Need lower carb snack ideas!



  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I usually don't worry as much about complex carbs as much as simple carbs. However, I usually like chicken salad that i make myself, peanut butter on anything, or cheese covered veggies. The cauliflower pizza i had today was really good and there's a recipe for it on pinterest. And the turkey pepperoni from giant eagle is good on it too!
    I guess that's a good point.. but simple carbs are found in milk, yogurt and fruit - and if you ask me - those are all things that we should be eating a good amount of - so how you are supposed to limit your simple carbs - yet still eat enough of these foods is beyond me.
    I think I'm just going to stick to trying to keep it as balanced as possible in all areas. Because when you start limiting one thing -others are increased.
  • Sugar free jello is a yummy night time snack
  • Great list, I need to try some of these! I'm definitely trying to go the low carb route! Thanks
    Celery with peanut butter
    Celery with tuna salad
    Hard boiled eggs
    Deviled eggs
    Dill pickles and cheddar cheese (no kidding, it's a great combo)
    1/4 cup berries with 1/3 cup cottage cheese
    Nuts (keep raw ones in the freezer if you think you'll overeat them)
    Sunflower seeds (get them in the shell so it will take longer to eat them)
    Other seeds (How to Toast Pumpkin or Squash Seeds)
    Low-Carb Trail Mix
    Jerky (beef or turkey -- try to find low-sugar varieties)
    Low-carb shakes
    Cheese sticks, such as string cheese
    Sugar-free Jello, alone or with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of nuts
    Make sugar-free lime Jello with part coconut milk -- For a large package, dissolve the powder in a cup of boiling water, add a can of coconut milk, and then add the rest of the water. Stir well.
    Pepperoni "chips" -- Zap the slices in the microwave
    Cheese with a few apple slices
    4-ounce plain or sugar-free yogurt with berries and flax seed meal
    Smoked salmon and cream cheese on cucumber slices
    Lettuce Roll-ups -- Roll luncheon meat, egg salad, tuna or other filling and veggies in lettuce leaves
    Lunch Meat Roll-ups -- Roll cheese or veggies in lunch meat (read the labels for carbs on the lunch meat)
    Spread bean dip, spinach dip, or other low-carb dip or spread on the lunch meat or lettuce and then roll it up
    Raw veggies and spinach dip, or other low-carb dip
    Pork rinds, with or without dip
    Ricotta cheese with fruit and/or nuts and/or flax seed meal
    Mushrooms with cheese spread inside (or other spreads or dips)
    Low-carb snack bars (watch out for sugar alcohols, especially maltitol)
    Product Review: Atkins Advantage Bars
    Pepperoni Chips -- Microwave pepperoni slices until crisp. Great with cheeses and dips
    Garlic Parmesan Flax Seed Crackers
    Parmesan Crisps -- Good when you want a crunchy snack.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    You mentioned yogurt... yes.. most yogurt is really high in carbs. However, if you buy plain greek yogurt and flavour it yourself you can avoid this!! My favourite combination is epsresso powder + splenda, but I also have a few different zero calorie torani syrups (vanilla, hazelnut, etc). Sometimes I will throw in a small handful of dark chocolate, chocolate chips (9carbs for about 15 of them). There have even been times where I will add in some crystal light packets (or part of a packet really). Its really all about experimenting.

    I'm not sure what Greek yogurt you are referring to, but 6 oz of Chobani non-fat vanilla yogurt is 14g of carbs.
    The flavored one likes Apple Cinnamon or black cherry are 20 to 22 g of carbs, so I really don't see that as so much of a difference. If I'm going to eat the plain yogurt then I need to put something crunchy in it, like low fat granola - so that's more carbs.
    Or I can just eat the flavored greek yogurt and probably end up at the same number.

    Any greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom is LOADED with sugar except Dannon Lite & Fit. That's where the carbs are coming from. Might as well have a Hershey's bar, it has only 2g more sugar than Chobani with fruit on the bottom.

    Also, why not just plan your day better and not eat so many carbs so you're not limited to your night time snacks?
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Sugar free jello is a yummy night time snack

    Just made a huge batch of it last night!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    You mentioned yogurt... yes.. most yogurt is really high in carbs. However, if you buy plain greek yogurt and flavour it yourself you can avoid this!! My favourite combination is epsresso powder + splenda, but I also have a few different zero calorie torani syrups (vanilla, hazelnut, etc). Sometimes I will throw in a small handful of dark chocolate, chocolate chips (9carbs for about 15 of them). There have even been times where I will add in some crystal light packets (or part of a packet really). Its really all about experimenting.

