loss a pound gained a pound...i has a sad

okay so im new to fitness pal and have decided to work out 5 days out of the week cause i really need to change my lifestyle and lose u to 75 pounds now. Here is what i have been doing:

Thursday I worked out and did Wii Fit plus for a whole hour using the combined routines (it will bust ur butt im tellin ya) It had me sweating!

Friday I did it again but for an hour and 35 minutes of more yoga so i could push my self a little more. Thursday and Friday has both got me sore in many places. I weighed myself friday and loss a pound. Then I didn't get dinner last night and was hungry so at 2am me and my boyfriend got Waffle house and i had an order of regular hashbrowns and one choc chip waffle with a tiny bit of maple syrup.

I weigh myself today and I gained the one pound back from the day before. I weighed 209 pounds a week or so ago but didnt start working out and went through a lot of stress. Im thinking that I gained weight but didn't get a good estimate of my new weight.. (btw i weigh myself in the morning after i wake up and pee hehe) So yeah really sore today.. kinda confused and bummed out, but i have some things to do today and not sure if i can work out. Going to the mall so i figure alot of walking will still count as a workout. If not maybe i will do wii fit tonight for 30 minutes.

my weight now is 215, friday is was 214. ugh so confused i might have to start over my goals.. im trying to lose 2 pounds a week..but maybe i should count this few days as a warm up and start counting everything starting monday.
Someone give me some input on what to do etc. btw its 1pm here


  • pixiepandora
    Just keep trying, keep tracking your food and exercise... get as much exercise as you can, even if its just 10 minutes a day, it will make a difference. All your work will start paying off.

    Also... try to avoid eating late at night. xx
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    Try not to stress too much! Eating at waffle house 1 time shouldn't derail everyhting! And it sounds like you made pretty good choices. One thing I've learned is to NEVER weight yourself the morning after you've eaten out or had something very salty. You would be amazed how much salt can be hidden in foods - and you will retain water weight from that. Also, working out can make you gain weight before you lose it!

    Just keep up the good work! Try to stay near your calorie goal each day and work out as much as you can! Try to weigh yourself only once a week - that way you won't get discouraged and think a little water weight is actual weight gain! Just stick to it and you'll lose the weight!!! :)
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Hi there... What I can definitely tell you is not to stress out about gaining one pound over the course of 24 hours. My body fluctuates up to 5 pounds in one day. It is natural. If you eat late at night you will wake up heavier than you were when you went to bed. If you drink lots of water you will gain water weight (which is not a bad thing, so don't stop drinking water). You need to determine what weight your body fluctuates around over the course of a day and calculate your weight loss from that. There is no harm in gaining one pound in one day, because if you continue with your workout routine, you WILL lose the weight. It takes time. Also, it is a more reasonable goal to try and lose 1 pound per week.

    I am not expert, but all in all, don't fret about the little things. There are many factors to take into account when looking at weight and your body fluctuates naturally, it is nothing to worry about.

    Good luck :)
  • tgaul
    tgaul Posts: 123
    Maybe you can try to weight yourself once a week. (Same time of day every week). I do this on Friday mornings. This helps with the frustration since we can flucuate so much.
    Just remember the working out will show the weight loss in the long run and keep up the good work. You will feel so much better doing the workouts.
  • ndnlou
    ndnlou Posts: 29
    Hi, I started March 2 working out 30 to 45 minutes 2 times a day 5 to 6 days a week and watching what I ate. I weighed 170 and gained up to 173. I was so bumbed about the weight gain. I talked with dietition and she told me to hang in there. Well on March 27th I found MFP and started logging everything I put into my mouth along with measuring portions and almost everyday I would have calories left over and fluctulated between 170 and 172. I was killing myself wroking out doing kickboxing (which I cut down to one time per day for 30 minutes to 1 hour) and still not losing weight. I was ready to throw in the towel. I talked wityh the dietition again and showed her my dietary log from MFP and she suggested that i start eating all my allotted calories per day. So that is what I did and I went from 170.9 to 169.9 in one day, then 168.2 the next day. I look at the reports tab and calculated my net calories consumed and found that I was literally starving my body. Most days my net calories were 800 to 1000 and on a couple ofr days I barely made it over the 500 calorie mark. You have to take in calories to make the body burn the calories. Utilize the reports tab and select nurtition for your report and even if you have only been doing this for a few days you can still see how many net calories you are taking in. The amount of calories you take in, plus that amount you burn working out minus what your body burns just to function may be making your body shut down and hold on to weight. Good luck and et me know if this helps, NDNLOU
  • jennanostyle
    I had a few weeks where I seemed to go up and down a pound constantly despite keeping to my food and exercise rountine. Even when you're doing all the right things you can seem a little heavier due to hormones, water retention (which can be caused by salt intake, as a reaction to hot weather, gravity, nutritional deficiencies) so don't beat yourself up because you fell of the wagon a little, just keep going and over time the weight will keep coming off.

