I'm BACK and more determined than EVER before!

Hey feel MFPers! My name is Talyn and I'm ready to finally get my weight and health under control! 2013 is gonna be my year tomake big changes and I can't wait to ring in 2014 as a person inside and out that I can be more PROUD OF! I'm a mother of 6 kids and a husband that do NOT want to help me out, exercise with me or eat healthy with me and in the past I admit I have allowed that to curtail my efforts but NOT this time! I am no longer bringing in anything unhealthy for my kids that will tempt me, I'm making them try healthier things whether they like it or not, lol and they are actually liking it by the way! hahahah

I'm currently trying to do the C25K program because I would love to be a runner! mainly for the Large Cal burn versus short amount of time needed since I do NOT always have hours a day to work out. I'm going to be doing weight training along with my cardio as well! My first and HUGE MAIN goal is to lose a hundred pounds! I know I can do this with y'alls support and encouragment! I wish my hubby would be more on board, especially since his health is really suffering but I can't let his short comings be mine any more!

I can't wait to get to know a bunch of like minded people that want my enouragment too! Feel free to add me if you could use another up beat and determined weight loss buddy along the way! LET THE POUNDS FALL OFF!


  • Kimciara
    Way to go! Good luck :)
  • aimeehoward73
    Welcome back! :)
  • Jperez08
    Jperez08 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome back!! Feel free to add me if you would like and we can motivate each other! :D
  • BHH03
    BHH03 Posts: 5
    your determination is amazing, good luck with everything and don't let yourself get beat down by anyone! :)
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome back - it can be hard when there is little or no support at home. I have ben down that road before, and I let my own goals slide because of it. I've moved on a couple years ago and I'm determined to make this year a good year - I had the C25K on my goals list for a couple years now. My dad is a runner (he runs half marathons) and I wanted to make my 2013 goal to run at least a 5k with him this summer.
    Feel free to add me ~ I'm always looking for support buddies on here! :flowerforyou:
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    You can do anything you set your mind to! I'm so inspired by your determination. We have a group on here called Young ladies: Never been Skinny and if you want to join, we will be your support system. Just post a topic introducing yourself and your situation, and we will be the support you need to get to your goals! Something to think about, Good Luck ! we're rooting for you!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Good for you!! You can do this, even if everyone else is not helping you. It's hard but just think of how proud of yourself you're going to be when you strut your new body around and you know you did it all by yourself. I have been down that same road. It's starting to get a little better but there are still obstacles to overcome. Feel free to add me if you want and we can help motivate each other!! Good luck!
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    Hi and welcome back. I was in the same position as you a few months ago but I now put my foot down and make the same food for everyone and there are no goodies in my house. All the kids know that mommy throws away any sweets they bring in the house. My husband used to be my problem too but since having heart problems he's had to start a diet too.

    Add me if you like :)