I know that loss will naturally slow down after the first initial 10-15 lbs, or so I've been told. I've lost 11.5 so far since I've started trying. Not sure exactly how much I've lost since actually joining MFP, but I have been working at it every day. I burn calories every day that I work on the elliptical, and I've been able to burn more and more over time after I left the treadmill behind in favor of that elliptical. I usually stay under my calorie goal, and sometimes don't eat back my exercise cals. I do see and FEEL changes in my body from what I've been doing. I guess I'm just looking to get some examples of NSVs (non-scale victories) from others for some inspiration, because honestly the scale has been saying 260 the last couple days, even though my official weigh in was 259.5. I know that might also have to do with some muscle building going on by actually doing activity that I NEVER did before. I'm not anywhere close to giving up or losing hope. Just need a little boost today. I'd like to hear some stories from other's journeys about what happened when the loss was very slow or they reached a plateau or actually found themselves gaining even though they were getting smaller. I know that measuring oneself is one good way to put things into perspective...


  • Sondrasr
    I think everything or anything could be a nsv. Some of mine were fitting into smaller pants. Being able to swim more or a longer amount of time. Passing by the bad table at work. Everyone defines thee own nsv's differently. It took me about 5 months to lose 22 pounds but I have also gone down 3 pants sizes. Slow and steady wins the race.