Motivation to get up and go to the gym!

Does anyone have any tips on how to motivate yourself to get up and go to the gym first thing? I'm a student so I wouldn't even have to be there that early, maybe get up at 8 to get there for half 9 (my gym is half an hours walk and I like to have breakfast before I go). I'm currently revising for exams so if I leave it until later in the day I talk myself out of it, but if I don't go I won't start doing work until the time I would have got back home anyway! I know it makes sense but when my alarm goes off I just can't seem to get out of bed! Any help??


  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    Your whole day will go better if you just get up out of your nice warm bed and head off to work out.

    After you work out, make a note of how you feel. That warm glowy feeling? The sense that you have the world by the tail? The way you feel strong and sexy and like singing and dancing all day? Remember that feeling. If you stay in bed, you'll miss that high.

    If you really need that extra sleep, that's different. If you're running really low on sleep or dealing with illness, it might be better to stay in bed. Going to bed earlier might help you be able to get up and get to the gym.
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    Treat working out as any other appointment you set up. You wouldn't skip a drs appointment or a test at school because you talked yourself out of it, don't let this be any different! You owe it to yourself.
    I also make rules....I cannot do X until I workout. I can't do something I want to do until I do what I Need to do.
  • dingle2k3
    dingle2k3 Posts: 22 Member
    I can't give you any tips on motivation other than to say that after you have been you will feel great!

    I'm out of the house at 6:30 every day to go to the gym and love getting to work feeling awake and refreshed. It changes my entire day, if for some reason I don't go I spend the day feeling tired and lethargic.

    If you try it for a week I can almost guarantee you won't want to lay about in bed in a morning. And as suggested if you need the extra sleep try getting a few early nights.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I can't drag my butt from bed early enough to workout. I have tried for years and cannot seem to remain consistant. However I am constistant with working out right after work. I don't even go home, I bring my stuff to work and its on my way home,

    When I was in school it was the same thing, I did it at night.

    I'm not sure what it is, but it's like once I am home after a long day my brain thinks its relax time.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    It's easy for me to do, because It's pretty much all I think about lol
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    Your whole day will go better if you just get up out of your nice warm bed and head off to work out.

    After you work out, make a note of how you feel. That warm glowy feeling? The sense that you have the world by the tail? The way you feel strong and sexy and like singing and dancing all day? Remember that feeling. If you stay in bed, you'll miss that high.

    If you really need that extra sleep, that's different. If you're running really low on sleep or dealing with illness, it might be better to stay in bed. Going to bed earlier might help you be able to get up and get to the gym.

    I could not have said it better. Good advice. You just have to do it till it is so much of a habit that you have to be up early and to the gym. You can do it.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    When i feel that way, I roll out of bed and get straight into my gym clothes. The rest just somehow magically happens and before i know it i'm at the gym.

    Also maybe just make urself the promise for one day that you'll do it. Don't think "I have to do this everyday". Take it one day at a time.
    Once you've done it a few times it will become much easier.

    Good luck!
  • Beka_Elizabeth
    Ok guys, I'm going to post on here tomorrow and hopefully let you all know that I got up and went, hopefully that will be motivation enough ;)
  • ZuriMarie
    ZuriMarie Posts: 12 Member
    I'm trying to motivate myself with incentives. If I work out 4 times a week until the end of the month I'm going to treat myself to Jillian Michaels Body Revolution dvd set. I'm also on a one month no shopping challenge (except groceries and toiletries), but if I make my workouts I can sneak a treat like a new OPI nail polish or another fun item. It's making it a little interesting for both challenges.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    Try setting your alarm to the rocky theme song. I use to do that when I would go workout in the morning. For some reason it always reminded me of what I was trying to accomplish.
  • Dulian25
    I go to bed pretty early when I want to work out in the AM (before midnight) and I sleep on the side of my bed that is closest to the floor and furthest from the wall. When the alarm goes off, I tell myself that if I press snooze, I won't get up and this is everything I works about 75 percent of the time lol. It also helps when you have a workout buddy.
  • Dulian25
    One more thing: How do I create a new forum? I can't find it anywhere.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I don't let it be an option. My alarm goes off, I get up. I sleep in my gym shorts and pack my bag the night before. And it does start my day off right!! :)
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I can't get up and go to the gym in the morning, but I enjoy exercising at the end of my day. And when I'm having trouble getting there, I trick myself.

    I start with "I'll just go, and if I get there and don't feel like exercising I'll go home." But then I get there and think "I'll just do ten minutes and then if I feel like going home I will." And then I think "I'll just do half an hour." But by then, I'm feeling good, so an hour is easy at that point. And I always notice how good I feel at the end, and if I stayed on my butt watching tv I'd still feel tired and bleah.
  • thick_to_fit
    great tips everyone gave LOL especially about the rocky theme song.

    but i recently too am making myself get out of bed at 6:45 to work out because you feel so accomplished after.
    another great tiip i saw was right after work
  • susannahsutton1
    I bribe myself with food. Burn it off then eat.
  • kerriotto
    I've really simplified things and I have decided that I just am not a morning person so I don't force it.
    I work out after work, before i go home, instead.
  • Beka_Elizabeth
    Try setting your alarm to the rocky theme song. I use to do that when I would go workout in the morning. For some reason it always reminded me of what I was trying to accomplish.

    haha I love this!

    Well guys I got up and I went and now I feel great! Wasn't my best workout but it felt so much better than staying at home! And now I'm back in my warm cosy room not feeling guilty! Another thing I've noticed is I tend to eat better as well when I exercise. It's a win win really!
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I start with "I'll just go, and if I get there and don't feel like exercising I'll go home." But then I get there and think "I'll just do ten minutes and then if I feel like going home I will." And then I think "I'll just do half an hour." But by then, I'm feeling good, so an hour is easy at that point. And I always notice how good I feel at the end, and if I stayed on my butt watching tv I'd still feel tired and bleah.

    I do this too. It really helps to not feel the pressure for a "full workout".

    To work out in the morning, sometimes I'll even sleep in part of my gym clothes. And while I love breakfast and need to eat in the morning, I'll just have a luna bar on the way to the gym, and then eat more after I get back. That way your alarm goes off, and you can be out the door in literally 5-10 minutes after the alarm went off. That seems to help in the morning as well, for me--the longer I'm up without going to the gym, the less likely it is that I'll go!
  • Beka_Elizabeth
    Ahh yeah breakfast is another issue for me as well, it's my favourite meal of the day, even when I'm being super strict I love breakfast! But then I have to make it eat it and let it go down before I can leave the house, ends up meaning that I don't leave until at least an hour after I've got up!

    For that matter, does anyone tend to workout on an empty stomach? I've heard that you burn more fat that way because you don't have carbs to burn but I'm worried if I try it I'll pass out in the gym! Does it work for anyone?