    I'm not sure what Greek yogurt you are referring to, but 6 oz of Chobani non-fat vanilla yogurt is 14g of carbs.
    The flavored one likes Apple Cinnamon or black cherry are 20 to 22 g of carbs, so I really don't see that as so much of a difference. If I'm going to eat the plain yogurt then I need to put something crunchy in it, like low fat granola - so that's more carbs.
    Or I can just eat the flavored greek yogurt and probably end up at the same number.

    Any greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom is LOADED with sugar except Dannon Lite & Fit. That's where the carbs are coming from. Might as well have a Hershey's bar, it has only 2g more sugar than Chobani with fruit on the bottom.

    Also, why not just plan your day better and not eat so many carbs so you're not limited to your night time snacks?

    Non-fat vanilla chobani has 13g of sugar. Apple Cinnamon Chobani with fruit on the bottom has 19g of sugar. I don't consider that a huge difference.

    Looking at my diary, it doesn't seem like I eat that many carbs at lunch or throughout the day but maybe I'm using more carbs than I should for breakfast. (usually around 17 to 20g) What are some good low carb breakfast options aside from eggs? I bring my breakfast to work and I'm not going to eat cold eggs.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    Also, why not just plan your day better and not eat so many carbs so you're not limited to your night time snacks?

    This is what I was going to suggest. I prefer carbs at night.
  • if you take shredded cheese and put half dollar size circles on wax paper and microwave it, it turns into a "chip". I then take shredded chicken and add taco seasoning and salsa and turn it into nachos or a dip. I don't think you are picky, its hard to find healthy good that you enjoy the taste of. I checked pinterest for ideas but most of them are veggie snacks or not fulling snacks like jello. I added a website that I use all the time for low carb ideas. She has a TON and they are not all veggies. I try to stay away from carbs also but I found out that alot of things that have lower carb have higher fat (of course unless its fruit or veggies). Good luck and hopefully that website helps instead of just saying your a picky eater. You will find something!! (p.s I don't like cauliflower but she has a recipe in there for cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and they tasted really good!)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    if you take shredded cheese and put half dollar size circles on wax paper and microwave it, it turns into a "chip". I then take shredded chicken and add taco seasoning and salsa and turn it into nachos or a dip. I don't think you are picky, its hard to find healthy good that you enjoy the taste of. I checked pinterest for ideas but most of them are veggie snacks or not fulling snacks like jello. I added a website that I use all the time for low carb ideas. She has a TON and they are not all veggies. I try to stay away from carbs also but I found out that alot of things that have lower carb have higher fat (of course unless its fruit or veggies). Good luck and hopefully that website helps instead of just saying your a picky eater. You will find something!! (p.s I don't like cauliflower but she has a recipe in there for cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and they tasted really good!)
    Thanks I'll check it out.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Also, why not just plan your day better and not eat so many carbs so you're not limited to your night time snacks?

    This is what I was going to suggest. I prefer carbs at night.

    It may be easier to figure out some lower carb items to eat through out the day so I have more carbs to eat at night. thanks for the suggestion.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    [Non-fat vanilla chobani has 13g of sugar. Apple Cinnamon Chobani with fruit on the bottom has 19g of sugar. I don't consider that a huge difference. ]

    plain, not flavored. 1/2 cup of plain ff fage greek yogurt only has 4.5 cabs
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    [Non-fat vanilla chobani has 13g of sugar. Apple Cinnamon Chobani with fruit on the bottom has 19g of sugar. I don't consider that a huge difference. ]

    plain, not flavored. 1/2 cup of plain ff fage greek yogurt only has 4.5 cabs
    Ok, I'd rather eat cardboard or styrofoam than plain yogurt. I just made the switch from the fruit yogurt to the vanilla and I can barely stomach the taste of it. Is there any way to give the plain a better taste? because to me personally it is absolutely disgusting, even with things added to it.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I add vanilla protein powder to mine. It tastes like vanilla pudding. This with agave granola is my breakfast each morning. 13 carbs. Of course you can eliminate the granola for less carbs (6 without the granola).
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Maybe instead of a snack, you need a whole meal. You say that you don't think the snack seem substantive enough - so just have a small meal. Have a broiled piece of chicken and steam some veggies.

    I'm not a huge snack eater. When I was little, if I wanted a big snack, my mom would just tell me to eat a meal. Most of the time a meal is much heathlier than a snack. Think about it, most of the suggestions you're getting are nuts (high fat - easy to overindulge), cheese (again, high fat - easy to overdo it) or loaded with carbs. Not too many truly healthy snack options. If you truly need more food, just eat a meal and be done with it.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    Maybe instead of a snack, you need a whole meal. You say that you don't think the snack seem substantive enough - so just have a small meal. Have a broiled piece of chicken and steam some veggies.

