Wii Fit Plus? A fat gamer's dream exercise!

anyone else using Wii Fit Plus as one of their main sources of exercise? I am figured out a combined routine that gets your heart pumping and really makes ya work ya butt off! Any success stories using wii fit please share! I've been doing it religiously at least an hour a day for the past week and i feel so sore and pumped. This game is totally worth the 100 bucks.


  • beccasetsfire
    I have wii fit but i hate that it doesn't show a calorie count so I mostly do wii active. which is fine because wii active is far more exercise then wii fit. I have yet to buy wii fit plus or wii active more workouts but I want to get that very badly...
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
    I dont have it yet but I want it - I use it when I visit my sisters place. I may go over the weekend and use it as the main source of exercise while I am there. What's your routine? I would like to try it when I go over.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I have wii fit but i hate that it doesn't show a calorie count so I mostly do wii active. which is fine because wii active is far more exercise then wii fit. I have yet to buy wii fit plus or wii active more workouts but I want to get that very badly...

    my wii fit plus shows the calories burned. I've just started to use it. Some of the games are fun but I don't feel like my heartrate goes up on most of them. I also have Jillian michaels 2010 (that doesn't show the cals burned which I don't like since I dont have a heart rate monitor) but I do some of her routines also. I need to try the ACTIVE. I tend to do some Wii and then either Jillian Michaels shred or zumba
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    I LOVE my Wii Fit. My favorite exercises are the boxing, bike riding, and the hula hoop. It is also really cool that it keeps track of how much weight you have lost since you started. (I'm up to 6 pounds lost since we bought it at the end of March).
    I'd like to know too, what is your routine? I really don't have one, just do what I feel like, since it is more of a "bonus" workout for me, as I go to the gym Monday thru Friday.
  • Emi_the_dork
    wii fit plus actually does count calories now as well as how active you are with each activity. If you bust your butt and do your best it counts everything and makes it really easy to calculate how much you burn so you can add it on here. I had wii fit and then got Wii fit plus as a christmas present from my bf's mom and its ALOT better than wii fit. they have the same activites but ALOT more and they are alot more challenging and you can combine premade routines that focus on certain part of the body. For example there are 3 games that focus on your tummy and waist and you can combine them with the shoulder and back premade routine. I am goin to purchase wii active later and see how my overall results are combined with walkin in my neigborhood. I would definitly reocmmend renting wii fit plus and giving it a try!
  • Emi_the_dork
    As far as my routine i mix it up sometimes but if you want your heart pumping on wii fit plus go to the My Wii Fit Plus menu and go to where you can combine the routines. Whenever i combine routines i try to hit at least 45 minutes and at most an hour.. then i do 35 minutes of just strength yoga. - Your gunna be feeling the burn by the 65 minutes though

    Select in this order:
    Warm up
    leaner mii
    shoulder and back

    then set it to 3 at a time
    as you go try to keep you heart rate up once you hit the hip exercises and just do your best to go through them and in between just go through everything fast by pressing the A button for exercises you don't need the tutorial for.

    So far rhythm parade is sooo fun and really works on my leg and arms! Plus it's so much fun! Doing the free step for an hour while watching tv is also a good workout - especially if you wanna shape your legs and butt.

    To do free step you select it (it has to be unlocked btw) and set it to an hour. Then pause it and change the channel on the tv and then unpause it. As you watch tv step on and off the wii board to the sound coming from the wii mote. When it's done a voice will tell you to stop. Then pause and switch back to the Wii screen. The first time i did this my *kitten* cheeks and thighs were so sore! Also use books or the new stoppers for the wii pad to make it rise higher to make the steps more challenging!

    Hope this helps!
  • nikolax
    nikolax Posts: 13
    I up graded this christmas and love it - they are so many more activities than the wii fit - I was going to invest in the wii fit cyber bike what do you think.....
  • beccasetsfire
    Okay I'm sold I'm getting fit plus before I get active more workouts!
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    I just got wii fit and am going to have to give it a try, I will be starting that tomorrow with my continued walking. Hope it is as fun as you all say it is.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member

    Also use books or the new stoppers for the wii pad to make it rise higher to make the steps more challenging!

    Hope this helps!

    Love that idea! Guess it's key to make sure all the books are the same height, huh? :)

    What I do is pick an area I want to work on, say core. Then I find strength/yoga that works those areas for about 10-15 minutes. Then I pick 3 x3 in the Routines. Aerobics is next and I'll do the runs, steps, or boxing. After that I cool down playing some of the other activities for a total of about a 50 minute work out.

  • Emi_the_dork
    i have been AMAZED on how good and tight my *kitten* and my legs feel JUST by doing the free advance step for 30 minutes while watching tv! also like an idiot i figured out you can INCREASE THE PACE with the arrow buttons for a better workout...

    for everyone who is just gettin WIi or wii fit plus i HIGHLY recommend this excerise to start off.....my butt is actually feeling firmer....the book idea works too... but pace yourself! If you suck your tummy in for the super hula hoop...BOY DO YOU BURN CALORIES!!!..did it for the first time for 10minutes and man i felt great after the hard work!!! Everyone keep in touch with your wii fit experiences!!!
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    If you suck your tummy in for the super hula hoop...BOY DO YOU BURN CALORIES!!!..did it for the first time for 10minutes and man i felt great after the hard work!!! Everyone keep in touch with your wii fit experiences!!!

    I hate the Super Hula Hoop ( and I don't say that word often LOL). I am too ADD to do anything that repetitive that long.

    That said... I love Rhythm Boxing!

  • ChristineMcGrae
    I have the first Wii Fit but just got the EA Sports Active. The Wii Fit is nice to have something to do after another workout. Per my HRM I burn around 140 calories after 45 minutes on the Wii Fit.

    Now EA Sports Active for me really gets my heart rate up! I burn around 175 in 30 minutes. My HRM also tells me which 'zone' I am in while working out. And my heart rate is usually at an average of 140 bpm or so.

    They are both great though!! I also have My Fitness Coach - Cardio Workout cause I found a used copy for only like £6 which is a real bargain... Haven't used it yet though.

    After Andy and I get back from holiday in August I am also going to get the Wii Fit Plus and the EA Sports Active More Workouts.
  • Emi_the_dork
    what HRM do you use? I need one that is accurate and isnt too expensive
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    When I started working on losing weight back in December Wii Fit was one of main forms of exercise. It definitely helped me lose my first 15 lbs.
  • ChristineMcGrae
    what HRM do you use? I need one that is accurate and isnt too expensive

    I have a Polar RS200. I posted about it on my blog and took some pictures of the information that you get when you upload the data to your profile on the Polar website. You can read it here: www.mcgrae.com.

    From the research I have done I went with this on because it also has a way to set your energy expenditure which is the most accurate way to track calories. If it doesn't have that feature it is again relying on a lot of guesswork. There are a few Polar items that have this feature. I got this one from Amazon.com for $95 which is not really that bad in the long term goal. :flowerforyou: