EER - Estimated Energy Requirment

After the Christmas period, im back to lose the last 10lbs, (im 5ft 6 inches and 170 lbs) I was finding it hard before the holidays.
So i went to a Dietitian and she worked out my EER (Estimated Energy Requirement) of 1600 calories daily . (this takes into account my exercise regime)

So she went through the food pyramid and gave me the following formula to use,

6 portions of Carbs daily (Eg 1 slice of bread is one portion )
6 Portions of F&V (Eg 1 pear is one portion)
3 Portions of Dairy (Eg 125g of low fat yogurt is one portion)
2 Portions of Protein (Eg 75 g of lean meat is one portion)
2 portions of Fat (Eg 1 teaspoon of butter is one portion)

Im just wondering if anyone has kept to these portions before and if so did it work???

Thanks for the advice in advance


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    To your question - no I have not used the formula before - BUT - seems to be very low in protein.
    I will not survive on only 150g of meat, fish or chicken a day - that is my protein portion for one meal!!

    In my humble experience protein is what keeps me satiated - and the munchies at bay - so if you struggle eating to her plan I suggest you look at increasing protein...

    But then your dietician is a professional - so what do I know I suppose - other than what works for me
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    After the Christmas period, im back to lose the last 10lbs, (im 5ft 6 inches and 170 lbs) I was finding it hard before the holidays.
    So i went to a Dietitian and she worked out my EER (Estimated Energy Requirement) of 1600 calories daily . (this takes into account my exercise regime)

    So she went through the food pyramid and gave me the following formula to use,

    6 portions of Carbs daily (Eg 1 slice of bread is one portion )
    6 Portions of F&V (Eg 1 pear is one portion)
    3 Portions of Dairy (Eg 125g of low fat yogurt is one portion)
    2 Portions of Protein (Eg 75 g of lean meat is one portion)
    2 portions of Fat (Eg 1 teaspoon of butter is one portion)

    Im just wondering if anyone has kept to these portions before and if so did it work???

    Thanks for the advice in advance

    how do you work out what a portion is, when its something like an egg? it has good fats, protein and is dairy!? which do you count it as? 2 portions of fat isnt loads - if you have a slice of toast with butter, a handful of nuts and then stirfry some veg for your tea in a bit of oil thats 3 portions?

    I think its a good guide for the carbs and veg (though veg are carbs....??), though to me 1600 which includes exercise isnt loads, unless you do very littl exercise? i only say that because to lose the last 10lbs you should only have a small deficit (roughly 250 cals below TDEE), and i am 5ft5 and 125lbs and i lose 1/2lb per week on NET 1600 cals (eating back exercise calories)

    to be honest, i would say try it for 6 weeks, if you dont see results, tweak it a little.

    but as the other poster has said, i only know what works for me!
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    After the Christmas period, im back to lose the last 10lbs, (im 5ft 6 inches and 170 lbs) I was finding it hard before the holidays.
    So i went to a Dietitian and she worked out my EER (Estimated Energy Requirement) of 1600 calories daily . (this takes into account my exercise regime)

    So she went through the food pyramid and gave me the following formula to use,

    6 portions of Carbs daily (Eg 1 slice of bread is one portion )
    6 Portions of F&V (Eg 1 pear is one portion)
    3 Portions of Dairy (Eg 125g of low fat yogurt is one portion)
    2 Portions of Protein (Eg 75 g of lean meat is one portion)
    2 portions of Fat (Eg 1 teaspoon of butter is one portion)

    Im just wondering if anyone has kept to these portions before and if so did it work???

    Thanks for the advice in advance

    how do you work out what a portion is, when its something like an egg? it has good fats, protein and is dairy!? which do you count it as? 2 portions of fat isnt loads - if you have a slice of toast with butter, a handful of nuts and then stirfry some veg for your tea in a bit of oil thats 3 portions?

    I think its a good guide for the carbs and veg (though veg are carbs....??), though to me 1600 which includes exercise isnt loads, unless you do very littl exercise? i only say that because to lose the last 10lbs you should only have a small deficit (roughly 250 cals below TDEE), and i am 5ft5 and 125lbs and i lose 1/2lb per week on NET 1600 cals (eating back exercise calories)

    to be honest, i would say try it for 6 weeks, if you dont see results, tweak it a little.

    but as the other poster has said, i only know what works for me!

    Based on the meal plan provided, I'm guessing the aim is to eat approx 1600kcal/day rather than that being the total energy requirement. Something like an egg is a protein, it works on food groups rather than individual nutrients. Hopefully this was all explained at the consultation (helps that I am a dietitian ;)).
  • sharonole
    sharonole Posts: 15 Member
    thanks for the opinions. ill give it a go anyways for 4/6 weeks and see then.