    I'm not a huge snack eater. When I was little, if I wanted a big snack, my mom would just tell me to eat a meal. Most of the time a meal is much heathlier than a snack. Think about it, most of the suggestions you're getting are nuts (high fat - easy to overindulge), cheese (again, high fat - easy to overdo it) or loaded with carbs. Not too many truly healthy snack options. If you truly need more food, just eat a meal and be done with it.

    Do higher fat foods like nuts make it easier for you (personally) to indulge? Is that like a trigger for you? I have a hard time eating a lot of nuts. I think it's because they dry out my mouth.
  • HeatherRM14
    HeatherRM14 Posts: 33 Member
    Celery with peanut butter
    Celery with tuna salad
    Hard boiled eggs
    Deviled eggs
    Dill pickles and cheddar cheese (no kidding, it's a great combo)
    1/4 cup berries with 1/3 cup cottage cheese
    Nuts (keep raw ones in the freezer if you think you'll overeat them)
    Sunflower seeds (get them in the shell so it will take longer to eat them)
    Other seeds (How to Toast Pumpkin or Squash Seeds)
    Low-Carb Trail Mix
    Jerky (beef or turkey -- try to find low-sugar varieties)
    Low-carb shakes
    Cheese sticks, such as string cheese
    Sugar-free Jello, alone or with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of nuts
    Make sugar-free lime Jello with part coconut milk -- For a large package, dissolve the powder in a cup of boiling water, add a can of coconut milk, and then add the rest of the water. Stir well.
    Pepperoni "chips" -- Zap the slices in the microwave
    Cheese with a few apple slices
    4-ounce plain or sugar-free yogurt with berries and flax seed meal
    Smoked salmon and cream cheese on cucumber slices
    Lettuce Roll-ups -- Roll luncheon meat, egg salad, tuna or other filling and veggies in lettuce leaves
    Lunch Meat Roll-ups -- Roll cheese or veggies in lunch meat (read the labels for carbs on the lunch meat)
    Spread bean dip, spinach dip, or other low-carb dip or spread on the lunch meat or lettuce and then roll it up
    Raw veggies and spinach dip, or other low-carb dip
    Pork rinds, with or without dip
    Ricotta cheese with fruit and/or nuts and/or flax seed meal
    Mushrooms with cheese spread inside (or other spreads or dips)
    Low-carb snack bars (watch out for sugar alcohols, especially maltitol)
    Product Review: Atkins Advantage Bars
    Pepperoni Chips -- Microwave pepperoni slices until crisp. Great with cheeses and dips
    Garlic Parmesan Flax Seed Crackers
    Parmesan Crisps -- Good when you want a crunchy snack.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm looking to cut back on my cabs in my snacks
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I like:
    light string cheese
    chocolite protein bars (
    Yoplait 100 cal greek yogurt
    baby bell cheese
    skinny cow stuff
    peanut butter
    peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Maybe instead of a snack, you need a whole meal. You say that you don't think the snack seem substantive enough - so just have a small meal. Have a broiled piece of chicken and steam some veggies.

    I'm not a huge snack eater. When I was little, if I wanted a big snack, my mom would just tell me to eat a meal. Most of the time a meal is much heathlier than a snack. Think about it, most of the suggestions you're getting are nuts (high fat - easy to overindulge), cheese (again, high fat - easy to overdo it) or loaded with carbs. Not too many truly healthy snack options. If you truly need more food, just eat a meal and be done with it.
    This is a really great suggestion! I always keep grilled chicken in the house - i could easily have that at night for a little snack - I'd be getting extra protein, low carbs, low calorie - it is the best of all worlds! Thank you! Why didn't I think of this??
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Maybe instead of a snack, you need a whole meal. You say that you don't think the snack seem substantive enough - so just have a small meal. Have a broiled piece of chicken and steam some veggies.

    I'm not a huge snack eater. When I was little, if I wanted a big snack, my mom would just tell me to eat a meal. Most of the time a meal is much heathlier than a snack. Think about it, most of the suggestions you're getting are nuts (high fat - easy to overindulge), cheese (again, high fat - easy to overdo it) or loaded with carbs. Not too many truly healthy snack options. If you truly need more food, just eat a meal and be done with it.

    Do higher fat foods like nuts make it easier for you (personally) to indulge? Is that like a trigger for you? I have a hard time eating a lot of nuts. I think it's because they dry out my mouth.
    1/4 cup of nuts or whatever does absolutely nothing for me. I don't see a point in eating those calories and fat - when it isn't going to satisfy me at all - I'd feel like I never ate them.
  • you may be on thw wrong diet and eggs are most feeling its quality not quanity