PCOS & Success


Does anyone with PCOS has succeed to lose a lot of weight with this method? I'm a new member and I would be so happy to share my journey with women who deals with the same problem!

Thank you!


  • mrsknash
    mrsknash Posts: 51 Member
    I have severe PCOS but have previously managed to lose 98lbs with Weight Watchers. I then went on to have 3 babies in 4 years, and somewhere along the line I stopped watching what I ate, stopped taking care of myself and piled most of the weight back on.

    6 weeks ago I started back here. My youngest is now 9 months old and it's about time I regained control of my body. I have so far lost 21lbs in those 6 weeks. I am following a strict 1350cal healthy diet and swim 1km every day (except Saturday as that's my rest day).

    It can be done!!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I also lost 34lbs and I have PCOS. My weight loss was slow for me, 34lbs in 7 months. Even my trainer said I could have lost more and is still would have been healthy. It is possible, for some its slower, but you can do it. I have gained about 28lbs back, I am currently working on loosing again and this time I will reach my goal. You got this.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    It is difficult. If you take metformin it can help. I have PCOS and adrenal fatigue...I feel so doomed but it is possible. I did lose 43 pounds at one point. I have gained back 13 pounds back and so here I am...back at it!!
  • KristiAlSamma
    KristiAlSamma Posts: 1 Member
    It took me years to realize that my metformin was what was making me tired ALL the time. The doctors act like Im crazy but when I stopped my energy came back
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone! I also hace PCOS and PKD and am stuggling with losing weight. For me it comes off slow but i know it can be done! Good Luck!
  • clarkehn
    clarkehn Posts: 24 Member
    I started my journey with all the symptoms of PCOS but was never diagnosed. Don't look at your medical conditions as hindrances because if you want it bad enough and are willing to do EVERYTHING that it takes to over come the obstacle you can. I have lost 70lbs and overcome it!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I have lost more than 20 lbs over the past year with PCOS, and the symptoms really do let up as you lose weight.

    What's incredibly frustrating about it is the incredibly slow progress. I've experimented with carb grams and found that I do best when I limit carbs to around 100g a day and full the rest of my calories with healthy fats and plenty of lean protein.

    Lifting heavy things and doing short bursts of intense cardio has helped transform my body faster than the lbs lost would suggest.

    Good luck!
  • mbuczkowski
    I have been on here since the beginning of Dec. I took a low dose of Phetermine the 1st 4 days, but not after that. I have severe PCOS and Hypothyroid. However, with a strict meal program of 1200cal/day and 20-30 carbs (lean protiens) I have been able to drop 25lbs. The 1st week I wanted to jumpstart my body and only did 900 cal and 11 g carbs. I only did that to wake it up. Either way, good luck. Every body on here is different and reacts different.
  • kreid17
    kreid17 Posts: 1 Member
    I have PCOS and am here to loose 140lbs...within the last year I have gained 80lbs and cant stand it any longer...it is very hard ...I just started Jan 1 and have lost 4.2lbs so far.. .. I have several of the PCOS symptoms right now. Feeling tired all the time sure does make it hard to get up and exercise but you can do it...

    Would love any support especially from woman who know what its like to have to suffer with PCOS..

    Feel free to add me :)

    You encourage me and I will encourage you!!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I've been diagnosed with PCOS and recently have been put on metformin. I do find it slightly harder to lose weight but as other factors have made it harder it's hard for me to determine how much of that is down to PCOS.

    That being said I have steadily lost weight over the last year. I think the best thing to do is not to think about it, concentrate on your own weight loss and don't worry if others lose quicker although I know it can be frustrating it is possible.
  • comete70
    I cut the carbs 3 years ago but since last year, I eat Kamut Bread and brown rice pastas (once every two week). I have noticed that wheat is not good for me. I haven't been test for allergy but I feel better when I don't eat wheat. Last year I also cut all medication my doctor was giving me. Wasn't feeling good, no improvement at all! I found a natoropathic product that helped me with the pelvic pain I had 24/24 7/7. Don't have the pain anymore!!!!

    My first goal is 50 pounds.

