Advice for a 5'3 fat girl



  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    80 lbs is hard to lose.
    20lbs, 4 times, THAT's easy!!

    Break it down. I'm 5'3.5, and I started at 220, with 80lbs to lose. It will put me at 140, and then I'll see where I'd like to be after that!

    I've followed MFP's settings for 1.5 lbs per week. Once I made it to 30lbs lost, they dropped my calories to 1200, so I changed my goal to 1 pound per week and it gave me 1440 calories. Yay food!
    My loss has slowed a lot, but I'm still losing, so it's good!!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    I'm the same height. When I was in my late 20s, I was about 185lbs and decided to try Weight Watchers. The one thing that really stuck with me from WW was to aim to lose 10% of your current weight and then reassess your goals. So my advice to you is to lose 19lbs and see how you feel. If you feel you need to lose more, go for another 10% and lose 17lbs. Then 15lbs if you want to lose more. Setting to a goal weight is a process and I don't think focusing on such a small number is good idea this early in the process.
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey there :) Im 28 years old, 5 foot 2 and currently 193 pounds.. I would like to lose 50 pounds but I broke them up into 5 groups of 10 pounds by 5 different dates. I figure that would be better for me to look at instead of 50 lbs..
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    Considering your height, I would say your goal weight is reasonable. But it also depends on your body frame and other factors, Stick to your own goal and don't worry to much about others.

    I agrre with this. You actually might need to make several different goal weihts so once you've hit it that you can continue onto the next lower number and not be disappointed if you don't hit it by the end of six months to a year. Beign realistic and not over doing it but taking it step at a time and have mole hills not mountains for yourself is the best way to go at it.
  • tracyprout
    tracyprout Posts: 1 Member
    I too am 5'3 and got to 148lbs and was a size comfortable size 12. I think looking at 80lbs might make it feel like a long road. ( I lost 101 to get to goal but have recently jumped off the wagon)
    I focused on feeling better in myself and being able to buy smaller clothes to begin with.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Aim for a healthier lifestyle, lower your portions in what you would eat normally,
    and find *something* to do that gets you up and on your feet-

    suggestion: Park further away, push shopping cart back into store, etc.

    small steps, added together, make BIG differences.
    You just keep building on those steps.

    While in the beginning, I aimed for a GW....I realized later that I needed to find
    the ending place where I can reasonably maintain it for the rest of my life.
    That's the key, in my opinion.

    If you're doing OK with 1200 and not famished, keep going.
    You always have the option of increasing it by a few hundred calories- it'll slow your progress
    but you're less apt to backslide.

    I'm shorter, 5' 1" and I dropped to 115- that was too hard to maintain without causing me food issues again- constantly thinking about what I can/cannot eat.
    Sticking around 120-125 is mentally/physically OK as well as making my Dr. happy with my bloodwork results.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Considering your height, I would say your goal weight is reasonable. But it also depends on your body frame and other factors, Stick to your own goal and don't worry to much about others.

    I agree with this.

    I'm 5"1 and my GW is 130#. I remember being 130 and feeling big back then but looking back on old pictures I think I looked amazing and want that back. I don't want to be "Skinny", I like being curvy but I am tired of being fat and feeling ugly.. so that's my goal: when i hit 130 and i still feel like losing more then I will.
  • orlandomichael
    A friend of mine is 5'4" and weighs probably 145 and is very fit. She just carries muscle. (used to be an exotic dancer) She looks "just right" but you would never guess her weight to be that by looking at her because , of course, muscle weights more than fat by volume.

    Depending on how much you weight lift and your body responds to that, you may find your weight goals might change.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 5'3" and have always been overweight, so I also have no idea where I actually want to be. I'm setting my goal at 140 (highest weight for a "healthy" BMI) but keeping in mind that this may need to be adjusted depending on muscle or how I look/feel once I get closer to there.
  • Jackielyn17
    5'3" too over here :) my GW is 135-140... before I gained weight, I was 125 pounds, except that for me, it was too skinny. I have always had big boobs & big butt, at my skinniest I was wearing a size 3-5 jean. Everyone's body is different as you can see how everyone also have different goal weights
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Instead of a GW..why not more focus on getting to a goal body fat%?

    There are people that are heavier than their goal weight but rocking their bodies because of the muscle they've built up.
  • mickeyskinnyjeans
    mickeyskinnyjeans Posts: 23 Member
    I am a 5'4" fat girl and I go up and down between 165 and 175 almost monthly. ;0) I would like to chime in a bit too! Yes, smaller goals. Every week I shoot for 1# and I get a couple of ounces off. It took me a long time to get fat, I expect it will take a long time to get slim. Actually this year I am shooting for 2# a week.

    And also, people are always surprised when I tell them how much I weigh. I fit with breathing room in 12s. My UGW is 135 (which is where I was after my first child) and that was a size 4/6 for me. :)

    What ever you do-- DON'T GIVE UP!

    I wish you much success.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    Its hard to say what is right for one is right for all as everyone is different. I know that in my adult life, i don't remember being below 155, and at 5'2 i was a chunky monkey in high school. However, back then I was a waitress, on my feet and walking a ton and had some killer muscles in my legs. For my personal body type, and knowing how i can carry muscles, I plan on getting down to 140 which is within my ideal range just barely and evaluate from there. However I also know that I have an idea of wanting to be 25% bf or there abouts. And in some calculator i was on, with my current weight and measurements, I would be around 140 at 25% is what it told me. I have no wish to obtain the definition and 6 pack abs. For me personally, i want to be strong, but curvy and a bit squishy. The only thing that may drive me further down is my butt is huge and the 12 inch differential between my waist and hips may drive me nuts. Hopefully once i reach my goal, my butt will be down to normal proportions. OOO and anotherthing you could reach for is measurement goals. I hope to have under 30 inch waist and less then 40 inch hips...something like 28-39 would be awesome imho...
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    That would probably be as low as you can go without being "underweight". Dont be so obsessed with the number, the way you look matters way more.