Could always use friends and have more than 100 lbs to lose



  • You got this!!! :-)
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    You can do it! I am so close to Onederland I can taste it....but I am having difficulty getting there! Feel free to add me for more support if you like
  • jessiefreshh
    jessiefreshh Posts: 33 Member
    My long term goal is to lose 125lbs, so far according to my scale this morning I've lost 11.2lbs so far! I'm on here everyday logging my food, I TRY to exercise but with a 5month old its hard! I sent you a friend request, :)
  • Well done, amazing Job!!! :))
  • I may be an outcast here but im trying to gain weight. However I get motivation from meeting new folks and seeing their progress as well!
  • LisaAvasNana
    LisaAvasNana Posts: 82 Member
    Love the sound of things on this post. Tomorrow will be One Week for me. Haven't started working out yet. I know that is a big thing. I set my first goal for 70 lbs but would love to lose 90. Planned on weighing myself once a week because I get discouraged very easy. I'm finding it hard now that I'm eating better for me by watching calories, carbs, fat, and protein to meet my calorie allowance. I decide what sounds good, log it, and see where I'm at. If its worth it I keep it on there if not off it goes. If anyone has an easier way please let me know. I will learn as I go but seems a little difficult in the beginning. If it were just the calories there would be no problem.:happy: FEEL FREE TO ADD ME.

    On the water issue I sometimes buy the Fruit2 O and put half that bottle (or less) in a 33.8oz bottle and fill it the rest of the way with regular water. I get a nice fruity taste not too sweet. Or I do the Jillian Micheal's water. Your supposed to lose up to 5lbs if you drink it for 7 days. I had to get used to the taste, naturally, but it does make it easier to get my water in. Plus I found that as long as I didn't go too long without it I felt worn down and dehydrated IF I didn't drink it. I find I like the flavor better with the organic dandelion root teabags but they are more expensive.

    60ounces of distilled water
    l tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice
    1 dandelion root teabag
    2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

    We're in this together.
  • Would love to offer support if I can. I have a big journey ahead of me as well. Could always use friends:smile:
  • takaiisan
    takaiisan Posts: 16 Member
    My goal is to lose around 80lbs.. but i could do with losing 100 i'm sure!! feel free to add me, I'm 21, current weight is 110KG, over 17 Stone.

    Anyone who is in England add me, too.. i love nosing food diaries and seeking out meals.. not much help if its from foreign supermarkets ;)
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    I have over a hundred to lose. Feel free to add me. :)
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    iwoud loce to support all you who have a lot of weight to lose. I have been there in my journey I started out at 250+ pounds. I am now at 179 pounds. when I reach my goal weight all total I will lose 125 pounds.
  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    I want to lose 100 lbs. Feel free (anyone) to add me. :)
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I want to lose at least 170, probably be closer to 200. Feel free to add me.
  • traci1
    traci1 Posts: 3
    Hi Shannon I was told that what ever your weight is divide it in have and that's how much water to intake. I have lost 11lbs I juiced the first week and then every morning I have a smoothie and for lunch good meal and dinner I juice again. I hope this helps
  • Losing 100 pounds isn't as hard as you'd think. Just stick to it and be patient.
  • mogilski5
    mogilski5 Posts: 3 Member

    My goal is to loose 100 too. I need support and motivation plus a little accountability. I just feel alone in this journey and thoughts making some friends would help. Thanks
  • I took about a year off and rested on my laurels on my goal for the big 100, now its time to make it happen! 20lbs to go!
  • I need to lose about 80 pounds. Need some support and willing to be supportive