Need advice!



  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Cravings are caused by sugary sweets & of course that prompts you to eat more sweets. I've found that the best thing to do is ween yourself off the sweets rather than just trying to stop. I've got to the point I can have 1 small square of 72% dark chocolate whenever that craving happens, which is usually once a week or every couple of weeks. And the dark is good for you too!:bigsmile:
  • myriamyajaira
    myriamyajaira Posts: 4 Member
    Ive done the same before the best thing to do is not to dwell on it and try to figure out why you did it. Think about how sick you feel afterwards next time you think about doing it again.
  • PeppermintJoy
    PeppermintJoy Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I like what megedoug said "willpower is a muscle"!!
    Sure I too have slipped up and don't we just feel like garbage when we do. But we are human and we make mistakes.Someone said it's never to late to retry unless you give up. I liked what she said.
    Never heard of this willpower muscle. This is good! So Practice and retry again tomorrow.
    When we see what we did wrong we are less likely to do it again very soon.
    I also read on this site somewhere that if you write down what you eat BEFORE you eat it. That it helps you stay in control of what goes in your mouth. I think this has been helping me this week. I write down my meals, take a walk or get some sort of excerise and come back. Often just getting away from the kitchen/food works for me.
    The comment about carrots also works for me. I did Weight Watchers years ago. They told me to eat carrots when I was worked. The problem was I didn't learn to portion my foods Nor did I learn that once you quit you slowly go back to your old ways. I'm learning still and this has to be a life choice with a decision to stick with your meal size from now on. Tell yourself you will do better and try again. Practice this 'will power muscle'. I'm going to do this also, you are not alone.
    Hope you get to feeling better.:smile:
  • jello1369
    jello1369 Posts: 36 Member
    Personally I know I can't give up sweets 100%. So I exchange the "bad" sweets in the house and at the office for "good" (ok, better) sweets. I always track their calories in the food diary. If I want something sweet, then I better get a work out in or eat lots of veggies to save the calories.

    Exchange your baked goods for 100 calories cakes, dark chocolate squares, 100 calorie ice creams (like skinny cow). You'll satisfy your sweet tooth without depriving yourself and living with the guilt.

    Best of luck.