    Also a little weight gain may well be down to fat turning into muscle, which is heavier and therefore just an indication of how fit and healthy you are getting ;)
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    Hi, welcome to MFP! You are going to find tons of support and motivation here. Other people have said it to you, but I will add my 2 cents worth :smile: Track everything that goes into your mouth and your exercise calories. Remember to eat back at least most of your exercise calories. I would not suggest weighing yourself daily because your weight is going to fluctuate daily, due to sodium intake, water retention etc. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so initially you may gain some weight, don't let this stress you.

    I weigh myself once a week, on Saturday mornings, after I pee and totally naked. This way it is consistent routine. Don't get me wrong, I am tempted to weigh in through the week, but if I do and I'm up, I'll get all freaked out. I also give myself Saturdays to be my "cheat" day. I eat what I want for that day only. This way I am not denying myself anything and lessening the risk of a completely out of control binge. Also, keep in mind that before, during and sometimes after your TOM your are going to retain more water and may gain during that week, don't let that stress you, it'll fall off the next week, just increase your water consumption. Make sure you are drinking enough water every day - 64 oz is the minimum.

    I hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like

    Cheers :flowerforyou:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    shouldnt stress cause you lost a pound and gain pound over two nights. what you gotta do is just eat what you gotta eat, do what you gotta do. dont keep track of your weight everyday. cause it can be very discouraging. then you would want to quit. and i dont think you would want to quit. there are days where maybe you gain .5 lbs. and still lose weight in a week. it all depends on what you eat and how much of it. and if you work out. some might could be from muscle. that is why its better to measure and weight yourself in one week instead of every morning. i have tried that and its always gets the best of me and very discouraging... take it a step at a time.

    i hope you have a successful weight loss. add me if you wish :)
  • fitnessgirlshari
    Keep a food and exercise journal, to keep track of your calories/your workouts/what you are eating and when, etc. This helps ALOT. I do this every day. Most of all, stay encouraged, believe in the process and don't give up! You can do it! Pray, and let God lead you on your journey. I do this all the time, and it helps me a bunch.

    Some of the things I do: I limit unnecessary stress, and that helps me a lot. Plus, I try to get enough rest/sleep each night (usually 7-8 hrs per night), even tho sometimes this does not happen for me.I've also heard different trainers say "don't eat carbs at night". Everyone has their own beliefs, tho. And different things work for different people. Whatever works for you, is what you should do.

    Since January 11th, I've lost nearly 21 lbs. Wearing a pair of jeans I haven't been able to fit in, in THREE YEARS!

    Yoga's GREAT! I have the Bob Harper BIGGEST LOSER Weight Loss Yoga DVD. It has awesome workouts on it. I never knew I could do yoga, until I purchased that DVD, about a year ago and tried it. I was amazed. It's made me want to try more and more "new" things! This year, on my journey...been doing Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds DVDs (Workouts), Bob Harper's Biggest Loser Boot Camp, Levels 1&3, and various other forms of exercise. Strength & Cardio, upper and lower body exercises. It's so great to do upper and lower body exercise, together.

    I also plan my meals a day or so in advance. That helps me when I am pressed for time. Another thing that helps when you are pressed for time, and to make sure you don't make poor choices due to being in a hurry, is this: advance food preparation. Prepare food ahead of when you will need it, and putting it in freezer or fridge. This helps me so much!

    Sometimes weight loss takes awhile, but it does happen! It'll happen for you, too! God bless you on our journey to a healthier you. Have a good weekend.

  • Emi_the_dork
    wow! thanks sooo much for the tip! i will definitly keep this in mind!