body is supported nutritionally. It was new to me when i first came here too. Some people only eat back half of the extra exercise calories given.

    You'll see many opinions on this if you put "eating back exercise calories" in the search function at the top of this page.

    After reading all about it for a while now; I am just trusting the mfp settings and program.. i'm set to lose one pound a week..I exercise and know i can eat those calories back. I lost two pounds my first week so i'm sold and i love being able to eat more and it makes "dieting" like not dieting at all. ..more a lifestyle change. a slower..but more permanent change is my goal. I'm tired of just trying to lose it all fast..then gaining it back because i have not learned anything.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Dont you want to have a deficit? New to this......

    MFP already has your deficit figured in. You want to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible.


    When MFP sets your calorie goals, it's already subtracted your 500 calories/day to lose that pound a week. If you exercise, you want to eat all of that back so you still get enough food to keep you healthy and happy, but keep that deficit.

    Why not have a bigger deficit and lose faster you ask? First, you'll be hungry and miserable and more likely to quit. Second, you'll lose muscle and not fat and get flabby. Third, your body will think you're starving and hold onto calories more dearly so you lose slower. Fourth, you'll get grumpy from low blood sugar.

    Just go with it. It really does work.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Dont you want to have a deficit? New to this......

    MFP already has your deficit figured in. You want to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible.

    This, assuming you are using MFP as your guide and not mixing different approaches.

    Read these for more:
  • mrsbalzer
    I think I get now, Thank you!