    PCOS is a not easy to deal with (fatigue, hormones rollercoaster) and I know this will be a challenge but we'll do it together, 1 day at a time!

    p.s. sorry... my english is not perfect... I'm a french canadian! :wink:
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    I have PCOS and no periods... it's been like that for about 5 years now (I'm currently 286lbs and the periods stopped as I gained weight, becoming over 215 lbs)

    I'm happy to report that I lost 6 pounds my first week watching what I ate... and I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I'm starting to have menstrual cramps and might start soon - could be the changes in my diet or exercise but I couldn't be happier!

    It is possible, just may take more time than "normal" people. I can't wait to lose more!!
    Would love to hear more success stories!
  • Mistila
    Mistila Posts: 38
    I have done it with PCOS and I'm doing it. It truely is a life style change for me I can't let my guard down. I can't eat more then 900 calories if I want to loose weight and I found I can NOT eat potatoes. I work out at least 30 min a day also. It can be done!!! It is extremely HARD!!! BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!! I have lost a total of 45 pounds from my high! I am so happy about it! If anyone would like to friend me please do!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    PCOS (diagnosed over 20 yrs ago now - YIKES) and hypothyroid. Metformin, calorie restriction, and OODLES of exercise helped me. Low GI diet didn't, so I don't restrict my carbs. I've been on the Met for at least 12 years but weight loss didn't start until I restricted calories and started working out.

    I am definitely in the "slow loser" category, but that's OK.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago, I'm also 22. I have been on Metformin, birth control, and estrogen. Nothing worked for losing weight, my hormones were out of whack.

    Paleo works for me. A common misconception is that it's just like Atkins, low carb-high protein. It's gluten-free (to low-gluten, whatever you can handle), dairy free and processed food free. I have mine sent to 50% fat, 25% carb, 25% protein and am losing about 1lb per day with small amounts of cardio (10 minutes 2x/wk) and weight training (45 minutes 2x/wk). It doesn't work for some, but it helps with my PCOS tremendously.

    I would suggest it to anyone, but won't advocate if your body can't handle it.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago, I'm also 22. I have been on Metformin, birth control, and estrogen. Nothing worked for losing weight, my hormones were out of whack.

    Paleo works for me. A common misconception is that it's just like Atkins, low carb-high protein. It's gluten-free (to low-gluten, whatever you can handle), dairy free and processed food free. I have mine sent to 50% fat, 25% carb, 25% protein and am losing about 1lb per day with small amounts of cardio (10 minutes 2x/wk) and weight training (45 minutes 2x/wk). It doesn't work for some, but it helps with my PCOS tremendously.

    I would suggest it to anyone, but won't advocate if your body can't handle it.

    I hope you meant 1 lb per WEEK? 1 lb per day is a LOT. But I could never give up dairy. Mmmm.....
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I was diagnosed at the age of 16 this is the first time I have ever been a size 12/14 (26lbs away to my lowest weight)so this site def works, but because of PCOS I have to work even harder to work my mid section.Good luck doll :)
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I have PCOS, and if i take the meds prescribed (metformin and BC) I have much better results trying to lose weight than if i don't. To that end, haven't been on the metformin in several months (it's hard to remember to take it, as I am hypoglycemic and I think i have a mental block against it), so I am looking forward to seeing if that is still the case when i start up again.

    feel free to add me anyone who wants PCOS buddies and we can share our struggles, journies, successes etc
  • ArmyVet92
    ArmyVet92 Posts: 35 Member
    I have severe PCOS and Insulin Resistance and while I have lost weight, it has been slow and very hard.. 43 pounds since February. I stopped taking Metformin after my hysterectomy because it made me so sick, so I am doing this medication free (with the exception of vitamins).

    I would glad accept friend request from fellow PCOS'ers =)
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I have PCOS only medication I am on is spironolact for the acne.

    Since joining this site I have lost almost 60 Lbs, I am almost positive I have insulin resistance and after trying a crazy amount of regular diets my doctor put me on a low carb diet. I keep my carbs between 20-50 on foods like creamer for my coffee etc. I allow myself as much salad and veggies as I want and dont keep track of those carbs :)!

    I do however stay away from fruit currently since most of the fruit I eat is very high in carbs/sugar and I havent figured out if its to much for my body to handle currenlty. I have read/told by my doctor that insulin resistance usually goes with Pcos and the hope is once I get down to a "normal" weight I can bring back more food items and see what exactly I can/cant eat.
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