What am I doing wrong?

Been trying really hard to stick to no more than 1200 calories a day - even over xmas I didn't eat any more than about 1800 a couple of times. Doing about 50 mins of cardio 4 times a week.

I've been doing this for 3 months now & I've put 3lbs on!!!!!

I need to lose 2 stone (28lbs if you prefer) and its just not moving!!!

Seriously starting to lose heart!


  • Add me as a friend if you want and I can have a look at your food diary. Are you measuring yourself in inches/cm and tracking fat percentage?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Not eating enough. An active person needs more than 1200 calories. And if you are working out 4 times a week, then you probably should be closer to 1600-1800 calories. Also, drop some of the cardio and pick up the weights. Weight training will help you preserve your lean body mass. Also, change your cardio to HIIT if you can. With only 28 lbs to lose, you can only expect to lose 1/2 -1 lb per week.

    What are your stats though? Height, weight age, lifestyle/job and what kind of cardio?
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    how do I show you my food diary?
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I know it's frustrating. When I started running three years ago I actually GAINED weight. People get telling me "it's just turning to muscle and muscle weighs more thant fat". Blah, blah, blah. I would look at your food dairies and see if there are hidden calories. Don't give up. One poster here suggested you may not be eating enough. Maybe your body is in starvation mode. Something to google and research maybe?
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    Im not really active at all to be fair. I sit at a desk for most of the day & dont really get the chance to exercise when I get home coz I've got a little girl I need to look after.

    I could do with being a lot more active - that would definitely help. I just cant understand how I have put weight on!!! I certianly haven't lost any inches either!!
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    There's no way Im not eating enough!!

    I thought it was as simple as "burn off more than you eat" - why isn't that working??
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    look at other ways to track your success. Take your measurements, do your clothes fit differently, are you having an increase in energy. Stop using the scale for a little while. If you truly are eating less and working out more then you are being successful and the scale is lying to you (and it does sometimes) so ignore it.

    Don't give up.
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    thanks! :-)

    My clothes are just as tight & I still have just as many chins as I did when I started!

    Ill have a look through those links though for tips!

    Thanks again x
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Im not really active at all to be fair. I sit at a desk for most of the day & dont really get the chance to exercise when I get home coz I've got a little girl I need to look after.

    I could do with being a lot more active - that would definitely help. I just cant understand how I have put weight on!!! I certianly haven't lost any inches either!!

    You are probably more active than you think. With most children, you have to run after than... rarely sitting. And if you are running 4x a week, you are definitely, lightly to moderately active.

    Also, as you get closer to a normal weight, you need to fuel your body more as you don't have enough fat reserves. Under eating will cause you to lose muscle which is the thing that makes a body lean and tight. Why don't you try to eat 1600 calories a day for a month. It's a little experiment on yourself. Also, adjust macro's to around 35/40/25 c/p/f.
  • Not eating enough. An active person needs more than 1200 calories. And if you are working out 4 times a week, then you probably should be closer to 1600-1800 calories. Also, drop some of the cardio and pick up the weights. Weight training will help you preserve your lean body mass. Also, change your cardio to HIIT if you can. With only 28 lbs to lose, you can only expect to lose 1/2 -1 lb per week.

    What are your stats though? Height, weight age, lifestyle/job and what kind of cardio?

  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    thanks for the advice guys - much appreciated x
  • Freedom125
    Freedom125 Posts: 31 Member
    I didn't believe it was possible that I was eating too little either. But I don't lose at 1200, so I kept decreasing my calories. Then I found the road map and the "Eat More to Weigh Less" board and I started eating 1500-1600 calories each day. I just finished my first week and I'm down 4lbs. I'm also 5'3", although I have a lot more to lose than you do.

    I would highly recommend reading the road map linked above.
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    I'll have a good look at it when I get home :-) x
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    It is NOT as simple as burning off more than we eat. You are not eating enough to properly fuel your body and it is hanging onto every single calorie it can. Get your BMR calculated to see how much you should be eating. Your brain, heart, lungs and every other body organ needs that fuel to keep going....food is your bodys fuel, feed it properly and it works like it should. How much water are you drinking? What kinds of food do you eat? Do you weigh and measure your food?
    There's no way Im not eating enough!!

    I thought it was as simple as "burn off more than you eat" - why isn't that working??
  • Kel5515
    Kel5515 Posts: 13
    i drink at least a litre of water a day plus fruit juices - all of which I calorie count. I dont weigh my food - I make educated guesses or just scan barcodes in. Im eating a lot of fruit, not much of anything else really. I guess I need a bit more variety really. I've just been trying to keep at 1200 a day.

    I've stopped drinking alcohol as well - I thought that would make a difference!

    Ill have a go at working my BMR out then & go from there - it seems the most popular suggestion :-)