so frustrated with myself

I just keep gaining. I keep falling off the wagon. I keep thinking I will "start over" the next meal..but then I get on the scale and can't help but get disappointed. When does this become a lifestyle and not feel like a diet anymore. As much as I feel like I want to be healthy and lose weight, I can't seem to help myself. I don't think being stressed is helping me at all...but I can't help it. What helped you?? I need some motivation. I signed up for a 5k in october and can't even find the motivation to work on running.


  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself. if you fall, just get right up. i struggle with weight loss my self, but this time around I am doing things differently. I write messages on my hand like "junk free day" to remind myself to eat healthy. if i decide to eat junk, then I only allow myself to have one bite. I set my alarm to exercise. also, i set small goals for myself. this week I decaded 30 minutes a day to exercise, and next week I am going to increase it to 40 minutes.
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    Honestly, the biggest thing I can think of that helped me was being surrounded by possitive influence. I had the advantage of everyone in my household going on this "diet" (it's a lifestyle) which cuts out beef, all foods with fat, and...NO SNACKING. It was tough but I got in the habit and it was easier because we got rid of all temptation. I don't eat like that anymore because it's unhealthy but I have learned to eat healthy and to cut off the temptation.
    Basically (not trying to preach, just using this as an example) Jesus said in the bible that if your right eye causes you to sin, gauge it out. Meaning if there's something that's causing you to stumble, get rid of it. Hehe, there's all kinds of things you could do but you CAN do it. I've been eating TERRIBLE ALL my life but I've overcome so you can to. There's no reason why you can't.
  • TiffanyEst85
    TiffanyEst85 Posts: 40 Member
    You are not alone. I think we all feel this way at one point. I think you need to find something active that you enjoy doing as a way to release some of your stress. Otherwise, it will become a vicious cycle. your stressed so your body releases more cortisol which in turn makes you store more fat therefore making you more stressed! You are the only one that change that. Working out can feel like a chore, especially when you already have a filled day. Find a park close by and pack yourself a backpack full of healthy snacks like cucumber slices and carrot sticks or low-fat animal crackers and a thermos full of ice cold 1% milk. take a bike ride to that park. dont rush it if you dont want to. Biking is relaxing and you can take as much time as you need to relax at the park before heading back. maybe even do some yoga moves! :flowerforyou:

    I really hope this helps. I have really bad knees so I cant do what I used to (run) to release stress. Biking is a nice alternative though.

    Also, keep in mind that it takes at least 2 weeks for your body to register on the scale what you did that day... so if you keep going like a mad woman for 2 months straight and STILL dont see results on the scale... see a doctor. they can measure your body fat and see if your just gaining muscle, or they can see if something is wrong like maybe your glucose levels are off or even something as serious as thyroid malfunctions...
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Perhaps if you have a habit that's hard to break, such as scale jumping, maybe it's time to put it away for a bit and simply concentrate on preplanning meals and setting workout time aside. Sceduling always seems to work better for me. I used to be a scale jumper years ago when I was 'dieting'. Now I randomly weigh myself from time to time and pay far more attention to how my clothes feel, excercise endurance, building my self confidence, those sort of things mean far more to me than a changing number on the scale.

    Ah, and we all know how often that scale changes through out the day, you could be doing great with your food choices, working out and the numbers will still move through out the day.

    Would it help if you thought of the scale as simply another tool? Tape measures can help, trying on clothes that used to fit, always a pleasant surprise when they end up being loose.:tongue:

    You ask when this becomes a lifestyle and not feel like a diet, hm, something just clicked for me a couple years ago and in my head it became a lifestyle and I never thought of it as 'dieting' since then.

    I've made this long, I apologize, there's just so many things in your post I can relate to that I've gone through in my journey.

    It does become a habit, and I think that's what makes it simplified and far easier in time.:drinker:

    Wishing you nothing but the best on your Journey:flowerforyou:
    Let me know if you'd like to talk,

  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for all of your support. I just felt like I hit rock bottom today. My comfort as a lot of peoples is food when I'm upset. I know that I can break this cycle. I want to be healthy. I am ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle. And I know that this has to turn into a way of life not a diet in order to work. It just feels overwhelming a lot of days. I still haven't figured out how to fight my temptations of food. I don't feel like I have a support system. My boyfriend thinks I look fine, but he supports me in anything I want to do-but he also is the one who can eat mcdonalds everyday and not gain anything. My co-workers are constantly putting me down for wanting to lose weight and saying I don't need it. I've never been this big and am so uncomfortable. I've gained 10 lbs in the last 6 months due to lack of sleep, stress, and eating unhealthy off and on. I'm just going to focus on my 5k in october and setting small running goals and working on eating proper foods--even if I don't make my calories each day. I think I am also going to try to break my weight loss goals into 5lb increments so it doesn't seem like it is unreachable. Tomorrow is a new day!!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    The cool thing about running is that it burns sooo many calories! And since we are supposed to eat those calories, you can get up to almost 1,900 a day! That my friend is a lot of food. I've been discovering that I feel less deprived on the days I workout. Its probably the wrong thing to motivate me to workout, but hey, whatever works right?
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    The cool thing about running is that it burns sooo many calories! And since we are supposed to eat those calories, you can get up to almost 1,900 a day! That my friend is a lot of food. I've been discovering that I feel less deprived on the days I workout. Its probably the wrong thing to motivate me to workout, but hey, whatever works right?

    me too :) its working so far so i see no harm in it.
  • Wants2bethin
    Dear Ash I know what you mean.How to Not feed into that temptation is hard, Each day is different for me,I could have a good day/ week and then the next might be a strugle we shall say. Then I get into downword spiral ... a funk and bounce back all of a sudden. I like to read up on the foods that are bad for me and also read about what foods are good for me as well plus I like to read about peoples weightloss stories to help me get back on track, Ask your self is it worth eating what ever it is that you want to eat . Try for short goals... i mean short .See if you can make it through the day w/out feeding into that temptation. If you can't just have one bite one bite of something dont have it at all..... I know I fail when that happens,
    Perhaps pick a day that you deside will be ur cheat meal. Try not to listen to other people you need to do what is best for you. Make a goal to see if you can do exercise for 30 mins or take a brisk walk then increase it. Make a small challenge for urself.
    Its hard. You will be able to stick to your healthy habits befor you know it. I can relate to you on every single word you wrote.!